Why do you all defend this clown so much?

Why do you all defend this clown so much?

It's kinda creepy. Like, you guys defend him even when he fucks enormously. It's kind of a cult mentality.

His approval rating is 35 fucking percent. Let that sink in. The rest of the world hates his guts. Wake up.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums is a natsoc and libertarian board. Donald trump doesn't support this. gtfo r/TheDonald crossposters.

no one on this board can think for them selves

they just blindly follow him like sheep

it's hilarious to watch from here up north though, i can't even imagine how much you guys must regret voting for such an incompetent and racist orange-tinted demagogue


Bill Clinton's approval rating was 36% in 1993. Remind me who won the following election.

Why don't you post in one of the other 100 "DRUMPF BTFO" threads?
Oh... right:



do you have anything important to add spaghettinigger?

if you don't think trump's getting impeached within the year you're delugenal


Yea and Obama's approval rating was 6 gorillion%.

I don't understand why the media attacks him so much.

Do the globalists already have their tendrils so far deep into the halls of power that they shriek and yell this loudly if someone who isn't one of their puppets gets in for 4 measly years?

Its Rural and suburban retard logic.

High IQ city people hate him.


former trump-voter here...

Everyday i cry myself to sleep over having supported this orange buffoon

Realizing he has the nuclear launch codes, it's too dangerous

>why the media attacks him so much
Hmm, can't be because he's an incompetent racist dumbass who's obviously unfit to be president.

it has to be "da joos" I suppose.

Is racism bad?

>be me
>be trump supporter
>wake up and recite to myself five times that Donald trump is the god emporer and he can't be wrong about anything
>crosspost between Sup Forums and r/theDonald on my phone while waiting for my mom to make me hot pockets
>Browse 5 threads that don't have anything to do with politics
>"oh look at the time!"
>get my special edition green maga hat
>place it on and grab the photo of Donald's ass on the wall
>give it a good smooch
>turn on tv
>flip to Fox
>"and Donald Trump has failed to remove Obamacare..."
>screech fake news like an autistic banshee, pull out iPad and go on infowars.com, the only true site
>haha Donald stahp winning
>continue to crosspost and phonepost till the sun goes down
>hobble over to my bed, kiss Donald trumps ass goodnight

Thumbs down
For fuck sakes Canada Another P.C. Tim Hortons commercial embracing immigrants. This place is Cucked to the max.

I can relate. I fuck enormously all the time. we talk about our enormously fucks over a couple brewskies every Tuesday. trump is indeed /myguy/

>b-but clinto was 36%
Trumps approval rating is even lower then that though. And it's not gonna get any higher if he keeps breaking his campaign promises like he's been doing since he got into office.

The only good thing he's done was get out of TPP. Everything else has been rejected (Obamacare repeal, muslim ban, Mexico paying for the wall, etc)

He's not breaking his promises, federal judges are preventing him from fulfilling his promises. Its not his fault.


Yes, Japan needs 200,000 immigrants

fuck you care Trump?
Stop fishing rapefugees!!

> incompetent

An incompetent person would be unable to win a US Presidential election.



kek OP btfo

Fine by me. We could always use more hard workers



>former trump-voter
GTFO shill

>It's kind of a cult mentality.
It's called cult of personality. Trump is just that. Just like Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong.

Like, I don't know. I mean, like, it's a totally legit question. I asked my sorority sisters and they were like, "right? totally!"

>Muh polls!

>High IQ city people
Yup, all those shitskins crammed into ghettos killing each other and driving taxis like maniacs sure are high IQ and have good sense.

>It's kind of a cult mentality.
>Not like when we defend honorary black man Bill Clinton.

>Trump is breaking his promises because the judiciary branch is stopping the executive branch (Trump) from enacting what he promised to do
Really activated my neurons
This is why I don't come to this pissing hole anymore, you're all retarded.

I only defend him when the attacks are unjustified, justified attacks like "His healthcare bill is Obamacare lite" are justified. Even though he is not the author of it, he did support it and should know what's it in.

But stuff like "He's a Russian puppet", come on.

This place is full of paid Russian shills and the people they've indoctrinated.

>leftards complaining about cult mentality
>litterally have to create "leaders" for other groups because theh cant conceive how things would work otherwise
lack of self-awareness/10
would be offered an helicopter ride.

yet.......here you are...........dumbass

Also "He's a clown" is really not a valid criticism. It's just a barbaric way to present arguments.

Hey Hillary, still sulking eh? Chin up old girl, you could always try for a third time.

I didn't vote for Hillary.

We like Trump
t. Rest of the World

Just......... checking in......... to see what's up....... haven't been here....... in months........ yep......... you're still retarded.......... and it's still......... full of shills...........

"Keep in mind that Trump WILL FAIL! This much is inevitable. The trend is against him and you cannot fight the trend."
"This is the collapse in confidence in government and Trump cannot reverse that trend. In fact, Trump has raised hopes among the silent majority that things will change. His failure, especially on trade, will then sour the confidence in government completely, exactly as Obama. This is when civil unrest becomes really dangerous."

>The rest of the world hates his guts.

They should've voted for Clinton then. Oh wait...

You didn't vote for yourself?
What happened, couldn't get up out of bed?
Should've just had your illegal maid Mrs. Rodriguez go in and use your name.

Remember if you respond to this roastie retard, to sage.

Fuck off shillblue, fuckloads of Aussies love Trump. Don't let our marxist bluepilled media fool you into thinking your retardation is the popular consensus, you cocksucking faggot cunt

oh shit, Paddy, that photo definitely rustled my jimmies!

All the (((polls))) during the election were wrong
Let's quote more polls!

I support him because of faggots like you

it seems you are flabbergasted,

fake belgian-san

Trying to be funny: the post

go to bed

I want cummy in my tummy from daddy trump. :((((((

Because he's thin skinned. Even the most off hand comment sets him off to the twitter feed.

it's a logical fallacy.

His approval is 35 is as accurate as Hillary's chance to win election (95%). Trump is doing fine and you're a beta cuck fago.

why do you keep coming here? you get paid that well?



I always found it odd that shills are so incredibly fucking stupid that they don't realize that their shitposting actually reinforces Sup Forums's support of Trump and reaffirms the importance of this board as a political force.

At least this two time loser is not president.

It's media brainwashing. Unemployment is four per cent

big assumption. Technically, trump didn't win the vote.

More importantly, any moron can win as long as the other guy is also stupid.

>Why do you all defend this clown so much?
I would guess it's because fags like you come here to tell everyone that:
>The rest of the world hates his guts. Wake up.
Like the man is fucking Hitler.
Guess what, he's just some dude who got elected, because people felt he's the least bad at the time. Let THAT sink in.

faggot shill thread

Why do you type like a fucking retard