>Obama's coming and he's ready to roll
>Going to lead the resistance
>Jarrett moving into Obama mansion
>Here he comes
Trump tweets about wiretap
>Woops just kidding, off to Tahiti a country with no extradition to the U.S.
Why is he hiding?
>Obama's coming and he's ready to roll
>Going to lead the resistance
>Jarrett moving into Obama mansion
>Here he comes
Trump tweets about wiretap
>Woops just kidding, off to Tahiti a country with no extradition to the U.S.
Why is he hiding?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's gonna be photographed with either a white woman or another man holding hands
And the media will rationalize it by shilling for men holding hands
Michelle and the kids left behind
>He's gonna be photographed with either a white woman
This has been my prediction literally for years and I came here to post it again.
Hot juicy gossip (!) about which young admiring White woman Obongo is with will be mainstream news sometime soon, you can bet your reverse mortgage on it.
I think there's a better chance it will be a white man.
It's not hiding if you know where he is.
theres no extradition treaty for Tahiti, meaning he can't be brought back to the US if hes in legal trouble
he isnt coming back
It's very strange.
The island is probably heavily guarded too.
It's fucking bizarre how he fucked off without wife and kids literally within a week of the Trump tweet.
Is he worried about being called to the stand by Nunes?? Is this why they want Nunes gone??
No comment about Trump allegation. Not a peep.
>Why is he hiding?
Because if he returned to Chicago he might die in as drive-by.
He knows the jig is up.
He's also relatively young, so him "dying" as the pedogate stuff starts to come out wouldn't be as plausible as the Clintons or Bush Sr who will likely die of "natural causes" before the Nuremburg style tribunals start.
The Manchurian Candidate came out of nowhere and is now going to vanish.
Thats the black half talking
King Nigger fucked up he's getting 25 to life
He's been a bad nigger.
He fled to Hawaii (where his old buddy was the judge that blocked the second travel ban lives) because a monumental amount of drugs was found on a boat named Lady Michelle and 2 TSA agents arrested said that the Bush and Obama administration authorized it all.
From politico link:
>Marc Elias, a top election lawyer who’s advising the group
Same Marc Elias who is representing John Podesta. He sent a cease and desist order to the daily caller the other day for talking about the 75000 shares Skippy didn't divest. But the daily caller is still running the story with no corrections:
Elias "accidentally" sent the letter to the wrong address.
Bumpity bump
Man those pesky Russians must just keep planting fake news even after the election
>tfw unironically fled the country and DNC seppuku
Because Tahiti is a warm and beautiful vacation spot? Sounds like Sup Forums is jealous they will never be able to afford to go there with their paltry NEET incomes.
It's just gonna be Joe 'First to Widen' Biden
Vacation alone, without his family? He was just on vacation on Branson's island in B.V.I.
Holder said "he's coming", then he goes to Tahiti for a month?
He has enough money to take vacations for the rest of his life. I'd do the same thing. Can you imagine how much Tahiti poon he is getting right now?
>He has enough money to take vacations for the rest of his life
Community organizer and politician. Never worked a fucking day in his life.
i've asked this before, but how can he hide when he has a Secret Service detail? Should they be asked, the SS would forcibly take him wherever they were told to. unless he plans on dipping out the window and hopping over a fence, he can't escape.
The "Secret Service" is just a title.
He's not hiding, he is just having some pizza and hot dogs on vacation while the whole world is watching Trump.
See SS can't do shit.
ITT Russians pretending to be Americans talking to each other.
He's an ex-President. He can leverage that into $100,000 "speaking fees". The guy is set for life.
>he isn't coming back
That's good right?
David Brock, is that you? I'm surprised you can type with Michelle and Obama's dicks in your mouth.
He's not. He's gearing up to take on gerrymandering to ensure that you rightfags can't steal local elections anymore.
Barry always preferred men
This is his first husband
They honeymooned in Pakistan
He can run but he can't hide.
pic related
Limp wristed grinning faggot
>Interested in poon
>implying Trump wouldn't just invade it to get him
Could be just a hash buddy lel
ITT random shit posted as fact
Hawaii judge apparently wrote 43 pages after hearing the case for 2 hours.
I even heard he put a stay on the entire Trump's EO including the non-controversial parts like how many refugees per year are allowed. which is extremely bizarre. iirc Obama bumped it up to 100k a year, while its been at 50k for a decade or two, even though only about 35k-40k refugees arrive on average. (which is still wayy too many shitskins)
damn it's tuff being president.
>Those digits
Digits. Kek.
Obama is taking a nice gaycation, gargling quarts of polynesian jizz under a waterfall. Allahu Snackbar!