Another win for kek
We are superior
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>Tolerant and non violent right
Flash flag. Where is forensic proof (video tape, names, etc.)?
Kek they didn't even hurt him they just made him look like a bitch. This is a great tactic
Should have strung him up desu
How about we go out and tie all of these Antifa Cucks on stop signs. They cant get down anyomre right?
Reports indicate the fascists also employed a terror tactic known as the 'noogie', rubbing a fist vigorously upon the poor innocent man's scalp until his hair is slightly messed up
Do you know how hard it is to tape someone up like that? It requires cooperation with the 'victim' and multiple people.
This is a photo-op.
>stop sign
3 strong men from the kek army vs 1 antifa weakling? easy
>Beverly Hills Antifa
You don't understand, the person being taped up has to be willing, otherwise it's sort of impossible to get enough tension to actually tape them to anything as they're wriggling around. I say again, to tape someone to a pole like this requires the victim's cooperation.
oh god what a laugh I just had right now.
praise kek
Liberal Hollywood is close
op or not. Still funny
me and some friends did this to some poor fuck in the army, it's completely doable it just takes some muscle.
Why are Antifa taping their friends to stop signs now?
Can't deny that, taping people to shit is always amusing, which is usually why people are okay with having it done to them,.
>Because oppression
Hey Rabbi!
Because they're psychopaths looking to exploit the empathy of non-psychopathic people.
sadly, first.
>stop sign
>is yield sign
ANTIFA confirmed for illiterate fucks
Fake and gay
(but funny)
This is a troll account.
>registered this month
>few posts and they are all dubious
Hilarious if it was real tho.
Is it a proxy?
Careful, They'll be throwing you out of helicopters next .
legionary romania did it
No. I'm not a native, though.
I'm like 90% certain all of this was faked. There was a report on my local news last night of almost the exact same thing in what looks like the same location.
It was a guy who lost a bet on the Rockets, and taped himself up. Cops confronted the people responsible, tazed a dude when he started cutting their friend down with a knife, then apologized when everything was sorted out and took them home.
Yeah, it is. Found it.
You guys are retards
Fake news
Also thats not a stop sign.
That's not a stop sign
Obvious is obvious
What's it like living in China, where are you at? The country is still a mystery to me. A deafening silence that worries me surrounds them.
Hes in ching chang gulag
It's pretty chill, if you can get past the smog/food scares/noise pollution/dangerous roads/etc.
I live in Henan which is known all around China as being a shithole of uncultured people. They don't disappoint on that front.
No clue about the "silence" you mentioned. Perhaps they stopped posting hit piece on China to avoid getting banned here, but then found they had no other reasons to write about China... That's pure conjecture though.
What I mean is: they have 0 propaganda aimed at foreign populations. That's unappropriate for their political and economic power. They don't take part at all in "the battle for hearts and minds". The USA always did that. Holly Wood was and is designed to push agendas and convince other people of the glory of the USA. They took control over the press and media in Europe through trans-atlantic organizations and think tanks, if not directly installed after the war.
Where is all that for China? Where is their propaganda? Their media? Their newspapers and TV channels and internet celebrities pushing pro-China narratives?
>it's ok when antifa destroys random ppls shit
>some people had enough
Maybe they're just doing a bad job of it.
One of those fascists have been sighted nearby.
Are Antifa just grown up nerds? I am in my 30's so what is even the dynamic nowadays? Are there still nerds and jocks or are the nerds SJW now?
Enlighten me.
top kek
Th-that's not a stop sign though.
>Attempt to cut the man down
>Cop shows up
What the fuck? Why do police always go from 0-60 for no fucking reason? Literally just ask him what he is doing and tell him to put the knife away. move on to tasing next if he doesn't comply.
Well, they do it seems. They have to do A LOT more. Especially in Europe. Or maybe they are not interested in the EU, I don't know? But they do try to buy our high-tech companies, harbours and other important parts of industries. Got BTFO on a neo-colonialist take-over of one of our robotic companies recently though.
I kinda hope for a Eurasian future. In the least competition could force the USA to return to a Western narrative and stop this anti-white European cancer.
Cooperation is acquired by repeatedly hitting the sign with victims head. That'll persuade anyone.
That's true for a flat surface
Tension can be given by simply wrapping the tape around on itself on an unwilling victim for a pole
Thanks for education, Iwan!
That will be the worst movie of their (((careers)))
I thought this shit only happened in the movies
Has to be fake
>high school all over again
H how do you know this?
You can rest assured, it will receive a lot of (((Oscars for best movies and script))) though.
they tried
>trusting anything the antifas tell
antifas are the definition of "hey rabbi watcha doing"
This was actually a dude that lost a bet. Sage
Maybe they threatened him and scared into submission until he cooperated.
OP is a faggot.
>Each year, one hundred thousand baseball bats are sold in Russia, and at most 50 baseballs. Gives an idea for great Russian pastime.
>our comrade
That movie sucked
It seemed like a suitable quote.
>It's okay when we do it
all of you are violent subhumans
>Beverly Hills Antifa
sounds like a sitcom, probably the most dysfunctional antifa clique.
That is not a stop sign. It is a fucking yield sign.
>antifa attacks trump supporters
>RWDS fight back
No it isn't. These people have been an embarassment their whole lives, look how they act, dress, and live. A beat down is the only thing that will save them, if anything.
>tfw this occurred a few miles from my private beach house im Emerald Bay, Laguna beach
I'm calling false flag. Not for the tension physics that anons have talked about here but for the simple fact that he's off the ground. He'd have to hold on willingly to allow someone to tape him there.
or people could pick him up
but it doesn't really matter it is fake
KillANiggerino Kripperino
>beverly hills antifa
that's satire, RIGHT?
not for much longer, I hope.
>leaving out dreaded fascist terror tactics such as "wedgies" and "swirlies."
I mean, its really funny, but its also a meme account.
I'm actually living in Beijing atm. you an english teacher like me or doyou have a real job? also, how the fuck are you able to post with the PRC flag? you need google to solve the captcha.
this is actually the first time i've been able to post here in months. even with a vpn from another country it says posting from my region is blocked.
antifa is fucking pathetic. Next come the helicopters
>Antifa screeching like the autists that they are
>People with common sense and logic try to shut them up
>they screech harder and blame them for being facists
Umm,has any shitskin or ISIS member planned a suicide bomp mission at their HQ yet?
We really need them wiped off this bloody planet.
Holy shit thats funny
>stop sign
why are libtards such terrible drivers?
Dank fuckin trips m8
But, honestly this is a classic football prank. Freshman get taped to flag poles like nobody's business. It can be done. With some big guys..
It's like SJWs are a bunch of Bobbys from King of the Hill.
We will be the bullies they deserve, not the bullies they need.
If it was real Antifa wouldn't publish it, probably troll account.
I like this, because it's basically proof that if we wanted to we could just start hanging you faggots and you wouldn't know how to fight back.
This is the Right being so much stronger than the Left that we can literally haze you like college students and your response is to post about it on twitter.
>0 propaganda aimed at foreign populations
Tell that to the shitcunts at Fairfax
Because when there is always the potential for a gun to be involved it puts the cop on edge.
I live in Laguna beach. There is not a bridge like that anywhere. Also, the entire city is in a fucking hill? Where is the hill?
Falseflag or no, that's pretty funny.
>duct taped to a pole
Choose one