Kuwaiti Woman Watches African Maid Fall to Her Death While Filming It


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it's part of their culture

How do you even get yourself into a position like this?


Can a sand nigger translate this for us?

>first thought is I hope there's a video
>holy shit that was pretty good for a rekt thread

Bretty good

What was she doing out there?

>falling out of a window
Explain what series of events would have that woman hanging onto the window with one hand, while facing forward. The only way for her to be in that position is if she climbed out from inside out climbed up from outside. I'm wondering if she wasn't committing suicide.



pretty obvious that the window doesn't open

i heard that she survived apparently

Wtf why wasn't she using her other arm?

God that was great. Love way she strongly showed up hat she was not at all interested in helping her up. Seemingly more annoyed the maid was even out there.

africa everyone

>imma take out a phone and record for likes instead of doing something ooga booga

she was cleaning the windows they forced her outside to clean them where she slipped but managed to hold on, then lost her grip.

Didn't die apparently.

Spam this on BLM accounts.
Ipso facto slave owners watch their slave fall to her death.
Her cries of help ignored, like the millions of black slaves before her...

Muslims are so hostile they even push people out of high buildings passive-aggressively.

Can we please rid the world of this filth?



>there's no such thing as a perfect fema--

>nu-Sup Forums will defend the African maid

>stormfaggots defend niggers

do you have another source that isn't twitter? shit high shcool computers don't let me into any social media

>implying they didnt dress another maid up to avoid backlash

I don't mind africans, so long as they are in africa.

The African maid wasn't in Africa

It's just some video of a nog in the same clothes getting down of the roof, really wouldn't surprise me if was true.

come on burger

What the fuck is wrong with muzzies?

Ok Sven you would left an old black women fall to her death because your an evil racist. Carry on posting from your cuck shed whilst Jamel fucks your mother and sister.


Rescuing the old woman would have required a modicum of upper body strength, something sorely lacking in the modern Swede.

Lost hard.

she actually survived the fall, some user had a video of her after she fell

One less nigger in the world

But still a dirty window.


Kuwaiti Woman: 'Name" you crazy woman, Come here.
Maid: Unintelligible.

You see how unbalanced she is?

My bet is that she didn't have enough strength to pull herself up to grab something else with her other arm.

You krauts are alright sometimes.

gtfo underaged faggot


Got a chuckle

>every type of immigrant stops being worthy of life

Will you never leave Sweden? Even as a legal immigrant somewhere else?



From what I've read it was a suicide attempt by the maid who backed out last minute and was screaming for help.


The maid is from Ethiopia, probably moved to Kuwait to try and make a little money to send home so that she can look after her children back home and now she's stuck in this nightmare.

These Arabs treat their maids horribly they confiscate their passports so they can't leave, and throw acid in their face or burn them with irons, they treat filipinos especially bad.

I know someone who is a nurse working in the gulf states who've had to treat abused domestic workers.

Save us Bannon
i'm ready for the Fourth Turning


I have read about how shit arabs are to the help, they really fuck the pajeets and bangladeshi and the worst part is that the fucking companies in india know about this shit and still send their people to be enslaved and profit from it.

Not sure how to link a specific tweet but on this page is video of that lady starting to climb down a ladder on her own.
She must be made of rock.

The *thud* at the end is very satisfying.

how is she even standing up?

I don't know a lot about Arabs Sup Forums, do they hate nogs? Do they treat whites any better?

>inb4 flag

I'm Scottish, don't see them a lot up here

How tf do you end up in that position

>Fourth Turning

What is the 4th. turning about?

Can I get a quick rundown please?

>implying there's anything wrong with inspiring anger at Saudis

Do you learn shitskin in your country now?

i see nothing wrong taking place in that video

Kuwaiti here:
>that woman is a bitch not only for not helping her (maybe she felt she couldn't) but because she filmed it and called her crazy
>ethiopian maids are known to be overly dramatic and sometimes they chimpout and actually murder one/all of the family members they work for
>she probably was throwing a fit and threatening with suicide. If that's the case then it would be understandable that the woman did not help her since the maid may try to drag her down with her

And most importantly:
>the maid didn't die. She just broke her arm

>Can a sand nigger translate this for us?
>leaf responds

Good times, good times.

