Why are we leaving the EU again?
Why are we leaving the EU again?
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Control of our borders, better economy, not really sure? Didn't pay much attention to the whole thing
Fuck you
Because it's a shitfest full of ex communist human garbage who should have been gulag'd
Because Cameron wanted to stay in the office
you're doing what half of the EU member states would be doing had they been given a referendum
it's a stifling sovereignty-eroding supranational government that gives you no say in anything
only a masochist would want to be part of it
Because it overrides your own government and forces it to eat up refugees?
Because the Germans want to conquer the world still, only this time they're trying another tactic.
To finally control the plumbing industry again?!
No more quotas of mudslimes.
Also, no more membership fees.
Or blindly following every directive (like us) they make.
'Merifags being salty cuz their President is a carrot, LUL
Remember how great the world is when no one trades with each other and everyone has their own form on currency?
Oh wait.
Fear of brown people.
You answered that question with your own photo.
because the beauty of Europe is the richness of flavours in its individual countries. That will be lost when it is a soup. It is already a tragedy to go from Nice, to Frankfurt, to London and feel that you are in the exacr same city, with the same starbusks selling the same coffee and everyone dressed in the same Zara because their highstreets have exactly the same shops.
Had you gon to those cities 25 years ago, you would have been astounded at the differences.
Thats what "Diversity' is. Not what Libtards like you think it is.
will the UK have deportation programs after leaving the EU? because i really don't want all the gypsies and criminal scum that left Romania for gibs and stealing in the UK to be sent back.
>Why are we leaving the EU again?
Because you hate shitskins so much that in order to close your borders to them, while at the same time not seeming racist, you had to leave the EU and throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Though, I hear Brits hate Polacks more than they hate Indians. Not sure though.
I thought Europe traded with other countries both in and out of Europe for 2000 years before EU was establised.
My bad.
Doesn't this stop white people coming in since most Europeans are white and therefore make sure that most immigrants will be brown?
the EU is not about trade
if it was only every about trade it would've developed no further than its precursor, the EEC
the EU is about establishing a political union among nations that cannot unite
Because Germany is giving 1 million 3rd worlders citizenship, German citizenship = EU citizenship, the EU allows those 1 million 3rd worlders to get gibs and reside anywhere so of course ... they want to come here for our gibs and our housing.
Any questions?
>Most europeans are white
I bet you think Italy is white.
In order to re-establish the common wealth. Prepare to get fucked!
Sadly this is true.
It's why I don't really have much of an interest to visit the big west Europe states either.
> Leaving EU means no Trade
Niggah, we aint even in EU and we have trade,
National sovereignty.
>Had you gon to those cities 25 years ago, you would have been astounded at the differences.
Funny you don't mention any former Soviet and run down shit cities from your own country. :^)
This isn't going to stop when we leave the EU. It just means more brown people. All we're doing is doing what the US did when it stooped European immigration.
Alright calm down Hans. Or you'll be going back in the cuckshed.
Because you hate white people.
You want more pakis and pooinloos instead of White Europeans.
Do you disagree that most Europeans are white?
Britain belongs to British only. Kick out all the Eastern European scum and close the borders.
wasn't it because you suddenly want to fix your own toilets?
Gives Britain more control over their immigration so they can let in more whites and fewer niggers.
Depends if you count slavs as white. Which i don't since they're europes niggers.
Why can't European countries be homogeneous like Poland or Ireland?
its not like they are leaving wto.
But don't forget to keep all the pakis, loos and jihadis.
Because 5million turks are planning to move there all at once, which will crash your Healthcare and benefit systems.
Only England is cucked to be fair. Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland are all over 95% white.
Because merkel wanted to cuck you.
because the unelected leaders of the eu are trying to make the eu one multicultural army under their command
leave on or be made to stay
Because you dont wanna drown with the ship?
>take my le upboat
ethics in journalism
>Why are we leaving the EU again?
Ugly British women didn't want the competition.
Thumbs down
For fuck sakes Canada Another P.C. Tim Hortons commercial embracing immigrants. This place is Cucked to the max.
Is the titcow meant to be an argument?
That and British white trash, doesn't want competition either. Its the same thing as with Trump really, they're the same people after all.
White trash needs to die
Why do Slavs have such weird, round faces?
We already have control of immigration outside the EU. We bring in hundreds of thousands of niggers a year.
>t. polish white trash not wanting competition from the Ukrainians
> XDXDXDXD!!!1!1!!!ONE!1!1!!
No need to be mad
To escape communist empire
to BTFO leftist elites
I didn't say anything like that. We don't have that problem, it's the British whitetrash beating up and even murdering Polaks.
We don't do anything like that.
because you, like Switzerland, are almost an EU member. Like, you signed and ratified so much EU regulation, you harmonized your legal system with acquis communitaire so much you are almost like another member, just without obligation to pay yearly fee or whatever its called and without right to vote on EU matters, even though its applied to you
hahahahaha you are so delusional its not even funny. I know it doesnt concern you but they are only closing borders to european, mostly eastern ones, immigrants, but Commonwealth citizens will still be able to freely enter it and settle there, what means less Poles, but same amount of Pakis, Indians and other brown shitskins. Can you imagine british ingenuity
>be Brit
>vote for Brexit
>close doors to Eastern europeans
>dont do it for brown jihadais and other scum
>"a-at least those filthy Poles will no longer clean my toilets"
>get culturally enriched even faster
get fucked cunt i am as white as one can be and my shitty country will stay that way long after you succumb to Muhammeds and Alis
>Muhammad really is the single most popular boys’ name in England and Wales
>Why are we leaving the EU again?
because all the rural and suburban retards voted leave
Why you pay for an unelected body where your country has little say in policies that effect you economically and politically. There is no real benefit for staying.
