Blue collar workers

Who else /bluecollar/ here? I'm 23, make $16 an hour, and spend all day manufacturing products that are used to build American homes. Who else didn't call for the college debt trap and got a job that pays well and allows you to leave your life without being shackled to (((college loans)))?

Bump, holy shit I should have proofread this better

Became a welder with 20 grand of student loans, make 50 bucks an hour working for the road. If you're retarded college is bad, but ill make that 20 grand up faster than you ever will.

Sounds like you're doing 4th right thing. I'm just getting started, I still have to earn all of my certifications. Hopefully I will be up in the high 30's per hour in a few years.

if you're going to come in here bragging about how the blue collar is the master race at least come in with a decent hourly rate. to make real money you have to work overtime.

i was making 65k/year at your age and probably only working 15-20 hours a week.

you apparently made all that money at that age, and state it as some sort achievement.

yet here you are, years later, here.

I agree with the leaf.
I use to make good money and I didn't come to 4chins.
Now I come here it means I don't make shit and my life is shit.

How much do engineers make in the state if bluecollars make that much?

>yet here you are, years later, here.
so what?


No thanks ill keep being a disappointment to my family and live off trust fund bux

Woah everybody, we got a cool guy here!

How's it feel to be washed up, bub?

Too kek OP

I am a land lord and rule over you ants. I am the nobility, the aristocracy of the modern world. Enjoy slaving away for hours just to cover the cost of living on my property :)

washed up? hmmmm let me see

>**checks bank account**
>**sees 10 million dollars**

yea, no. i could buy whatever little shit town you live in and re-name it fagtown.

Firefighter/Paramedic here.

Can't believe there are """""""men""""""" who don't know how to start a chainsaw or use an extension ladder.

t. Boomer
So basically before the country was overpopulated and wages ruined by the immigrants your generation imported you were able to make more money?
Cool story dad.

im 30, dude. im a CPA

Nope but I work in engineering in oil and gas, and I've seen how far intelligent blue collar workers can get if they complete and apprenticeship and get into things like supervision and construction management. Whilst we work a 4 week roster at a time and 10.5 hours a day, some guys are making $200k Australian per year or more

You're a fucking loser man. You'll never influence anything of importance in your life. You barely matter.

I'm a college dropout but I'm not going to be bragging about it.

Don't kid yourself.

You're also full of shit.
65k a year, for 12 years at the most, working 15-20 hours a week, and you have 10 million in the bank? If you're so wealthy why do you feel the need to lie in an anonymous Taiwanese noodle cooking forum?

How is life working at wendys?

SMT Operator, I operate robotic machinery to produce automotive electronics

People without a college degree should not be allowed to vote as they tend to be low-information doltish people and not qualified to make decisions that require contemplation and serious consideration.

Influence what? I'm aware I'll never be part of the 0.01% who call the shots, but nobody ever will be without luck or nepotism. Personally I'm just happy with being able to drive an okay car, eat quality food, buy weed and beer, and then buy a few rental properties and retire in my early 60's. I can have white children and a happy life, what exactly am I missing out on?

Also I would like to congratulate everyone who contributes in the REAL Free Market Economy, state workers kill yourselves effective immediately

How does an user get into the trades without quitting school? I'm already halfway through (electrical engineering)

>and you have 10 million in the bank?
i was cringeposting, retard

115 IQ average college student voters are like 85% liberal

Low iQ spics and nigs are libs. Low IQ whites are cuckservatives.

High IQ people are entho nationalist libertarians

I got a bachelor's and master's in ME and got a job with general dynamics and am making 90k a year with 40k in loans. I'm glad I fell for the college meme. It's great that you like to generalize though OP.

I'm a software engineer. I'd prefer to stack shelves at ikea though.

It would probably be easy with your experience. Decide what you want to do and find apprenticeships in your area. Get your certs and work hard. I've only been at my current job for a year and already got $5 in raises, the guys above me who have been here for 10-15 years are all making $30+ an hour and driving nice cars/trucks/bikes. On top of that we get medical, dental, vision, stock options, and a 401k.

Union machine operator here

36$ to do this

Working between 56 and 84 hours a week right now

And I'll buy your property for cents on the dollar in 2020.

>Implying I don't live in a country that's not so fucked by illegal chink money that I don't have a mortgage for less than it would cost me to rent per year

Gb2 China Chang.

Fucking apprenticeships here is a 5 year contract full time commitment with the union (electrician). It will fuck my grades up lol and no point since I graduate in 2 years.

I want some part time work in a trade coz it pays better and doesn't feel dreadful like retail

That feel when NDT Technician but considering moving to Australia or the USA because wages here are shit now.

Also Muslims.

Come home white man

Harvard grads think that there are 46 genders.

>Weed and beer

DUDE WEED! lmafo like dude aliens and shit? 9/11 was a real fake setup bro. Like bro dude! Jamie pull that up!

In a weird turn of events, I studied history with the intention of teaching. After landing a neat internship with an aviation museum for a couple years, where I helped restore planes, I ended up getting all my licenses with the FAA while completing my history degree.

Now I fix airplanes for an airline and make 52/hr, instead of teach at a high school. I still work a few days a month at that same museum because it's awesome.

Everything turned out way better than expected.

I work at a wood mill making 16.85 am hour. It sucks but I'm left alone all day and can shitpost on Sup Forums. I dropped out in 9th grade so it could be worse.

>You're a fucking loser man. You'll never influence anything of importance in your life. You barely matter

What happened to just being satisfied with living a decent life? Everyone these days feel that they need to be important or some shit.

Extremely delusional. Many times your family doesn't give a shit about you after you die. They just argue over your money and get nigger rich with it.

>degree holder in native women's studies
>qualified to do anything

you need to kill yourself

How do I into electrician/electrical Apprenticeship?

Do I just walk into the local IBEW office? They have a website for the local union and it sez I gotta pay $40 and take a test but I'm worried I'm too dumb

pls reply

Nope, just been working at Walmart for the past 11 years and currently making $14/hr.

>website tells you exactly how to do it
>I'm worried I'm dumb
>can't follow basic instructions
user, I ...