Why is polygamy bad for society, Sup Forums? I need arguments.
Because you're a faggot who cant use Google.
Difficult to afford, causes infighting for attention and love, deprives others of a chance of finding a mate
Basically this.
Polygamy just means multiple women all fucking the same guy. This causes a lot of lower tier guys to go without, creating unrest and conflict in society.
Is it ?
Chill. I'm doing that right now but I need some arguments fast.
Man wants woman.
Woman wants good man.
Man is motivated to be good.
This creates productivity and keeps society going.
In a polygamous society, the vast majority of men would have no women to conquer and would lose all motivation to be good, thus losing all productivity.
This is why our society is currently crumbling.
Society is literally built on the relationship of man and woman.
betas drop out of society without the prospect of a wife and family, and society depends on the labor of betas.
>This causes a lot of lower tier guys to go without
polygamy is not bad for itself but 99% of polygamous men are mudslimes
you stop playing the game of you have no chance of winning. if no one wants to play the game, the game ceases to exist.
Thanks for this. Well said
Monogamy: some rewards to the majority of men. Men must only be capable enough to support one wife and their children. This provides incentives for most men to be productive and contribute something towards society.
Polygamy: since it is acceptable women flock to the same guy, there are going to be huge rewards to be top dog. This way, a lot of men will focus on being the top dog. This can be achieved by either being very good at something or by taking down the opposition, as what matters are relative standings. Therefore, you create a huge deal of unproductive infighting between men. Also, those who stand no chance of reproducing will have zero incentive to contribute to society.
>if no one wants to play the game, the game ceases to exist.
Only that's not how things work in the real world. There's always a game. And always winners and losers. people never get tired of it. There's an endless supply of suckers..
except the game becomes world of Warcraft instead of raising a family, and society crumbles.
mormon ?
I don't think polygamy is necessarily harmful but when you throw prostitution in the mix, you have issues. Then you've designed society to select and favor the people with less empathy and more money.
There is no need for the population to continue to expand at an exponential rate. If third worlders want to continue to breed like rats than they can die like rats.
It is allowed in Islam not the rule, by far.
Sup Forums seems to hate polygamy because of the capitalistic approach towards relationships
Meanwhile, I am here thinking how awful it would be for the children to grow up in a family where the mother's are competing for the father's affection and would resort to using their children as leverage to get it
What is your opinion on homosexual polygamy, Sup Forums
>and society crumbles.
societies come and go. That's just the way it is. Nothing is eternal. In the mean time , there's still winners and losers.
If we had to do an analogy...
Take Europe. a continent where people are essentially paying/subsidizing for their own demographic suicide. (via the importation of unlimited 2 digit IQ third worlders who'll breed them out of existence)....
Winners and losers...
>What is your opinion on homosexual polygamy
It's probably different considering that gay communities are usually very small and insular. If anything I would be surprised to learn that there was actually genuine affection being shared between these people and not just mindless desperate humping.
>Everyone in this thread assumes men will marry multiple women
>Even though modern society proves the reverse would end up being true.
>What is your opinion on homosexual polygamy, Sup Forums
Worthless. The whole point of polygamy is to have many children at a higher rate.
Read "Sex and Culture" by JD Unwin
>What is the 80/20 rule
Chad would just be able to get away with fucking and marrying 6 girls at once, instead of getting shut down for it.