How did we let this happen?
How did we let this happen?
Yes... (((We)))
Avg proud British people, nothing new.
>we lost a war to these guys
Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules
Of Hector and Lysander, and such great names as these.
But of all the world's great heroes, there's none that can compare.
With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, to the British LGBT.
now imagine these guys fighting against Yuri and Igor, who have never even had enough money to drink on a regular basis
holy fuck no wonder Europe is terrified of Russia
>Lets send the mentally challenged to die
I see nothing wrong with this. Better if they die not a normal person
only thing that disgusts me more is knowing there are just as many in our military.
American army is the same but more nigs
Same standards for men and women in the military when?
why do you give a shit? what people call themselves and what they do in their own bedrooms is nothing of out business
Cuck boy
really jiggels the jagells
Shill detected
this beat you in two wars. hows that feel?
Thank god i was born in a civilized country and not some barbarian european shithole
Russians and American beat them.
Then they shouldn't force me to accept their degenerate behavior either
wtf has cuckolding got to do with not giving a shit (never thinking) about trans people?
how am i shilling? I don't give a fuck about trans
they aren't forcing you to do anything. they just waved some shitty pink/blue flag and someone took a picture of it
What we say on an anonymous weeb discussion forum is no business of yours, teanigger.
you lost to brids....
holy fuck, achmed
They are Brits.
Feels good to have never lost a war lads
the statement stands
Cuck ca cuck a doodle doooo!
Adolf is that you?
>How did we let this happen?
how did WE let this happen? let's review
>see something wrong
>don't say shit
>don't do shit
>bitch about life on Sup Forums because you're too afraid to risk anything
yea, that's why nothing ever improves in our lives
Posting in Sup Forums and not being at work is degenerate too, hypocrite
And the libtard normies around me wonder why I would join the american army or make my own army rather than this fucking joke of a countries
>being this retarded
>what people call themselves and what they do in their own bedrooms is nothing of out business
Ah.. and how I would have agreed with you previously.
However, if you pay attention, they are passing laws all across Europe, that make what was private public.
If I disagree with the idea that my children should be taught that if you don't like being a little boy, you can have your willy chopped off, I am a bigot.
Whatever about the historical role of a "third gender", the notion of delaying puberty artificially , and providing NHS funded sex changes (read "chop nob gib gash") is completely abhorrent.
In this specific instance of trans in the military, there is no way in hell these service "people" can be performing and their required abilities. The surgery is so severe is must have some huge recovery time. And the hormone replacement cannot be in the best interests of other personnel. Too much testosterone and you have a lunatic. Too much estrogen and you have an overweight emotional head case.
holy shit
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They're low-intelligence memers. Probably newfags who haven't learned to actually argue, and just rely on parroting the buzzwords they see in Trump threads.
They sit at a desk somewhere, never even leave the country, somehow get PTSD, and end up with the same veteran benefits as a front line soldier.
Nigger we lost the war of 1812, Korea and the Vietnam war
I thought he was a retard trying to say Brits, but now I see he's a retard trying to say birds.
>eternal anglo is a sodomite degenerate
Wow, shocker.
you can almost smell that picture...
If I'd struggle to enlist due to a history of depression (clear for 2 years now and counting, no increased risk of suicide) then people with a massively inflated risk of suicide who will always have that risk should probably not be allowed in either.
Don't act surprised
What fitness test do the trannies do because there's no way half those counts would even pass the running part