why are american and canadian niggers more civil than europe ones?
Why are american and canadian niggers more civil than europe ones?
fresh imports, not yet domesticated
i'm pretty sure european niggers are more civilized than american nignogs. When I went to london I saw many black men working in clothing stores, restaurants and all kinds of jobs
ya but ur niggers rape and commit more crimes than us
harder to get to NA than EU from africa
Even the most stupid nigger will behave a little better when the cops CAN shoot you dead for chimping out.
Someone post that video of a nigger taking on 10 terrified BritBong cops with just a knife.
Not all black people are negroids. They come from different regions I am guessing.
American niggers are around 20% White genetically on average.
The black people here used to be far better than the ones in North America, they were normally employed and integrated quite well. But as time goes on they're starting to become more and more like American black people.
blacks in uk were far better than the blacks i met in us
>nigger civility
Oxymoron of the year.
>american niggers
make false assumption
believes it
OP is a mad man and should seek help
...are you retarded?
That's funny since Mexicans are the niggers of North-America.
the contacts
I'm gonna civilise me some sheboons when I go to America mid year
We dont even have that many niggers in Germany and the whole of europe doesnt even compare to the nigger density you have.
Our problem is almost exclusivly brown and arab.
wtf, I love Seattle now!
>european niggers
you mean gypsies?
The European ones (the actual European ones) are more civilized. It's the imported ones ("Refugees") that fuck shit up. Other than that we really only have a muslim-arab problem (nonmuslim arabs don't do shit anywhere near the scale as their muslim counterparts).
you are so cool
it's the exact opposite
Our negroes are much more civilized than American negroes
We don't have the whole "gangsta" culture among negroes here
Bong who lived in the US for years here.
You're fucking retarded, leaf. Euronogs are nowhere near as bad as Amerinogs.
Your police dont report crimes. Your figures are screwed.
t. Leaf who's never been to Watts, Los Angeles
Why do autistic newfags make claims without backing them up?
The only point you are making is that you are a fucking retard.
>more civil
literally the opposite
it's muslims that are like you described, and even then they're just taqiya until we get more
take them with you please
>i saw some of them working that means they are civilized
yeah no
no, I don't want to befriend, only to bed them as they are rare in my lands
most niggers here are civilized and "know their place", except the ones that have been watching american media and trying to be edgy thugs like burger niggers
American niggers are garbage apes too.
niggers are the niggers of north america
And they're ready for you user! We love our ausbros so much you can em!
question; what is the difference between the stomach contents of a white woman, a black woman, an arab woman, and an asian woman?
Because the niggers in Norway came from war zones in Somalia
The US has had some successful domestication, but most of it is still wild animals
Race mixing. Most calm North American blacks are half white or have some white blood in them.
They can succ like goddesses too.
I can do better than that, I'm fairly attractive so I could nab an 8/10 or above boon
Just wait 3 generations pham.
They have already breeded with whites and some smart niggers have learned that whites are superior.
Its not that you can't do better. Its the fact of actually finding one like in those pictures. Most of them have
>A man like face
>Barely know english
>Fairly obese
>Bad hair
>Do nog like things
>Nog around
>Just ratchet
If black women were so good like do you think white men and black men don't like them? MGTOW was started off of black women hate and black women even made their own called BWGTOW.
Its not really about what you can do, its what they are in all reality.
They're fucking terrible in america though.
Mulattos most of the time are short assholes who have a frog like face and are anti-white. WRONG
Retarded: The post
>sees flag
ok everything explains itself
For your information retarded leaf, the opposite occurs
i agree
Better question would be why do black people have white palms ?
this cant be true, they have half breeds mixed in with these stats that are swaying them toward white
2nd & 3rd generation black girls in the U.K. Are nice.
I fucked one with a posh English accent last time I was in London.
Clearly you've never been to Atlanta... or new Orleans... or st Louis... or Detroit... or Chicago.... etc. Ad nauseum
Well shit, is every nigger in America based on stereotypes then?