>but Commonwealth citizens will still be able to freely enter it and settle there
that hasn't been the case for a long fucking time
we'd be fucked without eu, as long as it exists we have to trade sadly
>Why are we leaving the EU again?
Rural and suburban retards.
Nice try, Jakub. Rooney is a potato-nigger.
Ironic that you posted that picture while saying that
This desu
It's the same shit
because we don't want unelected non countrys to dictate to us
>implying rural trash have an understanding of how eu works
Because Europe is heading towards one state and 80% of the people in this country do not want that.
We want an economic arrangement not a political one.
It's fun to watch capitalism burn.
David Cameron saw how much political distraction running a referendum afforded the SNP when they used the referendum, in addition to increased party support and popularity for SNP leader Alex Salmond.
Hoping to replicate these benefits for the conservative party, Cameron decided to hold a referendum.
It was a major political success for the conservatives, because despite making major cuts to social services, the selling off of many nationalized companies, as well as wealthy and corporate tax breaks.
We are leaving the EU, because the Britsh public can be entranced by "brexit"/referendum handwaving.
Therefore politicians do not have do the duty of government, no improvement of government agencies, no infrastructure investment, etc. etc.
Choose one side of the handwaving "debate" and get positive public attention without doing anything.
It will cost Britain ~10-20 years of progress, but is that not what we deserve?
Swamp German is correct.
It's about national sovereignty. The lower classes in the UK are being replaced by subhumans from other parts of the world, and the EU is one of the major reasons why this continues.
EU family unification rules mean that every non-EU paki we let in has the right to bring over their 19 cousins.
Freedom. Everyone staying in the EU gives away a bit more sovereignty every year. And they do not get a choice in it.
No more niggers?
>It was a major political success for the conservatives
>Cameron, Osbourne, Gove, Morgan etc all out of power as they lost
What are you on about? The tories are shit but the EU makes nationalisation hard and entrenches the rights of big business. It's not left wing body, it's neoliberalism with some SJW crap to distract the lefties.
lol, it's fun to watch the sky fall too. Enjoy being beaten to death at your next riot, Antifa scum.
Border controls, not being run by unelected liberal globalists, EU laws superscede ours, EU were gonna alocate us a bunch of migrants that Merkel invited in. Also a lot of Brits seem to hate Eastern Europeans (yet love Carribeans & Africans).
After repeated unfounded accusations that Spain will Veto Scotland’s membership of the EU it now turns out that Spain have secured a Veto on the Brexit deal unless the UK wants to hand over Gibraltar. So much for the Tory-Spain Anti-Scottish alliance.
It would appear its now a race to see who gets out of the UK first. Scotland and Gibraltar look to be joint favorites with Northern Ireland close behind. Wales needs to get in the race.
They lost their jobs because they didn't anticipate losing the referendum, they didn't make any great attempt to balance against the leave campaign.
Cameron only saw the referendum as a part of the marketing mix for the conservatives: distraction.
I wasn't commenting on the EU, only the reasons why leaving it occurred.
forgot link
It's British laws that changed the colour and culture of the nation.
what are you fucking stupid? WW2 the remastered edition is on the horrizon. germany and spain and itally being faggots and france and great britian not liking germany. all the while all of europe is engulfed in economic turmoil...
this not ringing a bell? france fails to elect le pen and this leave the UK out of being turned into a hell hole like the rest of europe. there will be a war and for the first time in a long time white people will fight each other in europe
no the ukraine doesnt even count. the west ukraine wasted munitions handed to them by nato by firing in the same spots repeatedly. they arent even actually fighting they are just being faggots
Because the EU is run like a circus by unelected unrepresentative bureaucrats who are working tirelessly on their vision of a world government that does not include the power of the vote of the individual, consensus rules there and any opposition is dealt with as all denialists and recalcitrant's.
Yes. As Churchill once said.
"The wogs begin at Calais".
No, the Ukrainians did it to you because they realise how worthless Poles are.
Most people lack the capacity to be individuals, how would you make the world to give them the best life?
> france and great britian not liking germany
they never did - but where's the problem? No reason to fight. We still like our brothers and don't care. we don't tend to be attractive attention whores, nor the baguettes. They are attractive - we not. Shilling us against bros is not so easy anymore. A bro deicides to leave? Ok. Let him go.
thanks for bringing us faggottery with genfer convention, libtardism and pop culture ... but don't try to bring brothers hating each other again, Izak.
> WW2 the remastered edition is on the horrizon
Some people would call it WW3? Burgerboy is in cinema mode? Big boom badabang!
Lindy "spandau" beige is a cuck
never post him again
To revive the British empire. The world is sick of corrupt and on the brink of collapse American empire.
Because The Jews made it into a commie anti-white thing.
It's pretty simple, individualism must be promoted above everything, It's individuals who motivate others, not some fat cunt from Brussels.
>Lindy "remember the 5 millions in addition to the 6 millions" Beige