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query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E0D9113CE03ABC4153DFB266838F659EDE&rref=collection/timestopic/World War II (1939-45)&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=search&contentPlacement=17&pgtype=collection&legacy=true
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How many nations must be at war to call it a world war?

the US + allies and russia + allies

Go do your homework

HAHAHAHAHAHA I love your optimism

more like USA + Russia + Free allies VS Germany lead EU,

It will be WW2 all over again, except Japan will be with the USA and Russia on this one.

Prepare you krauty anus

its so funny to talk to dead men, nothing personal guys

No one called them WW1 and WW2 at the time.

After WW3 there won't be anyone left around to call it WW3.

Middle east is completely fucked up. Whole europe has troops there. As North America. I think China Japan and Australia too.
South America is either in a civil war or a drug war. Africa is burning too. And russia.. well its russia.
Name a country whos military forces a Not fighting.

well you fucking get my point.


WW3 is going to be a Islamic Caliphate vs rest of the world.



5 de mayo

If by that you mean the European United Caliphate, then yes




once the fresh water runs out

>what is the water cycle?

I am afraid you have been had my friend.

When you start spending at least 2% on 'defense'. We're counting on you, Deutschland.

When the muslims have conquered most of Europe by >muh refugee and US + Russia/China/Japan + The rest (Which even may problems themselves with muslims by then) have to recover it and destribute the land with each other (Of course "The rest" wont get shit besides a 'thx for trying to help' badge)


I'm ready, there is no fixing this downward demographic spiral through a vote

Soon war will consume the world.Turkey will attack greece and get fucked by russia.From that point it will be russia and allies against america and europe.This war is mentioned in the bible.The destruction and death caused will be like nothing we have ever seen.hundreds of million will die only in conflicts.Famine and disease will kill millions more.


Dude, you're already in it, you nitwit.

The final battle under 8 banners etc. Russia fortold to lose, but guess thats how the Armageddon happens

trips decide

cant wait


September 23 2017

>implying it won't be a glorious threeway war of USA + Russia + UK + Israel vs EU + ISIS +Iran vs China
I can't wait tho

nice bovine skull on the top, that really puts the satanic touch to it


>Prophetic trips

US cucks thinking that Russians will ever ally themselves with you. Kek.

WWIII is inevitable isn't it?

the sooner the better desu
worst cas scenario : I die
Best case scenario : i fight and do something of my meaningless life
either way that'd be better than currently

With China now officially fighting in syria, we're on schedule and under budget. Consider repenting.

or we could just stop rothschild.


I think it means that every contintent is embroiled in the same conflict

III checked

seeing as no major industrial nation has switched their economy into total war mode, I don't see how it is. Many small conflicts, but no huge war.
No conscriptions, no standing armies in the tens of millions, no firebombed cities.

A worldwide conflagration

Is WWII Actually Over?

I've accepted that Jesus is lord and died for my sins.

>Mexican education.
No, it's still 1943.

I hope it wont happen in another 10 years so i have a chance surviving the nuclear holocaust.

Will I go to hell if I dont try to make make people repent, or at least redpill them on the situation? I just find it fucking pointless to try to go and talk to people, best case scenario, they "believe" you and now you become a cult leader....


Fuckin Jew





bring on the nuclear holocaust cunts

Nukes are not real


repopulated the world with as much loli wifes, and guns as you can get, wild west law, If you make yourself a nice set up that could be nice, real life zombie killing and lolis all day.


>WWIII should happen 2025 about

>old/new testament discussion on final wars

dude stop talking to yourself. go away


stfu you scum

and I all post whatever the fuck I want


You can't make money if everyone is dead goy.

We love to talk to indigenous natives as well.
How's that invention of fire coming along?

tripfag go



you faggots, you are the ones who kill each other, I am going to be comfy as hell, and refugees (you) will be not allowed in.

go away nigger

Who is running the Shillboat now that Brockgobbler is catatonic in a cardiac unit?


You are a weak nation and a weak people.

go away pedro

It'll be you two started her we give you the honor because when do you not start another world war


I hope soon.

Hopefully soon.


Sage these stupid slidethreads, ffs...

>+ Israel


It will be against muslims in Middle-East after the main muslim countries (EU with germany as a leader) will be fucked by USA + Russia


Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199.

You'll love it, fampai.

Well I'm sure I can find a source of that time, calling the second world war, the second world war.
query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9506E0D9113CE03ABC4153DFB266838F659EDE&rref=collection/timestopic/World War II (1939-45)&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=search&contentPlacement=17&pgtype=collection&legacy=true

query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9A00E1DA1E30E53ABC4C53DFBE66838B659EDE&rref=collection/timestopic/World War II (1939-45)&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=search&contentPlacement=43&pgtype=collection&legacy=true

Fucking this.

Having countries from two or more continents fighting.

uh oh

Anytime from late 2017 onwards.

Probably 2021-2023 will be the actual war if my statistics are vaguely close to reality.

Burgers have been kicking the national debt can down the presidential line for 70+ years now and the fuse is about to run out.

When the usd loses all it's value in the next financial crisis shit will start hitting the fan in a way we've never before seen in history.

China vs US isnt a world war.
EU vs US will not happen
Russia vs EU is just a steamroll for EUs favor

Who are we fighting against, aliens?

aliens wouldn't fight fair, wouldn't be a war. would just be a flash and that's all.

Looks cool ありがとう

Few months, maybe 2 years

Let's be honest, every good story is trilogy

Never. Countries are economically connected. Blowing up your neighbor will blow up your own economy.

it's quite scary how many wars can ignite at the same time, whether it's the superpowers or the smaller regimes.

a major arab slaughterfest is coming, so treat us nicely now since we're close to extinction from upcoming civil wars and power changes along with the jews being armed to the teeth.

it was nice knowing ya'll.


Yes, the only hope for humanity is that Earth will not be the only 'world' when it comes.

Better safe than sorry.


you been fooled by all the "not happening" posts