Death to Serbia

Anybody who plans to vote for this libshit retard needs to die.
You are the cancer of Serbia.
KYS, you fucking faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:čić

You're fucking dumb

He's like our Jesus, humiliating himself and suffering for our sins.

Even he says: "Imagine what the country has come to when I am running for president."

He's better than Vucic for sure. Vucic will sell thr country to the highest foreign bidder.


Kys, faggot.
Beli is a libshit shill running for the sole reason of making a second round with Janković or Jeremić possible.

the white knight of Serbia.

Sendwichar pls GO

He's a faggot, we can agree. But he's a lesser faggot compared to Vucic.

>he thinks people like vucic

and Beli is a retard lol

>m-muh botovi
I'd vote for Vučić sooner than I'd vote for one of your Bernie-tier libshits any day.

how is this still a thing?

>I will bring Lamborghini factories to Serbia
Kek, how is this dude not our guy even if he's not yours

5 dinars is deposited in your SNS account

Oh no no

Vučić may sell everything to the highest bidder, but this dude literally works for the "highest bidder"

Jebote ovi lik je veći luđak od Pernara

>Yes goyim, Vučić is the problem, hail Beli and all other libshits!

I realize he's a retard, but he's a small-time player

It's better to have a retard over that evil prick

I will meme this guy for the keks of it. He can't be worse than whoever is going to win anyway

kiddo you should pay attention in school, not to post on mongolian pottery forum.
and yes Vucic is the problem, you should expect a lot from half-Shiptar, he sold everything he could and will even more if he stay in charge


He's not worse, the people pushing him are though.
He's there to make Janković and Vučić face off each other in the second round.
And Janković is far worse than Vučić.

>2000: muh Sloba is the problem!
>2008: muh Koštunica is the problem!
>2012: muh Tadić is the problem!
>2017: muh Vučić is the problem!
This is why you subhuman retards are the Black Belt of Europe.
Think about that before you call someone "kiddo" on a Mongolian pottery forum.

Devil digits of truth

Daily reminder for Vucic shills that he is not even Serbian, he's father is Albanian.
You are working for Shiptar and should be executed ASAP

That's literally fake news pushed by some sensationalist faggot.
Even if it weren't, a pseudo-patriotic criminal half-Serb is better than a 100% libshit non-Serb.

Vucicu pederu!
Ave Beli!

He just pseudo, there is not even a "p" of patriotic in Vucic
Every Serbian with IQ>90 should vote for Radule


Yeah no shit he's a libshit you moron. 95% of your population is either progs, communists or socialists and need to be exterminated.

You Bernie-tier libshits are subhuman and should cease your existence immediately.

You are going to vote for Vučić anyway, so why don't you complain about people who already run your problems?

In fact compared to Serbia's standard he is probably center-right.

What's going on in Serbia?

"that's why I will vote for guy who didn't work a single day in his life"
you really shown me

Some shill is triggered that a literal parody politician is more popular than the guy he's shilling for.

Serbians after Socialism really put on a great show, sadly nothing much is improving economy-wise. So many patriots, then do nothing law-patriotic.


Dont eat the sandwich! As you saw last night, it's no good and you're gonna feint.

presidential election on Sunday

When did I tell you who I'm voting for?
And yes, I'd sooner vote for a literal nobody that never had a job outside of government and who's leading a pseudo-political interest group than a Muslim and Albanian-loving, fag-shilling libshit such as Radule.

They are patriots and that's nice, the problem is they are all also socialists.

No no, that's Boskoshill, this guy is a sendvichar.

The presidential election is on Sunday.
We have a choice between criminal establishment crooks and Bernie-tier libshits.
The fact that most of Serb/pol/ supports the libshits shows you that we're subhuman and deserve a nuclear Holocaust.

Who do you support?

I hope will have another civil war so I can kill low-IQ subhumans like you
boy can only dream

What did they put in your sandwich?

How is Vučić a Socialist if he basically privatized your public sector, what's left of it.

>calls me low-IQ
>falls for the same "muh opposition" mantra again and again
Boy, you sure made Serbia a better place by voting everybody else out since 2000 because people are the problem, didn't you?

Either Šešelj or Stamatović. I don't give a fuck anymore.

why is our humor so shit? it's like no one is funny in this entire fucking country, here humor is talking in a retarded way or writing in a retarded way on facebook.

That's a joke to them.

i will vote for him

That's because we're the niggers of Europe.
Notice how the niggers write @lol baka muh niggaaaaaaaaaaaaa yaaaaaasssssssssss queeeeen slayyyyyyyyyyyy [6 gorillion emoji]?
What do our people write on Facebook?
>najlepsaaaaaaaaaa [6 gorillion emoji]
>ljubaviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [6 gorillion emoji] lololololol

>Either Šešelj or Stamatović. I don't give a fuck anymore.

How can someone be this retarded?

Digits confirm.

I didn't vote till the last year election, and that was a problem, because instead of me idiots like you are deciding of my fate

How can someone be so retarded as to support Janković, Jeremić, Beli, Radule and other "muh opposition" libshits?

I don't need to know anything other than to know that that's his haircut to know that this is a bad man

Stamatovic is great candidate, but doesn't stand a chance
Seselj is straight retarded

Something seems (((odd))) about all this..

is there better feeling then witnessing your loved one gettng blacked?

god I fucking hate this country so much

>Either Šešelj or Stamatović

>country Czechs out

Meh, we should support anyone who isn't Vucic or Jankovic because it literally can't get worse than them.

