Sup Forums B-T-F-O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Confirmed! TRUMP’s Department of State is going back to normal refugee admission numbers
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holy shit
Trump made us his c u c k s
>first phase: denial
>WND has confirmed through a State Department spokesperson
Something seems off. But if so, we need to kill him.
>right now the situation in somalia could any time become a full blown famine creating 4 million refugees
>trump will accept more refugees
I hope but it's pretty bad. If I correctly understand this, the hawaiian judge only ruled that the refugee taking "cap" had to go back to Obama levels, but Trump was not obliged in any way to take as many anyways. He could have a cap of 2.000.000 and take 3 if he wanted.
If I correctly understand, that is.
But frankly if he renigs, that would destroy ALL of his support.
So I don't buy this article, I'll wait for more substantial reports and the US press release.
Civil war then.
It isn't that Trump wants this.
It is simply that he is so ineffective and useless, that he will never receive the vast majority of what he wants.
He is too stupid to implement laws.
The funny thing is that he is setting up republicans to get slaughtered in the house in 2018, and then lose to a Bernie/Warren/Asparagus by 2020.
>Corcoran said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has still not chosen a political appointment to head up the key position that runs refugee resettlement program. That position is deputy assistant-secretary of state for Population, Refugees and Migration. So the program continues to be run by entrenched federal bureaucrats with close ties to the nine federal resettlement agencies.
Puuuurge them for fucks sake
>It is simply that he is so ineffective and useless, that he will never receive the vast majority of what he wants.
>He is too stupid to implement laws.
He could persuade them in alternative manners. But clearly your a shill so you'll just blatantly ignore how he handled the health care reforms.
Well, he did get blown the fuck out for a third time.
>chinese judge
>shareblue paying for the subversion
China is really causing havoc.
Wow. 42 pages in two hours!? I know Aidan's were smart, but it's almost like he had this ruling written before ever hearing the case.
>Sup Forums B-T-F-O
The only people that write that are not from here.
You could have been more persuasive, but you really wanted to rub it in. Like you wanted to demoralize people.
Lel, Turmp's persuasion/deal making went over like a fart in the hurricane during the ACA repeal attempt.
Face it, he hasn't negotiated shit and can't even secure enough votes within his own party for anything that he wants.
He ended up pissing off the freedom caucus, which may as well be the same thing as shooting his legislative prospects in the neck.
What we are witnessing is a historic collapse of a presidency in its supposed honeymood period, where even within the ruling party itself there doesn't exist enough consensus to accomplish anything.
>China is really causing havoc.
That's an American citizen, you unpatriotic nigger.
Guess I'm going back to not following politics. I'll go out with a nice bang if I ever get terminal cancer though
>Face it, he hasn't negotiated shit and can't even secure enough votes within his own party for anything that he wants.
Confirmed shill thread?
>That's an American citizen
Is it.. Because he sure looks like a chink to me.
Oh and he's obama installed. Obama isn't entirely a patriotic citizen either.
Does Sup Forums legitimately have Stockholm's syndrome for trump?? Nah this the final straw we've lost him to the deep state.
Sh-shut up y-you shill
Can someone explain to me why the hell can a single judge have the ability to block an order from the president? In other words, you can't accomplish jack shit in this case because some salty motherfucker can block any order for arbitary reasons.
Confirmed Obamacare being on the books as Trump checks out of the white house is what you mean.
Great cognitive dissonance coming from Scott's 7000 view failing youtube channel.
This is a really sad attempt to spin losing on healthcare into anything good.
Sup Forums never learns
Read the fucking article.
It's all fucking made up with no actual source.
>considering foreigners americans
>calls himself patriotic
lmaoooo go suck nigger dick
I was legitimately a huge supporter but this awful healthcare bill he keep s shilling his sabotaging against his own party members and now this. But if you speak badly against "god emperor" all these retards do here is call you a shill or a cuck
That's the point of the Supreme Court, jackass.
A president isn't supposed to be a dictator.
Confirmed shill, the source was false, the posts were nothing but "Sup Forums blown the fuck out" like you distinguish yourself from the others.
Why are you shill faggots so bad at image macros?
It is like you are faggot retards being paid to do something you no longer believe in but you need the money for your weed and AIDS drugs.
this type of thing only happens when retards are in power. very rare! sad!
