Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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The arguement against Universal Health Care is as retarded as the arguement for the War on Drugs.

But some stuff just has too much money to change at this point.

enjoy getting your hips replaced by a couple of tacos.

oh and you might be missing a kidney as well, I assure you that's all standard procedure.

Tbh we should just spend all the money we already spend on healthcare on actual requires emergency surgeries. Not only is it absolutely retarded to have to pay for degenerate faggots who want to cut their dicks off, but it's equally retarded that we don't pay more money to people who actually NEED surgery.

I guarantee there is more needless regulations in America causing the price

How third world is Spain, where you can fly to, live there for two years, get a surgery, and fly back for a total less than $40,000?

Yes, listen to this burger.

This has happened to me many times. I have to fly to China biannually for additional kidneys.

wait what? tell story spainbro.

And, for just another ~35% of your paycheck in taxes, you too could have a state subsidized hip replacement for only $7k.

How inflated is you currency, that your cost of living has got so astronomically beyond your average earner?

I eat out three times a day, and don't worry constantly about an accident befalling me because of solidarity with my countrymen.

Most of us own our own homes, have cars, motorbikes, and other worthless shit.

Don't believe in memes. You are believing CNN when they tell you that the USA is the most prosperous country in the world, whilst ignoring how shit your people on average live.

Is joke

American healthcare is dogshit, im feeling it on myself right now, i have my wisdom teeth coming in, surgery cots about 2k here but in say.... Thailand, that shit is WAY cheaper.

desu fuck burger land and our retarded population, all they care about is kayfabe.

Because the bulls in the US keep destroying their wives´ hips.
Price rises with demand.

How many young Americans flee to Spain, compared to the opposite ?

Yeah I thought so.

Good luck living in madrid on $1,300 a month

usas has all the money

money going to spain will not help your area in usa you live in. the spain money most likely will run through corruption

yeah, but spic doctors only go to year 10 in high school and don't carry insurance.


Implying our public system is going to pay jack shit to you being a foreigner.

easy to say than when you don't have a huge underclass of citizens draining your social programs, raising the price of healthcare, and all the while asking for more.

If you European fuckers spent more money on your military so Ivan doesn't step on you one day, maybe we wouldn't have to cover your costs and we could fix our health care. Oh well. We will drop nukes and fuck everything up, all you Europeans had to do was not be pussies.


We have the better healthcare system of the world. It's one of the few things we can be proud of.

No, we will leech you dry mothafucka

do you have any idea how much fat you have to cut through to get to a burger's hip?

Shill thread.

spain gdp per capita: $36,143
US gdp per capita: $57,220

7,371*57/36 = 11,670

So that's how much we would expect it to cost, given that doctors in the US are paid quite a lot more than in Spain. A few more questions: how long would you have to wait in spain for the procedure?

It still feel a bit on the expensive side in the US, but overall I think if you can pay for it, US healthcare is top notch

And in the process get killed by sand niggers and your wives and daughters fucking raped by the hordes. Your lineage will get wiped out and we will have no choice but to hit the reset button a couple times.

Ok gtfo then faggot commie subhuman

Btw the only people getting hip replacement are old fucks who
A) have all the fucking money
B) have their medical procedures paid for by Medicare


Yeah all the rich people fly to spain for treatment, right?

It's way cheaper to get the surgery done in The U.S.A. faster, and higher quality.
In Spain, you'll be waiting for years, have it done by some Pakistan Arab, and it will cost you more then half your yearly income.

U.S. healthcare is best healthcare.

>If you European fuckers spent more money on your military so Ivan doesn't step on you one day, maybe we wouldn't have to cover your costs and we could fix our health care. Oh well. We will drop nukes and fuck everything up, all you Europeans had to do was not be pussies.

Assuming you cunts are competent enough to even know how to use them anymore, Jermaine.

coño joder jajaj Xd

ITT: children and Europeans who don't understand how American health insurance works

>America will be non-white by the time that ever happens

keep dreaming faggot, now gibsmedat money

you want to look at median income, not GDP per capita
Not to mention it's gonna be skewed either way since hip replacement is gonna be covered by insurance

A better indicator would be the price of an average doctor's visit, since you're probably going to be paying out of pocket

Surgeries cost more in America for the same reason that prescription drugs cost more: We're the ones inventing them.

We do it first because we're the best. America has the best, must expensive medical schools in the world, and as a result we have the best, most well trained doctors in the world. And the best surgeons in the world don't just perform surgeries, they pioneer new surgeries. Any new medical procedure comes from America. We do it first, other counties copy what we so.

But developing new procedures, new surgeries, and new life saving techniques isn't cheap. It requires lots of testing, new specialized equipment to be produced, and the input of many highly trained, highly paid doctors.

That $40,000 surgery isn't just paying for the surgery. You're also financing the development of new procedures, the money has to come from somewhere.

That's part of the price you gotta pay to be #1, though. And not even a word of thanks from the third world shitholes that perform cheap surgeries they copied from brilliant American medical pioneers.

