You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't purple pilled

You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't purple pilled.

Because compromising with evil is evil in itself.


Maybe next century

Shapeshifting Shadow Government Reptile are carnie cucks.

pills are a just social construct.

ur body is a social construct man.

Evil is a human assigned trait. In nature there is no evil. You know nothing until you study both sides.

>Evil is a human assigned trait. In nature there is no evil.
humans are part of nature.
Your premises are contradictory.

do you kiss ur mother with those fingers. you re telling me you would negotiate with an otherworldly gold loving lizard twat. fuck no.

Beacause redpill IS the purple circle there you fucking idiot.

Its not an anti-thesis and contrarianism as most people here believe. People ARE contrarian here and they will post opinions that are anti-thesis to popular opinion and through discourse and search (even if chaotic and austistic as fuck) we arrive at approximation of truth.

Redpill equals truth, truth equals Synthesis.

>implying nu/pol/ gives a shit about discourse

storm fags invaded so yeah we still have some time to take it back.

Nature isnt one object. We wouldnt be able to tell anything apart. And Im referring to that which exists outside the human mind.

When a star gets destroyed by a black hole is it evil? When a forest starts on fire from a drought is it done by evil?

We categorize as humans to make educated decisions but that doesn't mean it's some inherently evil force.

We NEED to make decisions by looking at all sides, if we want to make good decisions.

its going to be difficult when the 'other side' is completely quiet. all They do is hide under sheets of bureaucracy. its also not racism to hate them cause they re not even men.

>muh stormfag boogeyman

Stormfront is the KKK boogeyman of the Internet. It poses no threat and is full of rightfully angry, but humorless old men who stick to themselves and talk about barbecues. The only reason stormfag is used as a pejorative so often on Sup Forums is because all of the Milo gamergate anti-feminist newfag cuckservatives can't rationally argue about race. Everyone who didn't leave to 8pol when moot fucked us has probably now moved onto greener pastures.

nu/pol/ is (((you))) newfag
Sup Forums was, is and will be always shit
and some good ideas and redpills are still coming

this is how we roll nigger

>When a star gets destroyed by a black hole is it evil? When a forest starts on fire from a drought is it done by evil?

Only organisms that can conceptualize, can be good or evil. That's humans. Being "good" = "being virtuous", that is acting to some idealized standard when there is a choice between actions.

I forgot what this thread is about

Implying what is outside of human observation matters.

Mankind hadn't conceived of black holes until, what, the mid 20th Century? So, for the entirety of human existence until 70ish years ago, black holes didn't exist in any meaningful way.

Even then, human language gives black holes their importance. The language of science, created by man, gives your naturalism meaning.

There is no difference between 'evil' and a black hole. Human observation is needed for both.

Zaaaaaaannnnnkoooookuuuu no tenshiiiiu no teeezeee

> In nature there is no evil.

Unbalance is the evil.

Hegel's dialectic is dumb - the best option is not halfway between that which is good and that which is evil.

its not that it's "halfway"

its that most conceptions are not fully compatible with what is being represented, so you may have to take more than one sample (theory or opinion)

but sometimes the first thesis is sufficiently accurate

I agree totally. And Im not so big on naturalism - I just do not assign the words "evil" and "good" to natural processes.

Whether we were given morals or we created them is a different unrelated debate. I only brought up the example to round out OP saying we indeed do need to consider all sides of a problem before finding a proper solution.

You can't be purple pilled, the purple is in itself you.

Because someone has to represent the antithesis? It's what Sup Forums has always done.

Is paedophilia the thesis or antithesis?

It is easy to manipulate if you know what outcome you want (Synthesis) you formulate your Thesis more radical.

interesting. did you make that picture?

>We NEED to make decisions by looking at all sides, if we want to make good decisions.

>good decisions

Isn't good or evil an assigned trait according to your logic?

Isn't it just your opinion that a good decision is one where we look at all sides, then?

It's Hegel's alternative logic of history. Not a line but a series of connected circles

It doesn't make sense in many situations, I think.

>Evil is a human assigned trait

And that makes it much more relevant.

This. It is like the Dem/EU supporters wrote out a maths problem with their emotive screeching but have refused to solve it.

Because Thesis and Antithesis are just constructs of the elite to force us into a predetermined Synthesis.


The synthesis then becomes a new thesis. The "purple pill" is fleeting.

i mean, they aren't really forcing you though? seems like you're freely participating, isn't this the red team?