So it's over for Trump right?
So it's over for Trump right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>promises to lock her up
>gets himself locked up for treason
Do I even have to say anything by now
No, it's over for Flynn
Its not the only source you dorkus
Yeah. I've noticed even Sup Forums is getting pretty critical of trump these days. His end is near.
not if nobody wants flynn to talk & so far it's not happening
Seems like this is a real deal
Trump may actually be impeached...
zrumpfy will finally 100% undeniably unequivocally btfo for eternity
>However, aides to the House intelligence committee said they have not received any requests from Flynn yet.
CNN is not above reporting fake news and lying, they've already embarassed themselves too many times to count, anyone who is not clinically retarded knows CNN has lost all credibility especially after Nov 8 2016
Swedish jew-media is reporting on this as well, so I guess, lies.
You dumb fuck.
So here's the deal. Plenty of shit could be happening, but if the FBI/Committee is smart, they're not going to take his request for immunity. Which, the FBI supposedly has not. House and Senate committees, god knows what's going on in that shit show.
But if there really is something going on, I believe the FBI would instead charge Flynn with something, and then offer leniency for testimony that can later be shown to be true. If anything, that puts the power back into the FBI's lap.
Either way, who here is looking forward to a potential implosion for Drumpf? Personally, I don't know if much of anything will come of this, but there's speculation it may have to do with Turkey and Nunes.
I was in support of trump, but now he act's like a faggot pussy and, just like all other politicians, he promised lies. So yes, you can kill him now.
How about Breitbart?
>i have his tax returns from 2005, it's over drumpftards!
>You dumb fuck
Not an argument
>inb4 he reveals nothing of value
I don't care about Trump desu. I think Pence will be a better president.
This board has been flooded by ShariaBlue fuckwits, I see.
I don't think anyone has genuine feelings for Trump anymore. It's either fabricated love or fabricated hate, but the latter is all over the place like every single day now.
Is Daily Stormer too liberal and Jewish for you to believe?
I see The Comrades are out in force with this one. Also, , you dumb fuck, nobody claimed that immunity was given to Flynn (yet).
The story began with Wall Street Journal. You're still a dumb fuck.
your original statement wasn't an argument either you dolt
>gets immunity
>reveals nothing
>rides into the sunset
would be like taxes 2.0 i'd laugh for days
Lol then can we start prosecuting democrats for treason by taking money from the middle east?
>I think Pence will be a better president.
Get a load of this retard. You do know Pence is a huge fucking CIA cocksucker right?
Newfags, this board is supposed to slowly turn democrat. Wise men say only fools rush in.
This is fake news
>B-b-but the Liberashits! Lock her up! B-b-but her emails! ;w;
This is when you know shit is going south.
CIA works for rothschild, not America.
Go suck your shareholder cock.... they are all international owners, as opposed to Americans, you traitorous dog.
>trump wins
>literally the only democrat in his administration ruins everything
ayy lmao
You're fake news
Please go on and on about what a badass queen and actual goddess who could do no wrong she was, you shit gargling tumblrina.
The CIA do nothing for the US they only care about themselves and who they want in power. They use the US as a testing ground
>believing Wall Street's main source of PR political propaganda
If you believe anything that comes from Wall Street, then you've not taken the redpill yet.
Nope, that poo you're replying to actually has a loo.
Lel "Treason" requires working against your own country to help another. Last time I checked trump is still trying to keep russia out of ukraine, he just isn't fucking over their economy. He stopped a war from occuring I think he is fine.
>they're not going to take his request for immunity
Considering the fact that they gave Hillary staffers who destroyed devices containing evidence wanted by the court immunity and they still gave shitty testimony is proof that the FBI is a bit too generous in giving immunity. Chances are that Flynn did something illegal and doesn't want to get in trouble for it, but the fact that 3 other top-level Trump campaign staff agreed to testify without immunity suggests that whatever it is probably starts and ends with Flynn.
Compared to the turncoat Trump that tried to pass the laughable Ryancare bill and then shat all over the freedom caucus for him accountable for his election promises?
He seriously needs to step up his game.
Go back to phishing Facebook passwords from grandmas, Comrade.
>hurrr durrr fake neeeeeeeeeeeews
>The CIA do nothing for the US they only care about themselves and who they want in power. They use the US as a testing ground
Naw, dawg...
CIA doesn't even know what the CIA is doing.
They are all brainwashed by mossad/rothschild.
Canada is a lost cause
It's certainly not good for him.
Trump promised a repeal and replace deal. He never promised the repeal and refuse to replace deal that the freedom caucus wanted.
That being said, a lot of people were locked out of the drafting of the bill, so it was set to be a no-go from the start. Trump was right to pull the bill, and it hardly spells the death of the repeal-replace campaign promise. It's just an issue that will have to be addressed later after some lower hanging fruit is picked.
yes, a letter asking for immunity as a condition to testify for the "political witch hunt" means its over for trump. Stop letting the MSM think for you.
B-But muh real news ;(
I know.
