She says some incredibly stupid things in this video, like if couples race mix it doesn't lead to less white people because half their genes will still be white. Get into the comment section, and calmly and politely explain to her with scientific facts and zero zeal why white people shouldn't race mix.
Alright, /pol, we need to redpill RoamingMillenial
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck would I care what a stacy and a redneck thinks?
tweet her to invite Richard Spencer on her show
She has a large growing audience and they're talking about literally the only thing we talk about on this board?
NYPA you child. Who cares about another channel talking about ess jay doubleyews
I would be a better debater than that fag, but I have no online presence and would lose my job if I'm doxxed. Don't we have anyone better who can argue this? I'd say Molymeme, but he's kind of weird and definitely won't reach any normies.
she's too pure to talk to that pervie sperg
stop giving attention to these worthless jewtoobers, Jesus Christ have some self respect
UKIP party member Thomas Robinson visits Tower Hamlets, a Shari'ah zone Sadiq Kahns London
Goddamn it, stop posting these fucking youtube people.
Who is this Elliot Rodgers looking semen demon?
I would racemix with her; your point is moot.
Theyre important to us.
They have a massive reach and are able to red pill masses
you people are fucking autistic. youtubers are the only media outlet that touch any topic even remotely pertinent to this board, so how bout you just fuck off if you don't like them
> if couples race mix it doesn't lead to less white people because half their genes will still be white
But she's right
I'm not buying that. You jewtubecucks said that about Pewdiepie but he's as useless as ever.
by definition the amount of white genetics in the world is halved in that isolated scenario
>liberal larping as a stormfag to divide and conquer
fuck you OP sage this shit
>B-but muh pure viking heritage!!!
And, what exactly is the problem with being half-viking/half-samurai?
who would even watch an hour of this shit, wtf
this is true
As a young, attractive woman she'll attract massive viewership, so we should try push her in a rightward direction
Pewdiepie is definitely redpilled and visits /pol, but there's zero chance of him becoming any kind of a player as he's got way too much to lose
That only makes sense in the way that the colored person will have a child with another white person. And even it'll still be colored. So if that child goes on to have a child with a white person it'll be white. Sure, but that's trading 3 white people for one (Who's not even totally white) and of course if along that way one of them has sex with another colored person then it'll just mean less white people too. Either way you get less white people.
who cares?
You people are completely fucking retarded.
Youtube, along with twitter, is the main avenue through which right-wing ideas on the internet can be spread. I can't even comprehend how stupid you have to be to think Youtubers who talk about this stuff are irrelevant.
race = correlation structure of genes, not just the genes themselves.
race mixing breaks down that correlation structure which can be hazardous considering that structure can have pleiotropic effects.
Nothing this chick says is intelligent or interesting. Shes young and hot and a mainstream cuckservative, woopteedoo.
They're shills.
"All I want to do is keep you from moving forward," in many different phrasings.
autism's finest. Do these people not have millions of viewers? Or are you full on retarded?
Half of A is not A.
Combine half of A with half of B, and you get something that isn't one and isn't the other.
She can play the liberal word games to try and account for this, but in reality, everyone knows that half-caste is one or the other, only impressionable buzzfed women and the cucks who try to sleep with them say otherwise.
Who is this black eyed nonwhite mongrel scum?
A lot of 'European' posters are musel diaspora. They'll try to slide anything worthwhile away, while propping up nuright shit like Sargon, another musel diaspora member.
It's not a full viking or full samurai, you dumb fucking nigger.
Why can't non-Whites into logic? It's almost as if we don't need you...
she's one of the decent youtubers who's channel has exploded, and she actually says she's right wing, as opposed to the fence sitting fag crew
God I hate everyone in this video. The mixed chink slut the soft spoken numale fag and the fat British coal burner
she is a coal burner like every white girls these days. Asians are the only girls worth being with.
Fuck off normie scum. Only a dumbass normie lacks enough self respect to spend hours listening to literal nobodies and their brainfarts.
>e-celeb shit
Sage this man
She's not white herself and you wonder why she doesn't care about white people?