It's cronyism, it's not free market capitalism. I agree the public companies should be all privatized, but he is just giving it to the politically connected.

Now, that's not the only thing he's doing, that's one of his semi-good policies. He is also:

-Paying foreign companies to open up their business here (not even joking)

-He's not cutting the government and regulations at all

-Serbia is 99th in economic freedom ( AND IT ACTUALLY WENT DOWN in the past 3 years, since he's been in office! Right behind places like Uganda(91st) and Cambodia(94th)

-He gives massive subsidies to the rural farmers and that folk, who are his main voting base.

-Just saw him the other day on tv and he bragged about giving 500 """free""" tractors to these people.

He's a mix between a socialist (to pay for his own base) and a corporatist (to get him and his friends rich). That being said, if in the 2nd round I have to choose between him and some Bernie Sanders type commie (like ), I'll vote for Vucic.

Lol a fucking inbred alboshitsking talking shit about the only good country in the balkans. Gtfo Tonibler

I didn't vote either, faggot.

>replies to the same post twice, just to post a different pic
Want to know how I know the "average Serbian IQ is ~90" statistic is accurate?

While I do agree with that, you don't have to go full retard like this cunt here

>only good country in the balkans

Greece used to be pretty comfy before they joined the EU, tbf.

The post of truth.

Well, we will at least know where that one vote for Seselj from Presevo came from.

I'd vote for him you autist. Il želite pederčinu Vučića na vlasti?

>he's still afraid of liberal bogeyman in fucking Serbia of all places
because Vucic selling our fertile land to Arabs for price cheaper than what our farmers pay, and shutting down all free press is much better right?

Samo zvuči pametnije i ima smisao za humor. Kod nas nitko ne bi imao muda tako nešto napraviti.

Jeboga. Tip ima pa dolgo ime.

Why the fuck wouldn't you support Seselj, tho? If this whole election is a meme (which it is, Vucic wouldn't have run for Pres if he wasn't 100% sure he'd win), might as well support the biggest meme around. And not Beli, he's a Reddit-tier meme.

Are serbs just slavized albanians?

>selling land to Arabs
Just like Tadić planned to do.
Everybody would do it.
>shutting down all free press
Are you implying press was ever free around here?

Face it, faggots, Vučić just continued what everybody else has been doing for decades now.

>Support anyone but Vucic
>Support Seselj or Parovic or Canak, the Vucic puppets

You Serb fuckers are imbeciles. Those cringeworthy "SNS bot comments" were written by sockpuppet acounts and people posing as SNS.
Vučić is an excellent politician, and he is facing an unholy coalition of Bosniak-Communist-Globalist Halal Pig Jeremić, Soroš, NED, Rockefeller, Otpor funded scum and liberals.

Honestly hes a Serbian Trudeau.
No policy no anything just pure popularity.

And if he gets elected how long until we have a president wearing "This is what a feminist looks like" t shirt or something equally cringey?

We are fucked either way we go.

>Vučić puppet
Prove it, faggot.

David Beckham is serb?

everyone in this thread should kill themselves

thank you and goodbye

Literally defended Vucic and his criminal brother. I am not gonna spoonfeed your shill retarded ass

I heard Saša is pretty chill

Imagine Pernar and Beli as presidents kek

>literally defended
From what, and when?
Your meme propaganda doesn't work on everyone, retard.


Greece was okay till Europe stoped pumping money and asking them back.

I've seen this "Seselj is a Vucic puppet" meme before, but this is the first time I've seen someone say the same about Parovic. Getting a little paranoid there? Maybe you're also a Vucic puppet and you just don't know it.

Jankovic or Radulovic?

hilarious but so much banter between each other nothing gets donečić
>During the 2015 - 2016 European migrant crisis, Vučić strongly aligned himself with the policies of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and publicly praised German migration policy.

Are we talking about same Vučić? You can't tell me you are a Socialist or nationalist when you want into EU, you can be Socialist or Communist with bold letters written on your forehead or be president of Communistic party in past or even now, you still aren't Socialist if you want into EU and want capitalistic laws. Show me those Socialistic laws he written. I don't even care about what he says, just show me those Socialistic laws. Time will have to come when you will have to admit you been privatizing since 90ies and admit your guilt by being a shitty capitalist. It's not Communism that is to blame for your financial mismanagement. I am just telling you here that if you don't even admit you are capitalistic you will never solve financial crime by blaming Socialism for your capitalistic people.

From what I've read online, Vucic seems like the Serbian Orban. Is he /our guy/?


A lot celebrities support him. You know what that means.


>selling land to sand people

Yeah nah mate

He literally made a campaign ad with celebrities supporting him, and pandering to minorities and disabled.
That alone should tell you something.

>I can't use google

Just look up coalitions around Serbia. Parovic did a targeted campaigns against SPS and where ever that was a gap that Vucic couldn't fill and then made coalitions on the municipality and township levels, all with Vucic and got a fat paycheck for it.

>From what I've read online

Well, stop reading that site then. Orban built a wall to keep the shitskins out, Vucic opened our border wide and gave every single one of them a massage and an asswipe as they came through.

No, Vučić is a pro-Merkel corrupt fag.
The only problem I have is the opposition to him is literal Bernie libshits.

As in he's consolidating power and weakening the opposition.

>muh Google
Not an argument.