i spit on you Sup Forums the alliance between poland and you is finished
i spit on you Sup Forums the alliance between poland and you is finished
Other urls found in this thread:
poland pls no
yeah well fuck you
You can unclog my toilet if you want
How ... how can people do things like this in public? It's no different then seeing the fat ugly social justice warriors marching... has reddit got no shame?
>How ... how can people do things like this in public?
You see all those millennial meme-spouting nu-males behind her? yeah, that's how
>hates reddit
>says "cringe"
Back to r/cringeworthy
I completely understand
>implying hating reddit is a bad thing
Hello there, redditspic
>4 niggers in the background
>American "right wing extremists"
So it's just numales following whatever is popular at the moment to get pucci probably ex Bernie voters
But what if I physically cringed at the picture and I even said "ughhh" under my breath
>So it's just numales following whatever is popular at the moment
Pretty much
disgusting. plebbitors should be burn on a pyre.
Nice reading comprehension, reddit
That is called second-hand embarrassed, retard.
Go "cringe" on reddit
Thumbs down
For fuck sakes Canada Another P.C. Tim Hortons commercial embracing immigrants. This place is Cucked to the max.
Cringing at your autism right now boyo
Wait, what the fuck?
how can redditors praise kek?
Because "Kek" was always reddit
>redditspaced post
>getting angry at people for hating reddit
>using projecting
Hola, reddito
>"Kek" was always reddit
Now I KNOW you're redditscum, Paco.
you fucking retard, kek requieres digits
"kekistani" and fag shit like this is reddit
but the kek thing is about meme magic Sup Forums /x/ and Sup Forums
The usage of the word "kek" itself on Sup Forums dates back 10 years, to when everyone and their mom was playing WoW
It was always reddit, you fucking newfag. If you didn't notice the overwhelming reddit invasion in 2015 you must have been part of it..
Fuck, the Flynn reaction shows it better than anything else. Old Sup Forums would have revelled in the possibility of a president being impeached. Nu/pol/ sharted all over itself autistically because he's "our guy!1!"
>she has a motherfucking fanny pack
>redditspaced post
>actually believing the Flynn story (and not taking it within the context of the actual statement released by his legal counsel)
>ignores that people have been posting the word on this site for almost a decade now
yeah, and some people on /x/ found out that kek is also an ancient egyptian chaos god in with a frog head
>reddit doesn't steal and corrupt memes to make them theirs
Now I know your a newfag
>redditspaced post
How would you know it's redditspaced?
I knew I forgot about something
Maybe they go on pol and reddit?
Redford kinda gay, but they have more variety. They look up to us, and we're their abusive father.
/x/ is reddit-tier itself when it comes to occult shit though
>guys how do I get a succubus gf
>guys I want a MLP pony tulpa
>guys I meditated for 6 months and im still not enlightened what do
>guys im the illerminaty ask me anything
>dude Coast to Coast AM lmao
>dude lets troll Art Bell lmao
>more RP
>more succubi
I don't have to go to Africa to know it's a shithole filled with disease, starvation, and niggers. Similarly, I don't have to go to reddit to know how redditors act/post (especially since they come here)
>baginas are browsing Sup Forums right now
W-what do you want from us ?
I'm not giving your my rare pepe, neither my shekels.
>Drunk toilet cleaners leaving us
Fuck these assholes!
I mean, they might be out supporting Trump, arguing for a strong border, and shouting in the faces of the butt-hurt opposition, but FUCK THEM for leaving their keyboards and allowing themselves to be photographed smiling with a couple dindus in the background FUCK THEM!!
(Am I doing this right?)
>the alliance between poland and you is finished
>thinks he can secede just like that
Get a load of this guy!
That's the most retarded comparison I've heard in a long time.
>TFW failed to take pepe back from the normies
>TFW that girl doesn't even know what 2hu is
P.S. Wen we be gettin dem repo-ratshuns?