Why are millenials ''going on path of discovery / enlightenment / spirituality'' Instead of following traditional religion?
Why are millenials ''going on path of discovery / enlightenment / spirituality'' Instead of following traditional...
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OPs pic makes my back itchy
>this crappy shoop is a stock image
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Because it's a less authoritarian path. No sky daddy you have to answer to.
As long as the core idea of piety is still there, it does not really matter.
Yoga=>Hindu=>Aryan Origins
Christianity=>Semitic Origins
they like plastic religions with no history or tradition
Because there's autonomy and self-reliance in it. You have to actively do something. Christianity these days has just become "go to church and put your faith in Christ and you'll go to heaven."
because christianity is shit, granddad
It's the laziest way to appear deep without actually committing to a belief system. Their whole lives are about appearing to follow the trends. Social media is a perfect example of this conformist culture. No controversial opinions allowed or else they'll get unfriended. Millenials don't have any solid lifelong philosophy and it's only whatever (((they))) told them is in this week.
>Why are millenials ''going on path of discovery / enlightenment / spirituality'' Instead of following traditional religion?
I don't know anyone who's gone spiritual.
Meditation is literally just controlling your mental state into something refreshing, similar to sleep but without the loss of consciousness. It's not mystical. It's not deep. It's something everyone who can choose to sleep can choose to do, so unless you're the type who must literally pass out to sleep, it's not above you and unless you don't need sleep, it's not below you either.
I'll stick around to make the occultists fuck off.
Like you.
My gut is literally 3 times the width of hers.
Organized religion is mostly a farce these days
Because it's obvious that relgion is bullshit, but who knows what life really is. It's not like a new relgion won't be made. Like that basilisk roko.
>indoctrination about Christianity being uncool
Young people tend to fall for memes. It's a cross generational thing
>be right winged Sup Forumstard
>anything "traditional" is always good
yeah no
Yup. Dating a Christian girl who wants me to convert but IMHO Christianity is a religion for sheep. Don't ask why things happen, don't seek explanations, God doesn't owe you anything. Just be happy something bigger than you is willing to help you out of the giant shithole in which you live (which that very being created...)
Eastern meditation traditions like Tibetan Buddhism and Taoism actually provide 1) a framework that explains why shit happens, and 2) a method of practice that allows you to resolve those issues, than liberate yourself or others.
It is also not faith based- no one gives a fuck what you believe, that's not a requirement. Instead you are given the practice, and you either discover shit on your own or you don't.
They are not doing any of the things in your post OP. Don't know who you are quoting either.
Is enlighten myself all over her stomach if you know what I mean
>Implying you know anything about occultism
Get some sleep kiddo. Adults are talking
Christianity is gay AF desu, call me when the popes stops kissing feet and calls for a crusade to retake Constantinople. Until then you can take your Semitic shit and shove it.
They're not. You're talking about retards. Everyone else can read a book without believing it.
Spirituality is more viable than Christianity ever was
Because "traditional religion" has been ruined by the jews, so they're trying literally anything.
because culturally we have been taught to pick the best bits and the things we like. and throw away what we don't like. Its very effective in personal development, not so effective in political opinions, hence why we have lesbian feminists that hate christians and love muslims that want to stone them
Because organized religion means someone is telling you to be responsible. Being "spiritual" is making up rules for yourself while virtue signalling.
Depends how you define traditional religion.
I'd define it as religion before our people got christianized.
Christianity doesn't work for modern era, because pope is weak and high priests are corrupt.
Cuz it's trendy.
Because Yahweh is a false god, Satan is the true path. I'm about to take a shit and use genesis 2:2 as paper.
Please don't do that.
I know there are people who'll travel across the world just to look at an attractive man who was diagnosed as autistic when he was child but now makes a lifestyle out of meditation and philosophy.
Do you think I might have a reason to want helicopter rides for occultists?
Because traditional religion has been run out of society. It's dead. Tradition itself is dead.
Lacking any spiritual foundation people latch on to just about anything if they don't become atheists.
because the jew on a stick meme is retarded plus the christian church has been housing degenerates for centuries
What do you mean by traditional? A lot of the people you're talking about are getting involved in things like yoga and Buddhism which have a great deal of tradition behind them.
It's the Christians changing their rules every week who can't seem to maintain a tradition. They'll try to support paedophiles, they'll change their rules on female clergy, gay marriage and Islam, but they still suppress any meaningful, ordered attempt to experience anything mystical for oneself.