She's half asian half white
Not an argument, you dumb fucking nigger.
>durr im an emotional manchild who wants the 7 billion people on this planet to stay """pure""" but pls dont ask me for a reason why 'coz my only argument 'hurr fucking niggers'
I think the women are the key in this battle. If they can bring out some right wing narrative im ok with it. No one is gonna completely go on board with the holohoax expose and all other harsh red pills. Right now we have to at least move the next generation slightly to our side.
t. black shill
She's of mixed race herself. There is literally nothing wrong with race mixing.
t. Muhammad
Really makes me think
the whiteness in her makes her a minority cock loving cuck.
nope just truth. White girls are trash, they will hang alongside their minority pets in the war to come.
>7 billion
I'm only concerned for Scots, coon. You act under the delusion that we're speaking in abstract universal principles, applicable to all at all times.
You aren't going to convince her because accepting the dismantlement of the white by race and culture via mixing would cause her call into question her own existence since she's obviously some sort of mix of undetermined origin.
Also it will be extra hard to convince her since she's hot, used to being pandered too, and as such doesn't relate or have experience of a normal person. She will internalize it to mean what she is lesser instead of seeing it as extinction or destruction of something through manipulation by outside forces.
People like this tend to take the meme about white people and mayo seriously when they are beyond bland themselves.
Fuck off, diasporat. Nobody is buying your clumsy shilling.
So you're saying if I started up a YT account right now and started talking about social issues that people like you would care what I have to say
get over 100,000 subscribers, and year. How is this hard to comprehend? You're either retarded, or a literal paid shill
Well you'd have to be charismatic, intelligent and good at making videos.
You'd have to gain an audience before you belong in the "relevant" category. Roaming Millenial is there already.
why are you responding to shillblue threads?
makeup of Pol
2% Stormfags
13% ShillBlue paid trolls
10% Redpilled inteligent posters who contribute to discussion
75% Retards that reply to the worse 15% of threads
We dont want the shitskins to stay 'pure', they can mix and mingle all they want. It's the white peoples' purity we want to preserve for being the master race.
How the fuck is this a shillblue thread you imbecile?
Also race mixing isn't a problem so stop acting like it is. It's a tiny minority of relationships. Treat it like it could be a problem in the future because that is the reality.
This attitude and "giving up" on normies in general is why leftism has become so pervasive. You have to fight to win a culture war.
she's a racemixed product herself.
she's a jew too.
she wants to make shekels.
don't give her views.
Alright this is basically what i told her.
You seem to be under the impression that being half white makes you white, but even if you identify as white that still doesn't change the fact that you are not, you have non-white features and all your children will for many generations down will have them. Not that its a bad thing, personally i would like my children to look like myself.
The current immigration laws, whether intentional or not, are very detrimental to our stable population. As much as liberals try to push immigrants into our country thinking they will pay social security, we are much better off with lower birthrates and a lower population overall. As it is now, even with obama and trump people can come in, stay in and live here give birth for free and then collect the welfare off their legal children.
Like it or not that's exactly what desegregation is and yet its illegal to have all-white colleges, while it is perfectly legal to have an all-black college or any other.
Another divide and conquer thread attacking a rightwing "celebrity" for not being a Nazi or racist
these are the easiest shill threads to spot
This election the right put aside their petty differences and rallied being a single candidate and the left has been trying to cause infighting and attacks on anyone who is a conservative
Reminder that all these "alt-right" youtubers just want your money
Don't fall for it
Eurasians are literally master race
she isn't alt-right m8, she's a lolbertarian - no wonder she promotes race mixing
Do you ever notice how the people who tell you we should have open borders are from shithole countries? Do you ever notice how the "people" who say race mixing isn't bad are neither nothing nor something themselves? Pure coincidence.
Alt-right/alt-lite whatever you know what I mean
She'll get what she want. Black dick. Why can't you get over it. You would've never had sex with her in the first place.
