Why do liberal memes suck so bad ?

Why do SJW and Liberal Memes suck so bad ?
Ironically enough, isn't this the social class of
"Artist" you would think that their memeing would be top tier
but its not

They must be doing something right since you're so butthurt about it.


Who said that the nazi meme was good ?and that Storm Fags where not retards ?
Who said I was butthurt
It really sucks
Its a horrible meme

You realize Sup Forums STEALS heavily from chan culture which isn't really right wing. Sure, Sup Forums puts it's own spin to it and has some things unique to them but pretend like it's Sup Forums vs random people on twitter is just bullshit.

Another big reason is that SJW's take themselves more seriously than people on Sup Forums as you'd run the risk of real heavy social taboo.


They didn't retreat from Stalingrad, they got encircled so couldn't retreat, that was pretty much the whole fucking point.

Not really sure but I found this Asian restaurant in Santa Monica called "Yellow Fever" which is racist and hilarious.

Liberals are literally mentally ill, there's a reason why Conservatives can impersonate liberals but the opposite never occurs

Because their point of view is fake and forced.

I dunno man, I thought the Colbert Report was funny when it was aired.

wit and humor takes intelligence, all the left have is indoctrination

'Artists' are the equivalent of factory workers now; churning out products to be sold to the indebted 'consumer' in their stupour of socially conformist 'individuality'.

Its better than what we usually see?

>MSM flag on the right

Fucking faggot shills, pretending to be based but having blatant fucking subliminal flags so people trust CNN and other cuck networks...


What the fuck is that? Some display from a museum? It's creepy as shit.

Is funny because Krump iz Nazi ;;))))

>He likes Drumpf
>HE unironically think the fat orange fuck and he arent a living joke

Art degrees were a mistake

If you don't like Trump round here you must be a "commie", "Libtard" or whatever other slur the alt-"right" kids are using these days. They're convinced that nobody on the right could possibly dislike Trump because they see the meme and not the man.

You just outed yourself as a commie, pal.

I voted for, and support him because I believe he is the only candidate with enough of a back bone to not bow to the constant fucking whining of the militant left. At the end of the day, I just want to be left the fuck alone. With ANY other candidate, that was an impossibility. I wanted to vote for Cruz, but he didn't even have a chance really. When it came down to the actual voting day, I was left with one candidate who was actively pushing this SJW bullshit, and one who was at least on the surface against it. I chose the latter.

some user made a good post about it in a similar thread. but it basically came down to their humour being safe commercial humour

That's fair enough, I entirely understand and would likely have done the same in your position. I'm just questioning the attitude of a great number of your countrymen on Sup Forums who are incapable of accepting criticism and who it would seem have actively changed their values to conform with that (assuming they aren't just newfags).

I spent plenty of time defending Trump from unfair criticism but the cult of personality that's built up around him is far from reasonable and divorced from reality.

But sure, just wanting to piss off some whining faggots on Twitter is plenty reason enough to have voted for him. I will never criticise the decision to vote for him, even above the other potential Republican candidates desu.