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I already went through it
There is nothing there
Don't waste your time

Bump, this could be the shit that started the whole Russian hacking shit


Have a bump

This is likely part of a Russian disinformation campaign meant to undermine the U.S. intelligence agencies in general, and to more immediately lend credence to President Donald Trump's allegations that former President Barack Obama spied on him.

You know what? I was thinking the same damn thing! Will this finally wake u the Sleeping Giant?

Bumping to really make people think

Just another slice of the Russian propaganda pie.

I'm kidding. Whether the particulars are true or not, the fact that the CIA does this sort of thing is not a question.

Every knows, but the tools and reverseobfuscator thing could lead to proof, which is a big deal. Especially if it proves illegal use inside the US.



Was getting caught part of your plan?

Oh and sauce

Can I get a basic gestalt? It's probably nothing anyway. I'm sure it's nothing just like last time and the time before that.

In fact why are we even talking about this, how about a timeline like hillary winning, let's talk about that


Yeah okay Muhammad

That's Agent Muhammad to you.

But he did spy on him.... You are part of the disinformation machine.

>But he did spy on him....

So, an obfuscation algorithm that only targets words? Presumably just in notes and the names of functions and variables etc in decompiled code. This is nothing, a teenager could write that. Am I missing something?

> This is a 2017 pol poster

Jesus the weed stench is smellable through my monitor. Time to leave for 4+Sup Forums

Just went through it, sadly it seems there's nothing substantial, mostly seems like stuff likely to be fabricated by Trump and Putin actually.

This sounds crazy... Let's all just get some sleep, you clearly need it. Get some good rest and focus on your own life and stuff you CAN change... that's what I'm gonna do.

Someone earlier said that's not even Russian. Can someone confirm?

hmm.... this thread.... makes me sleepy...

counting sheep........ zzz

Daily reminder that Trump literally plays 4D chess.

Crowdstrike BTFO

>Dosnt know how WikiLeaks works.

Did you fags know Clinton herself said she would start war with Russia, invade China, and draft women.

She was literally going to destroy this country and part of the world in a pointless war.

Remember anons. Never stop looking for answers. Compile Everything you can find on a computer and hold it and post it when relevant.

The more people that have information the less then can control it.

Never stop being Sup Forums never let shills hinder our raid.

>Liberals are literally mentally retarded.


People have no good reason other than malicious to hinder and stop the passing of information.

Do not let shills slide, fill, raid, dissinform, or hinder good threads or good people.

Remember it's the liberals who reacted with violence, every encounter of violence starts with a liberal attacking innocent people or attacking innocent trash cans. They do everything they can to harm our country.

Don't let them block our information like they block our roads or block our countries progress.

Make sure to bump good threads and type sage into the options to slide shill threads.


So sleepy... anyone else up for a long nap?

am I the only one here who's getting kinda sleepy?

Thats retarded. Is this how educated people argue?

>Let's get in a mob and pretend to be retarded! That'll show em!

Disregard for opposition dosnt make it irrelevant. It just makes you look autistic.

We've known Trump is a CIA asset his whole life for a while now. Of course it was the CIA, not the Russians, fudging the election for him.

Roy Cohn taught Donald to run child trafficking pedo blackmail rings. Pedo blackmail > cocaine money bribes, hence Donald wins over Hillary.


Nigger what kinda backward shit are you saying????


>did not happen
do you know how to read burger? or has common core failed you that badly?


The CIA has been almost openly fighting Trump.

Have you read the Clinton E-mails? She was supporting child sex trade and Pedos.

fuck Clinton and fuck the CiA!

>He din do nothin

People who dis something said they din do nothing.

Anyone got a brief explanation of the 2nd release? I never saw much on it here, either from not being here as often or it got slid fucking hard.


>I openly trust Mass media and believe anything it says


Try to find the WikiLeaks on it.

Lazy ass. Then post it for other lazy asses when you find it.

Cool, now that you got that out of your system you can fuck off.

Slim Shady, you're a basehead.

You got played like a fool.

Bullshit. Openly fighting him = lead in the head.