Bullshit, there are plenty of clean white women out there. I have a proud white wife who is appalled and disgusted by race mixing, and we have 2 white kids, fucking some asian chick is weak
She's exactly right you idiot. If segregation never existed and black people intermixed with the white population there would not be very many "black people" anymore, there were only 4 million of them after the civil war. Segregation just grew the black population to the 30+ million it is now. Thats why whites need to breed the spics while they are still low in number,
You still want to force people to follow your rules. Yet you are all a bunch of beta faggots.
If I want to fuck a black girl I will and nobody is going to stop me.
Do you only listen to people whose sole motivation for doing what they do is "for the public good"? You're an idiot.
Shes cute. Would mix race with
felix should give her the D. that'd do it.
How much of a cuck nigga do you have to be to pay a girl 35 bucks a month to get on a stream with her only to say like 3 or 4 words the entire time
> I have a proud white wife who is appalled and disgusted by race mixing
Hahaha she's sucking Tyrones dick behind your back.
I can picture it already
>h-hunny y-you don't like black guys do you?
This. Even DailyStormer tends to have more sense than to attack civic nationalists etc. Most of us got here from less extreme positions, to continue persuading normies to our cause it's ESSENTIAL to find common cause with all those opposed to shitlibs and globalism.
Ideological purity comes *later*, after we've won. Which we haven't yet, Trump's victory and rising populism aside the left is angry and will eventually regroup and counterattack effectively if we let them.
worked out really fucking well with Brazil, didn't it?
Hell racemixing lead to a massive increase in the amerindian pop. here in the US. The average native you see is probably half-french. And if you've ever visited or lived on a reservation,you can see that it did not do a hell of a lot good.
No thanks
Obama is a white man according to her I guess.
>race mixing is immoral says the thread full of overweight losers who will never get a decent wife regardless of her race
She says in the video that she did months ago but he hasn't replied.
She's hapa so I wouldn't expect that you'll do much to change her mind.
The phrase "e-celebs" is part of this divide-and-conquer shilling too (probably originated from us but shills jumped on it.) Sure *we* don't particularly care about namefags but normies absolutely do, so they are vital in the meme war. Celebs of any sort are seen as cultural bellwethers, that tell normies what's acceptable / cool to think. The dominance of leftism comes from controlling both education and the mass culture, if we don't break that hold we will lose in the long term.
She's not wrong though.
Let's say we start with a black woman and white man having a child, that child will be half black and half white. If it has a child with a white person that child will then be a quarter black and 3 quarters white. Continue and it goes 1/8 black and 7/8 white then 1/16 black and 15/16 white.
Over time everyone in an area starts looking like the majority because of that but in reality we are all mixed. I'm Danish and even having the classic blue eyes and blonde hair it wouldn't surprise me if I have blood from all over Europe in my ancestors.
This is THE most hebrew thing ive reas on pol in a long time.
>like if couples race mix it doesn't lead to less white people because half their genes will still be white.
shes not wrong.
That is not how genetics work.
It's a reddit tells me that we need more normies on Sup Forums episode
Seen far too much of this shit lately
>I don't actually care about influencing the political landscape, I just like LARPing and pretending I do on an imageboard
You are an embarrassment.
>not understanding the difference between genotype and phenotype
Sup Forums is truly the lowest IQ board
Don't be weak and lazy. Put in the mild effort to redpill a potential massive audience.
> Make children with them goy
> Assimilate to their culture
> Become one tribe with a hive mind
White genes are recessive, mulattos dont like half white they look like light blacks. Happa girls look like tame japs. Whatever phenotypic influence you have will be minimal. Your children would NOT look like you.
And to the shills pushing this to naive r the donald gullible idiots, every country with high degrees of mixing in the past i evitably results in a caste of lightness anyway, except this time its nigs fighting over shades of brown rather than euro or negro traits. Look at Brasil and pardos or South Afrika and the coloureds. God damn
>I don't care about diluting my values with left wing views leading to bullshit like "civic nationalism" and "skeptics(tm)"
r/The_Donald is waiting for you
There certainly is a lot to be desired sometimes.
She is already a racemixed abomination. Absolutely disgusting