Rando idiot judges can block whatever they want because theoretically they speak for the "judicial branch" which is coequal to the executive. Fortunately he can only block it for as long as it takes for a higher court to overrule him, though unfortunately courts are usually slow as fuck.
Technically the Judge can make whatever ruling they want, but the executive branch has no obligation to actually follow it. Judges can make ruling, but have no actual power to enforce them, as that's the job of the executive branch.
However doing that in this situation would be suicide unless there was reason (terrorist attack) and enough public support.
And a judge shouldn't create law.
we've got about 2-3 more months of that HI judge bullshit until the SCOTUS pick finally gets through
They've always been able to due to judicial review.
It's never been abused this heavily though.
Democrat best be afraid because next time they're in power again, you bet Republicans are going to fuck with them using the same shit just as abusive.
it's not that he's stupid
it's that everyone in these institutions is hostile to him
he needs to draintheswamp as fast as possible
Aren't you late for your daily raping?
also, liberal judges will rule against DRUMF even if he passes a law that they would otherwise like
judges don't interpret the constitution or law, they just rule based on what they'd like to see happen
I disagree. "They've always been able to" is not lawful justification. That judge lacks authority.
I'm getting really tired of winning.
Because Trump's a weak faggot.
This is a good thing. White Americans are not having enough babies for replacement level so they need to be augmented by refugees or America will not exist as a world global superpower.
All the Trump damage control has convinced me that most Sup Forumstards don't actually understand politics.
She did?
So you're saying that the votes cast by the Electoral College were miscounted? Intentionally misrepresented? Changed by l33t Russian haxors?
This is bad, like really bad, literally LITERALLY blown the fuck out every fucking time he tries to do something
race mixing makes me so moist...
meritocratic controls soon you nigger
Hillary is the president on paper
Drumpfs administration are illegally occupying the white house
But a judge can be?
Please nuke us
Except everytime he fucks america like those green laws or the whole internet like those privacy laws
Did you read that to yourself before posting? You should have, it might have stopped you from sounding like a retard.
She effectively won the millisecond she passed Trump in the popular vote.
Trump people just haven't realized that yet.
Trump hasn't signed that yet. That isn't Trump's law
So why isn't Hillary President Cuck? If she could trade the Electoral Vote for the Popular vote she would. America is a Constitutional Republic. You care about minorities right? The Electoral College was set up to protect minorities from mob rule. I hope you're not a bigot but you sound like one.
guys when do we start winning?
1. the electoral college
2. 5 millions illegals and dead people voted for Hillary
so fuck of Ahmed
>republicans will get mad they aren't getting what they want done in office
>This will make them elect people who don't even want to get these things done
Why are dems so retarded? your stuck in this retarded party politics bullshit and its your downfall.
It only sounds retarded to an idiot that doesn't know how to read.
It's because Trump is being blocked by judges. Only if someone were to below up the jewish sea aye hey would the borders be closed, you can't just vote and have rabid bug jews hand over their deep state power.
OP is so bad that even autistic niggers can spot that it's fake. David Brock's money going to good use I see.
>Somalian refugees
Solid argument Cuck. Gotta love leftest's. They now support the super rich crony elites. They are pro war with Russia, and they could care less about the middle class. So PROGRESSIVE!
The reality is that the GOP had already lost all credibility before Trump. Trump is literally their last hope.
Yes, it's that bad that democrats, for as awful as they are, are still a genuine challenge for republicans to beat in election season.
That's also why it's really not a joke that we're probably going to go to civil war over here in the USA. Our entire political system is so fucking broken and corrupt, our representatives are either commies or cucks and nothing has been done to protect our people, our culture, our borders, our industry, etc, etc, etc...
The GOP is giving Trump more resistance than they ever gave Obama, that speaks volumes about their loyalties. This election wasn't about the GOP for most of us, this election was about sending someone to break the entire system down so it can be fixed, in order to avoid violent revolution. So if Trump fails at this I understand he did his best and that the evil is far too entrenched and it will take the citizenry to fix it with our second amendment.
