Who is /pol from Type - distribution on /pol - distribution average
INTP 26% 3%
INTJ 23% 2%
ENTP 9% 3%
ENTJ 8% 2%
ESTP 7% 4%
ISTP 6% 5%
INFP 5% 4%
ENFP 3% 8%
ISTJ 3% 11%
INFJ 3% 1.5%
ESTJ 2% 8%
ISFJ 0.8% 14%
ESFJ 0.8% 12%
Who is /pol from Type - distribution on /pol - distribution average
INTP 26% 3%
INTJ 23% 2%
ENTP 9% 3%
ENTJ 8% 2%
ESTP 7% 4%
ISTP 6% 5%
INFP 5% 4%
ENFP 3% 8%
ISTJ 3% 11%
INFJ 3% 1.5%
ESTJ 2% 8%
ISFJ 0.8% 14%
ESFJ 0.8% 12%
Other urls found in this thread:
Eye Enn Tee Peepee
Based on 114 answer on the last thread.
INFJ master race.
/pol is mostly Introverted and rationnal NT.
Old, outdated bs. Look up the big 5 OCEAN traits faggot
Nigger, we ENTPs rule over the internet.
Do not fuck with us.
Master Race checking in.
Daily reminder that INTJ is the most autistic type. You guys are the niggers of the MBTI
ESFP 0% 8%
ENFJ 0% 2.5%
ISFP 0% 9%
ENFJ here. Seig Heil!
ENTP chaotic master race
these test mystpe everyone as NTs because answering otherwise is almost admitting you're dumb. They are biased and thus useless.
what am i?
Feel with me
ENTP here
Entp-A master race
Entp-T can suck my dick
Hmm. What did meyers briggs mean by this?
Sorry I'm late, but I'm INFP-T
I feel you, brother.
INTP here too. Why so many of us on Sup Forums? Any clue what's the distribution in the general population?
INFJ master race here, feels good to be literally Hitler.
INTJ here
ISTP-A here
Im different i guess
>Sometimes think that a war can fixes overpopulation world problem.
Mustard relish checking in
Sheiit. Yes. I do want war. I think its because my fellow ISTP-As and I dont really have a place in society except for building one and exploring new areas. Unfortunately we were born too early to explore the galaxy.
something like 2-3% of all people are part of the INTP master race
INTPs have a long history of banding together in underground clubs like this. of course Sup Forums isn't very undeground anymore, lots of people are leaving.
how can introcucks even compare?
Right wing INFP here.
INTJ Master Race here
this is pure jewish gold, thanks user
Should be obvious lad.
Introverted people are more likely to spend more time online.
People who like to debate or research are more likely to find themselves on a website like this
Also INTP and ENTP are more likely to take tests like this than many other types so it's somewhat self selecting. Though I would definitely agree that INTP and ENTP are overrepresented on here and other online forums.
can't handle the feels desu
Fellow ISTP here, I just want to fuck off and live in the woods so I can watch the world burn from a distance. Who with me?
I'm an ISTP weirdo
I guarantee Sup Forums is not N dominant. This board is filled with sensors. They're all mistyping themselves based on what they want to be.
INTP reporting in
I don't understand. How can a post be good with a leaf flag attached to it?
This. INTJs can just stay in their cucksheds and come up with ideas while ENTJs get things done
Gurantee by what, either give arguments or fuck off with your empty guarantees.
I thought that too to start with but an NT type makes sense wrt people here. NF is full faggotry, NT is logic interlaced with innate feelings of what's right and wrong.
NF is allowing those feelings to overtake logic.
so you are just mindless drones ruled by the INTJs
>50% male nerd virgins just by personality test
Assuming people didn't bullshit and of course they do.
>being introvert
How does it feel being scared at life?
And what exactly is your basis for this autism?
That you're awesome.
It doesn't mean your scared of life, that's what the -A or -T at the end is, -T being a bunch of beta fags who don't believe in themselves. Introvert just means people fucking annoy you, as they should.
Also INTJ, did it months ago but didn't save the pic.
add another INTJ my friend. wasn't on last thread but i always get INTJ
Are other ISTP's as angry as me at everything at all times? Or am I just completely fucked?
We are an angry people, Friend
We see what needs to be done and could do it, except we'd be crucified by the rest of the world.
What do you lads do for work?
add an ENTJ for me
Another INFP here, i manage and program ERP software, i don't think this personality test really tells anything about you.
Throw another INTP in the pile
Ofc it is. NT = smart and right wing, ST = retarded and left wing.
INTP mustard race here.
Nice rationalization for being autistic.
If only you could deal with those people who annoy you. But you won't. You will sit in a corner like bitch that you are.
for gods sake, use the neo-ir test, mbti is based too much on jung, he had some batty ideas.
mysticism and psychoanalysis
>collecting data about Sup Forums userbase
ebin cia
I just got my bachelors, and a job working on an adolescent psych ward while I get my RN.
Before that I was in the Marines
>INTJ 23% 2%
Not surprised. INTJ as well.
another intp
intp - tfw girls think you're mysterious and a dark kind of funny when actually you're just autistic
that´s autism, not personality
ENTJ = grand daddy alpha male, rulers of the world and true God emperors
And I'm not even ENTJ
Glorious INTJ master race reporting in.
INTJ checking in. infographic makers
ENTPs go back to YouTube
don't trust INFJ
fuck S-normies
I'm with you, but I want to be alone in the woods once we get there m8
If you're an IN you shouldn't rely on the test, it is very inaccurate at identifying different IN's. INFJ's usually test as INTP for example.
INFP bros where we at?
Why do you fags love this Cosmopolitan magazine personality quiz tier shit?
Ay at least you'll have the superior personality type as Ahmed rapes your wife Hans.
ISTJ here
because thanks to this they can know what political views they have
huh, I jumped from consistent INFJ results to consistent INTP results
I guess I'm not Literally Hitler anymore
Taken this several times over the years. Always got INTJ and it fits.
apparently i am INTP, according to this test. is this good or bad?
I'm INTJ as well
Good and bad can only exist in relation to something, but it means you're an intuitive thinker and a laidback sperglord
There you go FBI, CIA, NSA
Now please drone strike my house. I'm tired of being a slave.
so this is the difference between ur average pol user?
ISTP here, i like to watch the world burn in the comfort of my home