Leaf, stfu - Americans Negros are savages compared to the British Negros.
>why are american and canadian niggers more civil than europe ones?
Go to any majority black area in america and tell me i'm wrong here. Nogs are gonna nog. Were fixing the problem, sure, but don't be a fucking moron and go
>le based black man!
>le based black women 4 be pee pee!
They're the worst race in america/the world. If we didn't have black people in america we would be unmatched by tomorrow.
Well what I've seen the opposite is the truth. Black people in my city tend to be laid back and nice. When I went to the States they were more aggressive
They're not. You live in a fantasy land.
was she bree london?
In from a really white part of NJ but in my experience when I've been to the Deep South the niggers are far friendlier than they ones I've ever met in the north.
I think the north south are the worst niggers like Maryland.
>there are no niggers in Europe
what about Austrians?
compare lambeths and baltimores crime rates and then try to say your more civilized. Is this drake lurking on Sup Forums
At least our nigs are religious and have dads
Nah, Swedes are. Quite literally.
The last black person i tried to befriend, he was new at work.
Came to my home
Sat on my couch
Watched my tv
Drank my booze
Smoked my tobacco
Ate my food
Then went right the fuck behind my back and trash talked me to my manager AND coworkers. This fucking retard also managed to break the door handle to my bathroom somehow.. Never ever again.
How are the nogs in nc?
Based niggers
But that's wrong, OP.
Blacks are worse in the US than the UK.
However, pakistani (and to a wider extent, most middle-eastern people below the age of 50) are much worse behaved over here than in the US.
You guys get violent nigger gangs, we get muslim rape gangs. There's no point arguing which is better when we're all drowning in a brown tide of animal behaviour.
Not sure about blacks here as I live in the woods, but this Grime music is like Americas gangsta rap on steroids. Or is grime pakis music?
most niggers which are really light are only like 70% black. 50% mulatto are just regular niggers imo. you need to be like only 0-35% black.
like obama has straight nigger kenyen father and white mother so he looks like a fucking nigger still. meanwhile the blacks in america that already got colonized and then mix turn out better
Nice source faggot.
Is this a Joke? They are both equally as bed, except yours are Muslim. Are are just stupid
From my limited experience:
Legal immigrants (eg. College grant, rich Ugandan etc)
American blacks
It really depends where you're looking go to Harlem or Detroit you'll see a lot of un-evolved ones there
How wide was the gap between her incisors?
This is the product of a public school education in present year. Please pick up a goddamn science book.
>American niggers
t. The North American Nigger
The North American Nigger is one of the deadliest if not thee deadliest species of niggers.
Who is this blue eyed aryan goddess?
They're both still very savage and you will just see more of that as their numbers continue to go up.
But as for why they're even more savage well... American ones had a lot more time to adjust.
Awful in cities fine in small towns or rural
a leaf
Well i'm going down to cary and that's a town so i'll see how things go. I'm used to living life without seeing very many nogs but there's tons of them down in the south.
Was going to say. This is an insult to the African.
Whatever about intelligence, and if they should be here, the blacks break their backs doing scrap metal in Barcelona.
They generally keep themselves to themselves, and I think they aim to be Frenchmen desu.
Now the fucking Central Americans and Venezuelans. They are niggers.
Real African blacks in America tend to hate young American blacks. I think because the African blacks have seen real shit while the American Black is always claiming to be a victim despite being handed every opportunity.
Because theres a little good in everyone Bosniabro
came to post this
Blame blm
Thumbs down
For fuck sakes Canada Another P.C. Tim Hortons commercial embracing immigrants. This place is Cucked to the max.
Watch Colin Flaherty's channel.
Simple answer: nope.
They're not the same niggers though
haha, that's funny mehmet. you have a lot to learn.
They absolutely arent. The niggers in my country are generally laid back, friendly and very hospitable people. They are superior to american niggers in every way