Which one of you glorious autists did this?
Someone hacked Buzzfeed~!
Other urls found in this thread:
Which Satan?
ugh so juvenile and typical drumpftard behavior
poopy diapers motherfucker
there is that more mature
Is this real?
I did it
Praise kek
This is beautiful
>This post was created by a member of BuzzFeed Community, where anyone can post awesome lists and creations. Learn more or post your buzz!
>all that image dump
>that headline
they went full meme to take clicks or they didn't check what they post in their website when they contract freelances
This is indeed beautiful!
Russians did it just ask Hillary
It's still up? Makes me think it's fake.
Screams false flag to cry about the alt right
Slide thread or retard?
What a waste.
This could have been used to spread mayor redpills instead of memes that will make us look even more retarded then we already are.
GO TO SLEEP FRANCIS, IT'S THE PAPAL BEDTIME. (Also, stop letting muzzos and jews pray in the fucking vatican, I'm not even a christian but I find it cucked as fuck.)
It's a community page that anyone can make. THIS IS A HONEYPOT
It's my birthday today, thanks kek.
it's by a community editor, meaning anyone can post it.
so it's not a hack.
I'm spartacus
OP is same type of fag that thinks that the Russians hacked the election and the ballot boxes.
>inb4 nobody archived it
>It got deleted
heheh cumfeed can't handle the banter