Jesus Fucking Christ. I used to laugh at stormfags talking about white genocide. Look at that, over 1000 upvotes. They openly want to destroy western civilization and replace it with a brown horde of bleating hungry mouths demanding welfare.
Jesus Fucking Christ. I used to laugh at stormfags talking about white genocide. Look at that, over 1000 upvotes...
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What thread / post was this in? How the fuck does this have 1200 upvotes?
it does make me wonder what these people will think when he wins again. I'm legitimately wondering how they would cope because I just can't imagine it.
This is why I honestly believe Latin America will be the beacon of western civilization and western values by the end of the century.
Why do americans still think they're a white country in the first place?
So close
He probably won't, he isn't getting shit done and has only lowered his approval rating more and more. Bush II managed to squeeze out another term when he shouldn't have by using Iraq, I don't think Trump can do the same.
Yeah yeah heard the doom and gloom all election. Nobody is flipping because of how retarded the left acts so it'll be a repeat. Only a retard bases 4 years down the road on what 2 months?
Why have you blocked out their name you stupid fuck
>Us intelligent city folks will build robots to displace those rednecks hurr hurr.
>t. probably works at Starbucks and lives with his parents.
Sure thing buddy.
>there are people in here who actually think Drumpf will serve a full term, let alone get reelected
>they think the wall isn't coming
>they blindly trust polls
>they think social justice is seeing a huge rise
Why don't these people see that the progressivism meme is what made them lose 2016. What the fuck happened to liberals who aren't fucktarded SJWs
>The Mainstream movement is seeing an upswing of suport
>memes will outperform cuckbook by 2020
>memes already outperform instagram, tumblr and reddit
pick one sweetie. You are going to see an ENORMOUS paradigm shift over the next few years as your socialist paradise collapses under the national debt and all of your kind dies from starvation whilst begging the white man to save your ass.
The feminists will first double down, then triple down, then their voices will grow hoarse and our rising tide will engulf them.
2018 is a year of change alright. it's going to be the opposite of what these idiots think though.
>racist wall
Liberals are losing their minds lol
Social justice, racial tolerance and equality, and multiculturalism are spooks.
Will they never learn "sounds good on paper but doesn't work in reality"
I can spout my mouth about a bunch of feel good lovey dovey bullshit, but reality doesn't work that way. Fuck these people are stupid
>lost on media, every newspaper and network is against him all day.
>Hollywood celebrities call his supporters nazis
It's like they WANT to lose again.
> lost the election
The gift that keeps on giving
Yeah, and their service based jobs will be outsourced to India or filled with refugees. Oh wait, I forgot the "university tenures", yeah, they can keep those.
Basic libtard logic. Everything is X except when it isn't.
>lost the election
Top Kek.
>All of those racist white country folk will have to come to the cities and be exposed to nigger rape and robbery.
Fixed it
Why do libcucks think automation will cause people to flood to "diverse" cities? The moment automation hits and all the jobs are non existent there will be a mass exodus from the cities.
>there will be a mass exodus from the cities.
That's happening now
>all of us liberals will continue making robots
probably one of the anti trump subs, it's not /r/politics or anything mainstream like that
it's more like /r/enoughtrumpspam or /r/esist or /r/marchagainsttrump
>El Salvador
Ew, fucking MS13 country. Kill yourself, your country is filled with headless bodies just like your ugly brother Mexico.
They are retarded and work as waiters and baristas. cuz you know that is what "proletariats" are
>doing anything other than getting stoned and having gay sex
Well they need to take their bitchass back there
>All of Europe laughs at him
Yeah, well, the parts that are laughing at him are a sinking ship with more problems than they can count on one hand. At least they still have the stick of superiority stuck in their asses.
lol wtf. Is that copy pasta
exact same paragraph
>All of their kids will have to come to the cities and be exposed to diversity and tolerance and see how much better it is
Moving to London is what turned me into a racist, actually.
Maybe it's because I'm poor.
And automation will put libtards out of jobs too. They think they're safe, they aren't. Especially when they dont have hand skills where they can make neiche artisan products.
Stormfront was never wrong, you moron. You just didn't like how blunt they were with their message.
It's the anti trump subs, its /r/politics, it's /r/news, it's a lot. One loon's opinions don't disturb as much as how obviously well this wackjob is being received.
>that's happening now
Yep, look at Detroit. That's the near-future of every liberal city
found it. He likes pasting that same paragraph over and over
Of course they are, the slim majority of their people have pale-tanned skin :^)
but isn't this the main problem. There always winning according to them, but never win. you guys lost so much shit last election, I think you took out a un resolution to keep from getting destroyed.
Niggers have low IQ
Thumbs down
For fuck sakes Canada Another P.C. Tim Hortons commercial embracing immigrants. This place is Cucked to the max.
In 2014 i didn't pay much attention to politics, now im an alt-right muslim hating proud white guyi, the more they call people nazi's the more people start to become nazis
What will really happen: White people flee to white countries or secede, USA will become a shithole filled with brown criminals, China and Russia will conquer the USA when it comes to that, all queer-otherkin socialists will be shot and dumped in mass graves.
Liberals are already out of work due to various factors: dilution of college degrees, h1b imports, and early automation. These faggits are just larping. 90% of antifa live with thier parents.
Because we are. However America is pretty much dead. 8 years of Trump is the best we can hope for really and then the boomers will die. BOOM 40% white. Im sure there will be people who flee the country at that point. Im already considering European countries to try and settle in
this and checked
you called it before I finished typing my post.
>What the fuck happened to liberals who aren't fucktarded SJWs
They voted for Trump. Remember the lady that Schumer was yelling at in public was a democrat who voted Trump.
