Normie Bingo: Sup Forums Edition

Let's go, boys.






could be worse

You don't watch anime but still have a waifu?


Probably from some vidya.


.....I unironically don't land a mark on any of these, except "Been outside in the last 10 hours"
christ, i feel like a pathetic piece of shit

>Moderately religious
add agnostic/atheist instead
no normie is even slightly religious

ah tru



Looking good if I say so myself

>this is what people who never go outside actually believe

Kind of normie

Look, not even your "bible belt" faggots are religious, they follow a happy go lucky cult that resembles somewhat Christianity

What do I win? Bonus in military

Template was probably made by a rural American, where being religious is considered normal.

18, male

i'm a kissless hugless virgin and i only have one friend who i meet maybe once every week or two, but i'm doing fine


oh shit boys, i'm fucked

People actually getting bingos. You disgust me.

post your waifus

do not have waifu either

>they're not actually religious, they're just religious
ok, stop replying to me weirdo

You guys are degenerate faggots. Stop watching porn and honour your ancestors.

Why is this bingo board so shitty?

Do you even know what makes an individual a normie?

>plays mostly console
>own apple products
>has been outside in the last 10 hours
>has never had social anxiety and depression
>not having a specific fetish

This list is dog shit..

Very nice POLITICAL discussion going on here.

I game on PC, I don't work out, I don't own apple products and I don't support mainstream politics. Check all other boxes.

I'm a strange person

Accountants life...


How the fuck can you be right wing and not regularly work out to keep your body strong enough to take on the rise of rabid cucks in the field?

Fuck forgot my bingo book.

Oh and I'm not religious. Normies are not religious in this country anyway.. Just Muslims.

I tired to watch Anime once, but just couldn't understand what was going on.

how did i do?


yay... kill me

Nice Ruger my dude




>tfw you're just an autistic normie
feels bad man


Thanks senpai. Magazine was out so wasn't worrying about trigger discipline


Not bad I think

Just do like 5 pushups every morning. Even if there on your knees. It really is amazing how much better your body will feel.

you're pretty much the average finn desu

>tfw too smart to be normal

Factory work keeps me in shape well enough, I prefer to spend my free time practicing other skills. Besides, its not like it takes a great feat of strength to fight of a horde of cucks

>5 push ups
why not do an actual amount of exercise
>Even if there on your knees
whats the point at all then? a woman can do that

>he has a faceberg account



Watcha gonna do with this info, CIA?

>keep your body strong enough to take on the rise of rabid cucks in the field
that's what the right to keep and bear arms is for


The point is its better than 0 exercise, and helps you build the habit. Of course, you want to do more and more as your body allows.

Don't be mean.

You are fucking retarded, I used to do push-ups everyday never on knees because my dad told me don't be a pussy. Now I have fucked rotator cuffs and shoulder blades and can barely do them on knees. And yes I use proper form, doesn't help. Knee push-ups are the most healthy push-ups to do for gaining strength rather than pumping out a workout

anyone who checked off owning an apple product or having a facebook, needs to get off Sup Forums and kill themselves

>gun rights
Yeah nah I'm gonna have to stick to these guns
*flexes skeleton*

>I have a frail weak body
>that means you're retarded!
better response

Salem-Aklam. What if I is not "moderate"?

>has opinions

wew lad, so the leftist attack of being angry virgins is mostly correct?

I don't use facebook anymore.
But i used to have one

I am a leftist


>implying i'm a leftist

you have the reading comprehension skills of one

>implying im not a leftist

Get a job you worthless fuck!

Here, I'll bite

Fuck I don't have my glasses on


send help


If only I showered more and found a way to stop jerking it to Bible Black

do any of (You)s feel that this contributes to your political views? How much?

I'm impressed you dont have a waifu

congratulations, well done

the fuck happened here?

Fuck ur template bro, it's rigged against non normies who are successful in RL as well as full 1488

Apparently a 7/10 I liked in highschool also liked me but I was too dense to realize.

If it is superficial, it's not religious. Or every person on earth is religious based on this graph.

Fuck you


>Or every person on earth is religious based on this graph.
not every person, just the overwhelming majority
atheists are a small minority who don't breed


Get out

>Has an apple product
>Has a facebook account
Fucking neck yourself!

I'm actually really pushing the "has a job thing" too. I don't work consistently any more, I just take jobs as they come and it hasn't been very much lately, gonna need to find something more consistent.

not very much at all, I haven't spoken to a girl in years, since I dropped out of highschool, so I can't say they have an effect on my life

r8 my normiedom