Trump is a lying fat sow. Everyone who thinks in the US that he will do anything good is sorely mistaken. Trump is fucking you over hard. And funny is it was so obvious for anybody with half a braincell. He is such a failure as human or as leader its hard to put in words.
kek, Jackson was the fucking man. You can't blame Trump though, if acted without approval of the court then it would only add fuel to the leftist hate machine for "acting like a fascist"
On March 15 a federal judge, Derrick Watson in Hawaii, issued a nationwide injunction stopping the State Department from enforcing or implementing sections 2 and 6 of President Trump’s March 6 executive order. Section 6[b] lowers the cap on refugee arrivals to 50,000, down from the 110,000 level set by President Obama.
After the court’s ruling, which was upheld Wednesday by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the cap reverts back to the Obama level of 110,000.
Consequently, the State Department continues to accept refugees and this includes scheduling travel for refugees who have been screened and are otherwise approved for travel.
“The Court Order issued on March 15 prohibits the enforcement or implementation of Section 6 of the EO,” the State Department spokesperson told WND. “Section 6 of the EO includes a cap on refugee admissions into the United States of 50,000 for FY 2017. In accordance with the Court Order, and consistent with both our operational capacity and our capacity under available funding, we have increased the current pace of refugee arrivals to approximately 900 individuals per week. ”
>it's that everyone in these institutions is hostile to him
No excuses. He is a God emperor, right? What strongman gets a pass because "everyone was against him"? That shit don't fly bruh
One judge does not have this power but they can't request the supreme court to rule on this without Gorosouch being added to the court because it might end up in a 4-4 tie which means that the lower court's ruling stands, which would create precedent in the law allowing for lower courts to keep overruling executive powers. This is why the dems are fighting this nomination so hard too. The longer they can stall the scotus, the longer they can fuck over Trumps attempts to lead.
This would have been resolved nearly immediately if Scalia hadn't died. They can't risk the 4 liberal judges going rogue and refusing to accept the law as written. This is a really big deal that they cannot rush into. It's a trap if they take it to the scotus before they replace Scalia.
Hi Shartblue.
Kek chose him because quick death > necrotic ultraslow jewry scheming.
America is crashing with no survivors and will drag the rest of the world along to hell.
>How can a single judge make a ruling like this?
Cyprus, one random judge cannot do this, particularly not a trial judge. Now in the Hawaii case, the faggot Chinamanis a federal judge, giving this more heft perhaps. But the President does not have obey the court's ruling: appeal and move on. Frankly, the administration was caught flat footed with the first executive order and did not have a basic legal sttategy (eg, just find a friendly judge to countermand the pedo connected Seattle trial judge and the Western Circuit Court if need be.) Trump is getting advice from the likes of (((GARY, STEVE, and JARED))) and it seems the guys on our side giving advice are either not prevailing or don't have the necessary political acumen to implement things.
Trump can still right the ship, but this is starting to look like he's lost/conceded significant ground to the (((Deep State.))) Pic related for anti-shill verification.
Imagine being in this much denial.
You got duped by the ultimate weapon, Trump.
fucking kek ameri fags
He just needs Gorsuch to be confirmed.
Within a year of confirmation most of these legal problems will go away as SCOTUS bitch slaps the lower courts.
The 9th circuit is the commie circuit. They legislate from the bench constantly and make arbitrary rulings based on political agendas and feelings, not the law. If the Senate had any balls, they would start impeaching judges.
>4-4 ties in the Supreme Court is the trap (((they))) prepared
Absolutely this, but the admin shoould then have had this in mind and been willing to face the inevitable crisis. So far, no big names have been busted for anything. No investigations into Clinton, Pedogate, or even the normal run of the mill DC sleaze. In my view, Trump has to invoke the War Powers Act (1933) and dispense with the nonsense. But then again, if he unironically supports retarded legislation like (((GARY COHN'S))) AHCA that literally subsidizes Schlomo's """health insurance companies""" (and will thus raise price even more), then Id rather check out of politics and wait for the collapse.
>"Sometimes you have to just let something beyond fixing die it's death." -Adolf Hitler
Are you a expert on foreign countries laws, jackass?
Trump only knows how to persuade whores with his shekels.
Muslim Brotherhood are connected to Odessa (4th Reich), let it all unfold, hitler was right.
Nothing will dramatically change for the USA during these 4 years. Except maybe for leftists growing in size and getting determined to vote next time.
>inb4 all refugees are Christian
Wow, where the Trump defenders at?