And now he's gonna work with the democrats instead? What the shit is going on America?
Fake news, shills are retarded, you can now stop bumping this shit to the top
Lel it was obvious a while ago that the white house was entering full silence and damage control mode.
It's obvious that something terribly wrong has happened because they are stalling at every turn and refusing any cooperation, which isn't what an innocent Trump administration would be doing.
I guess Trump was correct about only lasting a few months.
Trump ended up being completely neutered less than 4 months in. I'm actually still shocked at how ineffective he is being and how little is likely to happen from here forward.
Or he's going to force Republicans to work with him before he works with Democrats. Is all subtlety lost on you?
Refer here Breitbart ran with the story folowing that tweet. Flynns Lawyer acknowledged the story.
Why are you a liar?
Ditto. I'm an industrial plumber and when running piping through the factory, If I'm the only one there, I'll jerk off on the floor between the walls, knowing that whoever works there will be living with my dead sperm just feet away, haunting up the place. Sometimes I'll jerk off into one of the pipes that I'm fitting, knowing that every time they are draining the vat they'll be getting atleast a bit of my essence.
I'd rather trust a Nunes spokesman than Flynn lawyers )))
They will be screaming and shouting reeee all the way to impeachment and potentially a new election being held.
These people talking about fake news almost always are victims of multiple fake news stories.
He hasn't been evasive in the least. Several of his top officials have agreed to testify with no difficulty. He is not impeding the investigation either, the biggest argument you have in that direction is that a single hearing was postponed. Unlike the Clinton investigation, I've yet to see staffers smashing digital devices with hammers.
As for the whole "ineffectual" thing, it takes time to consolidate the party. There are plenty of parallels to draw with the beginning of the Trump presidency and the beginning of the Obama or Reagan presidency.
Literally a blabbermouth cunt on the phone with Putin I bet.
Something has been intercepted.
>Trump impeached
>Pence get the clamps is now prezident
Careful, according to Democrats a foreign national trying to steer the US political narrative could be seen as an act of war.
Tfw he literally was such an arrogant fuckwit like the left said
quality post from funland right there
i'm sorry mr Trump I didn't mean it!
I'm embarrassed to share heritage with you
Equally worse, faggot
You trust Nunes spokesman over the Flynn legal defense team about Flynns legal.doings?
>Drumpf will be BTFO
>GB will be BTFO by new democrat president
You're not laughing now are you?
Wow he hit a sore spot.
Still have faith in your loser criminal queen, sweetie?
>it's okay as long as we do it
This is one of the most cancerous threads recently
Only if the cause is to make Canadians as retarded as Americans.
Thumbs down
For fuck sakes Canada Another P.C. Tim Hortons commercial embracing immigrants. This place is Cucked to the max.
But what if it turns to be nothing
U mother fuckers have been saying it over for trump yet he still POTUS.
powerful message lad
I think you're missing the joke.
Comrade, if you want to keep bumping this thread, I'll help.
Watergate took 18 months to finish, Comrade.
Pretty shit joke kid
I love how I have no fucking idea what's going on but suddenly everybody acts like he is going to jail.
I didn't see anything outside "x says it's over" and "x claims to have proves" or "x dose something suggesting".
Engrish hard. Me not spell well.
>muh ruski interference
Here we go again.....
Fuck off shill.
>had Trump under surveillance for over a year
>nothing of real value collected
>didn't expect him to win
>he wins
>suddenly, dems and MSM up in arms about Russian connections
>mfw they waited until after he's president to do anything
This narrative blows. When are they going to go back to "he's a loose cannon! He'll start WWIII!"
>Flynn gets immunity
>(((they))) are visibly salivating
>Flynn gets on live television
>he uses the opportunity to BTFO of (((their))) various agendas
>panic mode, try to get back to demonizing Trump
>Flynn praises Trump while denying he is involved in anything bad
It was bait
Nunes isn't very credible these days.
>Talk with Russians
Russian lover
>Do businesses in Russia
Russian puppet
>Visit Russia
Russian spy
>Have a meeting with Russian officials like you are supposed to do as a head of the country
It's official! Drumpf is a traitor! Impeach him!
You're right, they can't keep their own narrative coherent. What I'm REALLY looking forward to is the "He'll start WW3! AGAINST RUSSIA!!!!oeno1" to fling it all over the edge of the cliff.
Seeking immunity for testifying is admission of guilt on your own behalf. What Flynn is guilty of is the big question here.
This is not good for Flynn, and I'm guessing for whomever he's going to implicate while he's testifying - which will be someone on the blue side of the political spectrum. Keeping in mind that we're still dealing with a few Obama appointees in the alphabet soup (and other areas of gov't), one could only venture a guess who it's going to be.
He's not seeking immunity for implicating a Trump team member or Trump himself. He's seeking immunity from Obama's cronies. Scary shit... for them.
The media makes it seem like having contact with Russia is a big deal, but I don't think it is.
Candidates go around talking to people from other countries every election cycle.
At what point does this actually become illegal?