Anyway, I heard that the dead negress was cleaning the windows and the lift collapsed and she miraculously managed to grab on the railing with one hand. Unfortunately she didn't have the strength to do one pull up nor could expect the help of the kuwaiti and death is the result.

do your people hate blacks
of course

You are the dumbest nigger alive to believe a drop that high isn't certain death. You actually believe she fell that far and just walked down some fucking steps?

That was either a family member identifying the corps or rushing to a friends aid only to see that she's dead. You could not hit a solid structure like that and survive, let alone simply walk it off and step down a ladder.

Holy shit people on Sup Forums are sometimes the dumbest people alive. She is dead, that second video was not the same lady. To even argue that she isn't dead or in life support because every bone in her body would me smashed, makes you the dumbest nigger to have ever existed.

Never heard of the man who survived a fall out of a plane? without a parachute

She didnt die though. Shes fine.

Oh yeah...totally. im sure she wasn't instructed to clean those widows and leaned over and slipped with one hand holding because she was bracing herself while trying to get the bottom corners of the window clean.

>shit high shcool computers don't let me into any social media


They are the first ones to enslave Africans, and they also enslaved Europeans. They still think it's normal to have slaves in 2017, fucking oil money

>Kuwaiti here

quintessentially British

Lol I'm a student not an immigrant. As a Kuwaiti, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for me to migrate to another country. At least not this moment.

>do your people hate blacks
No they don't. At least not in my country. The only thing we have is amazing interracial banter.
There are some people however that hate outsiders (I.e. they're nationalists).

Top lel man.

>Sup Forums will defend this
>dude niggers deserve death lmao

Literal muslim subhuman tier.

Very disappointed.

wtf am i the only one who finds this utterly disturbing?
The person recording is a bitch.
Only a Muslim would let another human die like that.

Yeah, sandniggers are biggest blight to humanity since they have money but also a nigger mentality.

Someone said in another thread that the African nanny was hiding from the Kuwaiti woman because she was high on something and acting erratic. Fucking degenerate.

She isn't dead she is actually extremely lucky. What she fell on is a metal roof that people in kuwait put over their parking spots (because of the burning sun.) I don't remember what metal exactly these roofs are made of but they bend pretty easily so that absorbed her fall. She's extremely lucky because she managed to avoid the surrounding concrete and landed on that small metal bit (you can also know this from the sound of the impact).
>pic related. Something similar to this

Did he also hit a solod fucking structure? When I read about that man, he landed on dirt and grass that was mushy, absorbing his impact. Also, didn't that same man actually have his parachute fail, but still slow him down from terminal velocity?

I read that story. This lady is dead. Again, if you believe the Saudi's and their media are going to be open and truthful about this situation, you are fucking retarded.

Niggers do deserve death, though.
This is why nobody considers Slavs white, Ivan. Get your shit together.

Yes its called earth

Shouldn't you be in school?

more specific

Saddam was right

Top kek, a european immigrant to amurika calls white people not white. Eat a chode Paco

this is a completely different event

what the fuck page is this? Looks like some literal terrorist dude

I can't wait until we get to kill you Germans again. Shouldn't be too long, once you fire up your EU army you have been diverting funds for Nato with.

Seriously, it will happen again, and I hope I'm not too old so I can put holes in Germans like my great grandfather did.

she probably binged the week through watching cky and jackass videos



depends on what you land on, you dont die from the fall, you die from the landing. looks like the landing was pretty nice had like a trampoline like effect

It's not Saudi Arabia, it's Kuwait

She landed on a tin roof. There are many stories of people surviving falls from height when they land on a deformable surface such as car roof or tin metal roof.

As much as I'd want to help her no one should be expected to touch skin that black, it would take a ton of rituals and baths to get cleansed of that taint

>Kuwaiti here
Big fucking surprise

>The maid survived the fall but suffered multiple fractures

also she employer will get off scot free
grew up in kuwait
this type of shit happened quite often
>maid gets beaten to death
>maid gets used as sex slave for son
>maid gets deported without pay when contract ends
and everytime the kuwaiti gets away with it
>wasta opens many doors

its just the norm there



Yeah but she did get some facebook likes from it, right?

Pakis are arguably worse than poos.

Just for that I'll poo on a quran


Awesome. Now if this was america she could sue the ever living shit out of the recording bitch but alas, she's going to work for her tomorrow again or be beheaded instead.

Don't go then

Where the fuck is Slovenia?

How irrelevant are you in world politics?