Why do blacks like shoes so much

Why do blacks like shoes so much

Nigga gotta run

aids walking

Running from the poulice

slave/female/child mentality

because pol retards think new balance and bomber jacket are cool

im white and I like shoes. they tie outfits together. they're part of your look. if you don't care then buy your shitty walmart shoes and look like white trash.

Novelty is fashionable


We get dem so dem white bitches knw a brotha BBC is open 4 buisness u get me real talk

shitty thread op

The perfect getaway vehicle

Negros are materialistic as fuck.

Nogs are famously short sighted, so they are obsessed with image and novelty.
Also everything about them is fake, so they are always looking to show off.
They always have to maintain their position in their stone age tribal groups....its why they never fight one on one because they're terrified of getting beat up in front of their boys.

He pulls in 5x the pussy you do

Black men are pretty vain, and place a high value on having outfits that match. Whereas white men usually only worry about matching /color-coded attire when wearing formal clothing, black guys literally have a pair of sneakers to match every single color of t-shirt they own.

Not political



Status symbol. By dressing in expensive clothing they make girls and other niggers think they are rich and successful when they're literally just niggers.

It is all about climbing to the top of your dominance hierarchy or fooling other people into thinking you are at the top.

Five times zero is still zero

They're good at running.

Bomber jackets are cool bro

They can't afford houses so they buy expensive shoes and cars they also can't afford. Every time I see a black person driving a BMW I know they still live in a shitty apartment in some urban shit hole.


Does he has cancer?

Flashy portable goods tend to become status symbols among people with low income. You see the same kind of thing in working class white areas of England.
And then they stay poor because they were spending all their money on instant gratification status upgrades instead of building assets.

I like shoes, but it still confuses me why blacks like Jordans, Nike etc, shoes that look horrible.

I don't.


Jesus, what am I reading. Running shoes, outfits. Jesus motherfucking christ.

I wear shit thats comfortable versatile and durable. Wearing shit because its "cool" is for faggots



I own only one pair of shoes and i own them for more than five years
Men who have multiple shoes and more than two pairs of pants are probably closet homosexuals,
They go shopping for expensive clothing to suppress their gay urges

>Men who have multiple shoes and more than two pairs of pants are probably closet homosexuals,


Status symbol that's relatively cheap

Breds are fire.

Dude, it's handicapable. Don't say retard, your ableism is showing.

Niggers love air Jordans every time a new retro air Jordan is rereleased stay the FUCK away from the sneaker store

owns more than two pairs of pants, is now a fag

>blacks are a race
>race = politics these days

That's some fly kicks

Most normal men like shoes.

I'm white and I own quite a few pairs. You'll understand when you get out of high school and realize you can't wear the same dirty sneakers everywhere you go. You have to dress for different occasions.

Thnx Hans i got dem from da footlocker 4 free ya get me

i have 2 pairs of shoes, sneakers that i've had for about 14 years and some boots that i've had for about 5 years

>uses the word outfit unironically

Why you hating on bomber jackets?
>tfw I just bought one last week
shit hits home...

They buy nice trainers so that they don't sprain their ankle when they run away from all their obligations.


Seriously, there is nothing Sup Forums about wearing outfits. They are for girls, faggots and niggers.

They get them stolen from them in prison so desire them more


If your not wearing pic related you should fucking neck yourself.

>this image triggers Slavs

Serious answer:
Blacks spend their money on their appearances, probably because they are so inherently ugly. A nigger can easily spend $50+ on a haircut instead of buying food for their kids.

new balance are pretty fucking nice

Relatively cheap status symbols.

Let me know when 22 year old Freddy Porchmonkey is driving a decent car and regularly traveling overseas for pleasure.

>in county for probation violation
>this 19 year old black kid is my bunkie
>he's in for self defense
>flashback 2 months
>bunkie beat the fuck out of another kid and took his shoes
>nig that got beaten's dad just out of prison after like 8 years
>his dad goes to bunkies house with a gun
>bunkie opens door
>sees gun
>blasts nig dad, kills him
>all over shoes and street cred

If dey hav Jordanz and an all black modified car you know they got dat CASHMONEY yo