Satan =/= lucifer
>Which that very being created
I think he has a right to ask for devotion when you are a tiny insect compared to a multidimensional being that knows more than you can comprehend. You sound like someone who can't worship him because you are too full of yourself.
If you want it to challenge you, read the god damn Bible. Plenty of people in it challenged God. God does not give instant entrance for going to church.
Jesus said the Jews could not be full of themselves and think they can escape hell just because they are jews. He pissed on their party and burnt their ant nest. They crucified him because he challenged all of their traditions and ways of worship. That should speak to you.
Because they are a bunch of fucking faggots.
Daily reminder that Jehovah is dead and the Jewish people lose power when people don't worship this false deity.
Because Pythagoras taught a mystery school after compiling religious knowledge from all over the world. The Jews studied at that school, used everything he taught to write the Torah, then guess what they did? They nailed Pythagoras to a cross, and based the Jesus meme off of that.
because christtardy is viewed by them as uncool and boring
because religion doesn't let you bang fifty jamals a day on tinder without consequence
Could be that you are retarded.
>too lazy to reclaim the faith from (((them)))
>want their own cafeteria spirituality instead
Quite simply, our generation is becoming more emasculated.
Nope, just the people that believe autistic people are angels or that you need a mental illness to meditate.
Because they've been told they are special little snowflakes by their parents since they were born.
because the space jew doesnt do what we ask. whats the point if he wont help us . you old geezers kneel before any jew as is and a space jew out ranks normal jews so its just natural for you to be dick riding
>I think he has a right to ask for devotion when you are a tiny insect compared to a multidimensional being that knows more than you can comprehend
I come at it from the direction that I have a right to comprehend more than I do now. A lot of people who get seriously into meditation report experiences of insight they wouldn't have in their ordinary states and modern science is beginning to suggest that a lot of it fits with what we can understand rationally (insert bullshit about quantum theory here). 250 years ago nobody comprehended the steam engine.
Personally, if I had a terrarium, I wouldn't burn any ants tried to escape as slowly and painfully as possible, because that would make me a fucking psychopath. I certainly wouldn't ask them to love me for putting them in prison.
Because of cultural marxism and the jew/freemasons
Side note: Earthing and sungazing are legit though. Through earthing my core temperature throughout the day has remain elevated and I've just started sungazing and my need for psychiatric medication went down on the first day.
You still have to answer to the sky daddy. You're just making him angry.
whats with all this gen z being based shitposting? they are fucking degenerates like the rest. them having "conservative" is only a thing through the eyes of a millennial where everything is literally hitler
Religion is just spirituality tainted by the traditions of man.
Spirituality is getting back to the personal connection with the universe and the divine and cutting out the middle man.
Cry more.
Because traditional reglion looks down in eccys
Rare. do you poo in loo in sri lanka?
I'm not one of those new age faggots.
I'm going on the path of memetic holy war.
Because Christians today are a sad and pathetic remnant of a once-strong faith. Priests are uninspired incels or cringeworthy voodoo-tier plebs, Religious Education teachers are droning spinsters, and religious young people are basically communists without the heavy drinking and street brawls.
Sky daddy doesn't ask for much. Don't murder, don't steal, don't commit adultery. And you get the community aspect from going to church as well (which is very important, when you see how lost and directionless millennials are)
What's wrong with that?
Compared to the people who believe wet dreams will damn your soul to a lake of fire for eternity?
Have read the Bible several times. Let's start with Genesis. Adam and Eve eat the apple from the tree of knowledge and are cast out so we don't also eat from the tree of eternal life (gen 3:22)
Why does God seek to keep us naked and ignorant? Why should we be pets and discarded when we ask why?
Now some Christians say that Jesus brings the fruit of the tree of life and we live forever through him, which may very well be the case.
And you are right, Jesus' revolt against mainstream religion is appealing as he preaches to actually be, you know, spiritual.
But the thought that we can be spiritual only through him, that we can only be saved by trusting in a megalomaniacal, fickle god as seen in the Old Testament is, to me, a little unsettling.
Buddhists and Taoists want you to be a fucking adult, own your shit, and don't expect daddy to bail you out.
And yeah every Christian I talk to about this always blames it on ego, pride, etc etc. I'm just a man asking questions. If doubt equals the sin of pride then your religion might be for sheep.
To be different then their parents.