AV updates for everyone

>Compile Everything you can find on a computer
>Hold it and post it when relevant.
>The more people that have information the less then can control it.

So where's your handy dandy infographic post that you're holding onto and can post when relevant so more people can be informed? Or were you too lazy to make one?

I am feeling very sleepy. I think I will have a glass of wine, maybe a nap. Yawwwwn! Maybe you should get some rest too. Lets have a nice sleep and wake up so refreshed.

>people still think these are real posts made by real shills and not memesters looking for (you)s

are people really larping as CIA agents trying to shill, this is just sad

On my desktop.

I'm on my phone ATM. Some people have real jobs.

the new (you) farms are pretty great

Also I don't have a whole lot on vault 7. Literal nothing on my phone and only a little on my computer.

Stuff similar to pic is the kind of stuff I have on my phone.

All this makes me uneasy lads, isn't it entirely possible that this whole "Russian hacking" thing could just be the CIA framing Trump by producing fake evidence.

What worries me the most is i believe more normies would believe the CIA over Trump if it came down to it.

>All this makes me uneasy lads, isn't it entirely possible that this whole "Russian hacking" thing could just be the CIA framing Trump by producing fake evidence.
I thought that was the whole point of it...

But normies arnt that retarded...

Plus the raw fact that you can't hack analog systems, lot of places people use paper or similar physical voting systems.

No one uses Internet voting. Even soldiers overseas don't use internet voting.

During the "recount" they found evidence of people tossing Trump votes and multi counting killery votes, like counting one vote 10 times. If I'm correct during said recount killery almost or did lose her "popular" vote. Plus ICE taking even more killery votes back to Mexico. Idk how many numbers ICE has handled yet.

If anything Mexico rigged the election with it's immigrants.

Don't get me wrong i thought that from the start, but the fact that the CIA have the tools to create such convincing evidence is worrying, especially as the normies are so blue pilled they will just lap it up.

>But normies arnt that retarded...

Oh good. Let's see where muh Russian investigations go after this.


This. Really gets my noggin' joggin'

You make a good point.

What did he mean by this?

Can't say I'm surprised.

>can't detect sarcasm
even if it wasn't, pretending it is nullifies any power it holds over your focus...

Hmm wat is going on in this thr-


i'm a former real estate mogul now working for the goverment. after not looking at this i can tell you there is nothing there. no reason to spend any time on this. whats next? you want to investigate the clinton foundation?? Sup Forumstards make me laugh.. you guys shoulf get a hobby. like golf or something. retards


>the CIA covers their tracks
Wow what a revelation

Is there anything actually worthwhile in there or is that the best they have to offer?

But saying it was Mexican immigrants is racist.

It's much less racist saying it was those dirty evil Slavs.

There's only evidence of Trump meeting with Epstein ONCE.

He probably figured out what was going on and avoided him for the rest of his life.


I will happily bump this, on the house.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Do people actually think this or are CTR and OfA hard at work?


lurk moar newfag

Sadly there appears to be nothing worthwhile here.

reminder that wikileaks is compromised.

I don't speak Russian, but those messages probably aren't meant to be legible.

Lorem Ipsum is dummy text; it's used as a text placeholder for projects in place of real text.

Your credibilty is lacking

guys it's noon but I'm feelin' sleepy

Who wants to cuddle and take a nap with user-kun?

No I've taught myself Russian, and there's not a single Russian word to be found. With all that money you'd think they would hire someone intelligent enough to use Google translate and not smash keys on a keyboard

I confirm. It's just cyrillic gibberish.

You're just shitposting at this point.


How come there is nothing on here about the article in THE ATLANTIC linked on the front page of Drudge. It is all about based stick man and the alt right, specifically about Sup Forums pol. It is very biased toward BAMN and against 4 chan.
"“Based” is slang for not caring what other people think of you. “Stickman” is, well, a man with a stick. While it’s difficult to track down the moniker’s exact origin, it seems to have started, along with other nicknames like the “Alt-Knight,” in the place where many alt-right memes are born: Sup Forums’s “politically incorrect” board Sup Forums.

Why the fuck are you even here? Shill.

Here come the Kremlin trolls.