Not sure a hip replacement is something you want to skimp on. I think it's something like 60% of people die within the year of that surgery.

>easy for you to say your county is better when it is lacking these things that make it worse
I suppose so?

>the best

how delusional can you be

Spain is nice apart from Muslim Spain.

That's why Trumps plan is going to help. If you make all of these things ultra competitive their prices will drop a ton especially when the government won't pay for it.

Considering Spain has a GDP per capita 15,000 less than the US, what you say is only true in relation to niggers in the US.

>Drug prices

That or you give distinct monopolies to drug company's allowing a dramatically inflated drug price.

>Surgery costs

Your surgery costs are driven by insurance companies, and a hyper-litigation culture, whereby you all sue each other over minimal damage.

Europe, somehow invents quite a bit of surgery techniques too, Bubba. I wonder how we managed it.




your tax dollars pay for research already, you're just brainwashed by jews

Our money goes toward feeding niggers and mexicans and the military
Honestly I'm shocked a country with such high unemployment as yours can keep that shit afloat

>Well Sup Forums?

The USA worships money.

America invented everything, thats how we beat the British with no help and later on beat Germany twice after they conquered Europe :^)

It's pretty unlikely there's gonna be any major changes to healthcare in the US anytime soon
the death of the GOP's healthcare bill saw to that

American high quality healthcare is indeed the best in the world, like how American wine is better than French wine

>our money goes to welfare, thats why it's so expensive

Spain is a socialist nation..

This is a test question to see if you're an ignorant child or not. Do you really think Americans here pay the full price of surgery and that insurance doesn't cover most of it? Answer me.

>Don't know people who work who can't afford to buy an apartment, food, clothes, car, etc.
>Outside of major cities no one worries about getting into fights almost ever.
>Same past a certain age
>We don't live like shit on average where the fuck do you dumb asses get the idea America is a 3rd world nation?

Then why the fuck don't they?

Sorry, what's that? I work in the American medical industry, and I can't hear you over the sounds of the AIDS vaccine we just developed and the drugs that literally reverse aging we're testing. Something about being the best? Hold on, I gtg, someone just invented some new robotic limbs with carbon nanofiber muscles over here.

>It's way cheaper to get the surgery done in The U.S.A. faster, and higher quality.
>In Spain, you'll be waiting for years, have it done by some Pakistan Arab, and it will cost you more then half your yearly income.
>U.S. healthcare is best healthcare.

I'm not really sure about that - they have private hospitals in spain too. And US healthcare is a mess since we have the insurance middle man lobbying for special rights.

Also the median household income in the US is $57000... so the cost of hip replacement is 70% of that.

>begging for the government to intrude not only your life, but on your body too
My sister had Medicaid for her son and when she refused to send him in for (((vaccination))) they said they'd take her kid away.

Which would happen over my dead body and the dead bodies of every man in my house.

Fuck off you communist, subhuman monkey piece of garbage. Move to Spain, shitskin.

Has it even occurred to you that it's a bit nutty to require everyone, if they want to drive, to be forced to buy only say, a BMW 7-series? Nope, can't buy that used Corolla that person over there (who isn't hobbled by all this regulation) drives. You either go into debt to get that 7-series or you can just fuck off and pedal your bicycle. And they've made it worse with PPACA. If you decide to fuck off and ride your bicycle they're going to tax you for it now.

Does that sound at all sane to you? Or are you now going to turn rabid BMW fanboi on me and say IT'S TEH BEST, IT'S TEH BEST, IT'S ALL YOU WANT TO DRIVE, IT'S TEH BEST?

>implying an AIDS vaccine is a good thing

Health insurance. Ignore the children in here. The same fucking bait everyday is posted on here about American healthcare costs, tuition, etc. 99% it's overblown bullshit that's why you rarely see Americans complain and it's always retarded b8 posters and ignorant Europeans who don't understand how things work over here yet.


M8, do you think that figure quoted from Spain is relevant or even real?

There is no source for that. If anything the figure is high. Most of us have private medical insurance on top of the state system so there is even more debate on the figure.

It's a ludicrous comparison.

>all the burgers in this thread chimping out at the mere mention that USA could not be number 1 at something

Imagine being this insecure kek

We should just genocide the welfare leeches so that our welfare system isn't so overburdened, and those who actually need the assistance can get quality care rather than mediocre care

we suffer from an inflated sense of worth, since other countries are much smaller than we are, their inventions don't resonate as much. Per capita europe innovates as much as we do

You must mean fly to Spain, get trampled by bulls, and enter a 2 year long waiting list to finally get your replacement.

>need hip replaced
>fly to Madrid
>get hip replaced
>when discharged from hospital fly back to USA
>home mafia needs to step down the price or lose more money for the spanish
>hip replacement prices fall across USA
>hip replacement mafia keeps making money but not abusing the customers
>now the practice of going out to get medical treatment gets widespread and american healthcare prices, the highest in the whole world, get smaller


> unironically being anti-vac

End yourself holy fuck

>she refused to send him in for (((vaccination)))
Then she's retarded and an unfit mother

Or you can get Insurance and pay 2.5k

Deport yourself Mexicant, Mother Hispania awaits another taconigger.