True path of enlightment inevitably leads back to traditional religion
Thumbs down
For fuck sakes Canada Another P.C. Tim Hortons commercial embracing immigrants. This place is Cucked to the max.
Because it's natural for an healthy person to be spiritual and to believe in something greater than him. Also, it lets you think and research by yourself what could be the truth in this ocean of lies and half-truths. One of the first reasons i've ended on Sup Forums to begin with.
We're not pets if we have the option to leave.
Source? Sounds interesting.
Whilst I won't speculate about damning or eternity, not having wet dreams or masturbating absolutely will damn your prostate.
Because religion is gay and I hate going to church lol
ITT: edgy high schoolers trying to look edgy for their edgy friends in high school
>And yeah every Christian I talk to about this always blames it on ego, pride, etc etc.
It seems to me that the Buddhists try to throw out ego to obtain a wider perspective and a better way of behaving. Christians try to throw out pride and replace it with the will of a deity who behaves in an egotistical, prideful way most of the time. We would consider any human who acted like the god of the Old Testament gaslighting and abusive.
because there is nothing for them to cling to
gen Y is going to build the next "ideal" and millenials or genz will be the silent generation, lots of crisis on the way
>embark on a journey of self-improvement
>discover things for yourself instead of just believing what some institution tells you
>realize that you have potential to become a demigod though your own achievements and efforts
>go to church
>get told refugees are great and that jesus wants you to open your heart to them
>eventually convince you to bow down to allah/yaweh/demiurge for the sake of 'world peace'
>child sex abuse
Yeah, I think it's a good thing that more people are going to yoga classes and practising meditation instead of being a sheep and letting clergy tell you what to do.
People who do this sort of thing end up taking influences from all sorts of different spiritual belief systems and gain a more nuanced view as a result. As opposed to those who just stick to one religion and claim it's the right one.
Folkish paganism is a traditional religion, but it involves alot more personal exploration and involvement than just sticking to an organized religion. Plus, it's way better faggy Wicca or cucked Christianity.
ITT: someone with no actual opinions chips in with buzzwords to feel better
>talking about Christian values
Because they want to be edgy with their fedora stance while fulfilling their lives with spirituality.
Everyone realizes in current year that religion only makes sense for people who are fortunate in life. For the kid who grows up getting beaten and raped and develops schizophrenia at 18 and wanders the streets yelling at lampposts until he freezes to death at age 20 it's hard to fathom a "perfect" or "loving" God creating such a creature.
Not if you read the Bible and know how much of an asshole God can be for simply turning around.
Nice and informative infograph, user. Do you guys still have problems with terrorists like the Tamil Tiger? Note: I have no idea who they are or what they wanted but they blew things up.
Also how do you feel about M.I.A?
Idk but their dumb lol. Ever since finding pol I am a Christian and redpilled and protecting the white race, and no fap and no degenerate things like drugs or "self discovery" lmao what the fuck is that just go to Church and read the bible am i rite bros
Because they wanna feel special. Faggots.
Idk about meditation and shit but I do wanna start going /out/ more.
>Why are millenials ''going on path of discovery / enlightenment / spirituality'' Instead of following traditional religion?
They're not mutually exclusive.
>become a demigod
The traditional religion forgot itself, and people picked up on it. If you're going to partake in falsity, it might as well be one of your own making.
That's funny you say that. Very unfortunate in life here. Very thankful for God despite my misfortunes and misgivings. The whole thing about giving man free will kinda kills your argument, btw.
Aryan = Persian
Hindus are not Aryan
Joining a church is the best way to meet women and socialize if you're a social recluse weirdo. They won't kick you out of any groups as long as you don't spaz.
You gigantic oaf, your entire post describes traditional religion. Meanwhile doing yoga or meditation or psychedelics you are directly engaged with the truth.
>read the god damn bible
Woah. Get a load of this guy
Because all traditional religions are full of shit?
>why are fedoras becoming even more fedorable and not breeding while Christians are saving the West?
Deus Vult, of course.
Hinduism originated from the Vedic religion which does have Aryan roots en.wikipedia.org
>don't commit adultery
but the boomers and gen x said adultery is good?
Hinduism is jist a rip pff of all things Persian
Millenial here.
I always followed the Golden Rule and started backing away from religion when I realized that religion is a construct of man. While it is beneficial for most communities, it is subject to corruption and abuse.
I only became "spiritually aware" when I decided to try DMT. Wew lad. Everything opened up. I still follow the Golden Rule. Life is fantastic.