>we will build robots to put Trump supporters out of jobs
>then when there are no jobs for anyone we will import millions of immigrants
>this will make america great again
Do these people even think their childish utopian politics through? (They don't)
Whites nationalists need to choose a few select countries not scatter all over and slowly die
They became independents and rightists, or at least moved center.
she literally copy/paste s comments non-stop commenting the same shift over and over again,
checked and yea I was thinking that too. If we got enough white right leaning americans into select powerful countries we could subvert them back into being white nationalist countries
>All of their kids will have to come to the cities and be exposed to diversity and tolerance and see how much better it is
tfw growing up around niggers was my first redpill
I don't even know what trump is doing currently. Sup Forums is useless, krautchan is dead, ernstchan is radical left, MSM are lol anyway.
What is he doing? The last thing I heard was that his healthcare reform failed.
>Trump supporters are triggered snowflakes
Amuses me every time I see one of them say this, as they must have the brief flash of bitter acknowledgment in the back of their minds that these terms were coined to specifically describe THEM
fuck off we're full
I'd invite you to Switzerland if we weren't already full
So ACA repeal failed. That means we have to wait for it to collapse under its own weight. IDK what happens after that
>you guys lost so much shit last election, I think you took out a un resolution to keep from getting destroyed.
holy shit...we knew this was coming..and canada is welcoming it with our idiot pm
>they think the USA will be standing by 2018
hello mr chin kee
Their are plenty of European countires where Americans do not need visas to go and stay(like yours). Cuz you know. We own you like dogs.
Americans will flee bringing spic/nigger genes and the ideals of "freedom" which will once again open borders and let degernates live how they want.
America and everything in it is a living cancer of White death. If the US died the world would significantly improve
I doubt the US collapsing under "tolerance" and "diversity" would even awaken the left here anymore.
Doesn't Switzerland already have top tier immigration policy?
It would be better to move to mildly shitty white countries with the goal of improving them.
If a country is good now then destroying its culture with assorted westerners would defeat the purpose.
It should be colonialism 2.0 no niggers edition
Says the fucking abo
>liberal intellectuals
This is great. Liberals were already dying out in terms of births, once third world immigration is slashed to a minimum and the illegals are gone there will be 600,000-900,000 fewer non-whites born in America each year.
Whites will increasingly shift to the Republican party both because Republicans have more kids and because whites will respond to people openly preaching genocide against them. Trump will get 70% of the white vote in 2020- which amounts to 51% of the total popular vote. He'll get 40% of Asians, 40% of Spics and 15% of niggers (lol) for a landslide of around 57% of the popular vote and the bulk of American states.
Liberals in Congress will be purged, Ginsberg will die and Kennedy will be forced to retire. The Court will become hard right.
The new normal will be the Trump party winning 65-70% of the white vote, increasing further as liberals alienate moderates (who will either not vote or vote third party) and liberal whites die off.
This is the end for them, they drank the koolaid and failed to win in 2016. They're done now.
I pop onto r/politics every once in awhile to see what the other side is up to. They say shit like this all the time. I've seen several people reassure themselves by saying that demographic changes are making it inevitable that America will be socialist in 20 years so they just need to hunker down and wait for white people to go extinct. Yet there's regularly threads that mock the concept of white genocide.
>Milennial """""revolutionaries"""""
These people literally believe that 3rd world countries with no whites in them suck because muh white oppressions, so when their glorious multiracial country inevitably fails guess who gets blamed and becomes the new kulak?
here's another thing you may have laughed at out of ignorance and fear:
That its the Jews masterminding this.
They want war they'll get one, just remember - go for the bishops and rooks, not the pawns.
Your country is cucked because the whites in your country are cucks. How about you stop blaming us for your own pathetic nature, emufucker?
Switzerland is 10% non-Swiss, half or more are shitskins. They let them in, then restricted immigration. They never thought to deport the shitskins.
>There will never be another leftist mass killing in your country
>that demographic changes are making it inevitable that America will be socialist in 20 years
I mean yeah, the more black people you have to more socialist your country will be, you know like african countries and shit
At least some of the people posting this shit are shitskins themselves.
The problem is Operation Condor killed less than a million of them across the entirety of South America. It was too shallow to have a real impact.
Isnt Russia looking for people to populate siberia?
Russia doesn't want leftist dykes in Siberia user, even if it would be funny to watch them starve.
That book sucked dick. Except for the Sun Wu stories.
>build robots to replace racist white people
>still import millions of non whites
For what purpose?
You're an idiot by the way. There are 46 million white millennials and 55 million white boomers. There is no "boom 40% white" because the boomers have already been dying off at an excess rate over the past 20 years.
This is why Trump talks about the heroin drug crisis- because opiates are the drug of white people, the drug which kills white people.
Ultimately 8 years of Trump will either fix America or REALLY fix America. Hopefully you'll fuck off with the liberals though, since you're apparently retarded.
I meant for the eventual exodus of whites rom America. But yeah shitskins and leftists freezing to death would be preferable
I used to laugh at Stormfront/natsoc types preaching the whole white genocide thing too. I still can't believe they were right. Not only is it obvious at this point with forced immigration and irreversible demographic shifts in various places in Europe, but the people who are responsible or brainwashed are celebrating it.
One year later and I still can't completely handle this redpill.
There will be no exodus. Over the next 8 years the death rate among whites will fall and the birth rate will rise by 200-500k back to where it was in the 1980s and 1990s. Immigration will become majority white and be slashed to half or less of its current levels. Illegals, anchor babies and large numbers of others will be deported or told to leave peacefully.
It was an exaggeration. Hence why I didnt sight any source you butthole
However I truly hope your right but I feel pretty black pilled lately.
But still go fuck yourself
Every single person that gets sick dies, just like before Obamacare, don't you remember how before Obamacare everybody was always dying.