Why don't you do this then?

>We have the better healthcare system of the world. It's one of the few things we can be proud of.

But user, we are not Switzerland.

you dont have to be a Communist to realize that the american healthcare is dogshit, you just have to live here on your won dime.

HEY RETARD, not everyone has mommy to pay for our booboo's, some of us fucking WORK .

Is it too much to ask for big medical companies to NOT scalp us on EVERYTHING.

I hope when the cops shoot you they rape your sister afterwards

then why are they not doing it?


We encourage temporary monopoly because it is an unparalleled way to incentivize people to cure disease. There is no better way, period.

Case in point: we develop all major drugs. We cured Hep C in the last 5 years because the company wanted to make 50k/patient for ten years guaranteed, if it werent for that incentive, im sure it would have taken longer. But with the expectation of that stable, profit-maximizing cash flow, the companies (hundreds of them working every day) are easily willing to invest in the best doctors, trials, QC in the world.

Half of your youth is unemployed.

I don't get how a Spaniard of all people acts all smug about his economy.

We are fundamental Christians, and if you aren't then you're an ignorant bastard that swallowed the kike pill.

She also makes more money than both of you combined while working from home because The Lord has blessed her business and her house.

You fell for some shit bait.

People are. It's called "medical tourism". Google it.

yes, but then what is the problem? they get to have a holiday and very much cheaper hip replacement. why are they complaining?

Unlikely, the sheriff attends the same church.
How's your relationship with your county officials, city peasant?


Because it's stupid you have to literally go out of the country to get affordable medical serivces. The system is screwed up.

>against scripture

pic 1

Here's how every thread goes

> point out the ludicrious cost of healthcare in America
> Burgers say "lol it's the governments fault, if we deregulated it it would be cheaper!"
> point out that America spends 17% of GDP on healthcare and gets far less for it than countries who spend less than half that
> get meme answers about letting poor people die and euthanising old people

Dude, you missed the point entirely.
Hip replacement in the U.S.A. is less than 14% yearly median income at worst case with healthcare.
Private healthcare is cheaper in the long run.
My healthcare would make the replacement only 8% yearly income. The amount i'm saving on the replacement would pay for my insurance for years and years to come.

It's flat out cheaper in The U.S.A.

It's more expensive in Spain, because everyone must pay taxes for the universal healthcare and even than you're still paying half a years salary for the operation.
Even if you have private insurance you're still paying public taxes for everyone else's insurance.

It's flat out more expensive.
This is an objective statement dude.

>allowing the zog to inject your kid with 2 dosen vaccines and boosters at the same time because you actually want to give him Gulf War syndrome and sterile nuts

>the War on Drugs
You mean the war that allows cretin like you to bemoan their persecution whilst openly admitting that they buy illegal drugs in public?

That's amazing. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because the US awash with propaganda on the health issue, but seriously, burger, I gotta reeeeee on this.

Do you actually assume no medical drugs are developed outside of the USA? You think the EU doesn't have the same drug testing?

Your FDA barely does anything. What QC are you talking about? Do you assume the EU allows drugs to be sold without testing, burger??

How to the rest of us manage without your monopolies and fixed prices via medicaid.

I'm not talking about patents. If you believe your medical system is run as a free market, you've been manipulated. It is an entirely oligarchical system fed by speculators and the insurance industry who bribe your politicians.

yes, it is better to have something cheap and good close to you, than far away, but if all it takes is a weeks holiday for an operation you have to do once a lifetime, and youll save a shit ton of money, run with the bulls, learn spanish, and get a holiday out of it, how is it such a big problem?

And you can buy their 50€ tshirts too

Not acting smug, just pointing out it's and idiotic comparison.

Just because they've had huge price inflation, with salary increases not matching, does not mean inherently their people are better of.

>Live in Australia.
>Pay normal tax on earnings you do anywhere in the world.
>Free hip replacement.

Your healthcare system is fucked m8, The non stop ads about pills I need to be taking while visiting your country then the disclaimers on them but are pretty funny but.

>Sort it out you uncivilized Americans. Yu spend around 17 percent of your GDP on Health and get fuck-all in return you cucks.

That $40,000 never gets paid, though. The insurance company has negotiated a deal with their network provider to cover hip replacements for (likely) around a quarter of that price.

Not saying the system isn't fucked, but it's fucked in a very complex and special way.

That is what your government/insurance companies say to you to scare you into buying their overpriced medical care.

No you fucking idiot, a hip replacement in America costs 40k, while one in Spain costs 7k.

They're not talking about the costs faced by the consumer, they're talking about how much it actually costs to pay the for the procedure itself - regardless of who's paying for it.

Healthcare costs are jacked through the roof in America

i very much have a donald view on vaccination but

>letting your kid get mumps or meningitis or prenatal influenza because you want a schizophrenic vegetable

theres a line, somewhere. being diseased is far more traumatic that the occasional poisoning