>Germany didn't want to intervene in Gibraltar at all
>Now that UK is leaving, Germany will support Spain in the annexation of Gibraltar
Gibraltar is rightful Spanish clay
Germany didn't want to intervene in Gibraltar at all
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I still to this day never understand how you never managed to ever get it back from the bongs, even with French help, a little grain of land right on your door step from a few thousand bongs that have to sail a thousand kms.
look how long it took them to take back spain
Hah, good luck.
Your armed forces are a shambles. You could'nt even storm the Donkeys Flip flop, let alone get across the border and do anything.
The same reason that you still have to get permission from the Queen when you "elect" your government. If you are not the wonderful USA, you have to do what the bongs say.
Come and try and take it donkey niggers
If you don't have to have a nap first
Lazy cunts
you're welcome to have a go :^)
spanish speakers don't do very well against us though
Not so fast cunt
You mess with the UK clay you mess with us
Like you guys did with the Falklands...rite?
They're Spanish, they're hopeless.
Just look at South America.
That's fine, Pedro. We'll stop taking holidays to your banana republic, and your economy will further plummet within weeks.
I literally couldn't tell you how it feels to be defeated
pls no bully
Spain gave it to us why?
Ask that question why?
becuase we were the only ones able to secure the border from the gibs.
We are Europe's enforcers, and the French too i guess.
You fucking stupid cunt. Gibraltar not being ours isn't our problem
Who the fuck cares about Gibraltar?
We are just protecting Europe from the South
You sure about that, m80?
Hell naw if there's oil, we will toil.
If it's some shite islands, you can just keep whining.
>Who the fuck cares about Gibraltar?
Try laying claim to it and you will find out. You think they got their panties in a twist over the Malvinas.
Really? Don't remember Suez? You lost.
Singapore? You lost.
Burma? You lost.
> rightful Spanish clay
Don't you mean rightful EU-bureaucrat's clay? Idiot.
It's been ours for longer than you had even been a county when we took it, so fuck off.
I dont know mate, what would we get.
Since we got Helgoland back there isn't really a reason for us to care about british occupied stones in the water anymore
yes I agree, Spain deserves it
Our problem is actually economically and politically. Gibraltar is a tax haven for those who want to work and spend shit there while we are fucked with the IVA. The block shit was also fucking retarded. Their PM is also a retard.
How many troops will the UK need to repel the Spanish army.
5? 6?
one man with a red cape
we did help the UK with falklands, we let them cross the ocean to carry out that defensive attack. You don't cross oceans without permission from the big boss first.
USA = Big boss, controller of all trade routes, butt fucking those who disobey.
Heres a toast to Spain's glorious conquest of gibralter from those cowardly brits
Is that true?
How we managed to do it was pretty hardcore everyone seen the film right?
>cowardly brits
French are Europe enforcers, you're just lapdogs, at the same level as Poland or Germany in Nato.
You're not even worth your supposed nuclear deterrence.
no independant gibraltar is lit af
Gibraltar is rightful Moroccan clay...Gib Back Plox
It's only funny because it's true
Can you fucking hear yourself?
It's literally part of Iberian peninsula.WTF is Britain even doing there? Or in Ireland? Or in those islands in Argentina?
bitch pls>shit on them by having a independent gibraltar with commwealth membership
Fight for it then
>le ebin memes
I recognize that rock
>Or in those islands in Argentina?
quick rundown on Gibraltar please
Thomas Cole was macedonian from Ohrid didn't you know?
lol get ready, they're gonna fall under Montoro's claws, our tax collector in chief
and who said the Swiss had no sense of humor
>Spanish Succession Civil War
>Anglos come via Andalusia and annex a rock
That's it
lmao how can one nation be so butthurt
Gibraltar is German clay
sneaky britbongs
>what is the Monroe doctrine
Berlin is turkish clay from what i have seen
First we kill the monkeys...
The place is nice and all, but we don't need it at this point.
Sell it back for a decent amount, I guess. Oh wait, its Spain, sorry. Guess we'll be keeping it forever.
Anglo genocide when?
post yfw UK goes to war with Spain
>tfw we get to fuck over another spanish speaking country
>tfw theresa may is maggie thatcher reborn
>all this hoopla over a rock
What is it with clay that triggers the 'tism?
>Spaniards are yet again lying about Gibraltar on Sup Forums
Taking Gibraltar won't save you lazy fucks and your economy.
That would be an attack on a UN member. It won't happen.
>Remember that stuff that happened 60 years ago
Wow really made me think senpai
oh and we will FUCKING KILL YOU!
you are aware our nuclear missle subs are parked there right sometimes?
This. That was before Thatcher and the Falklands.
Spain is rightful British clay. We will liberate Spain soon
Just fill the Queen's bed with dead Gibraltar monkey heads, Godfather style.
Gibraltar is Spanish clay. Fuck the British.
so the EU actually was a peace project
Let the war begin
lol retards on about clay fill urslefs with shit its called land
>implying your shit works
there will be no peace
youre never having Gibraltar
get over it. we'd wipe the floor with you if push came to shove
Wouldn't it be in Germany's best interest to maintain good relations with the UK? The UK's Largest exports include Computers, Cars, and Oil, which are also some of Germany's largest imports. We're both in NATO, which exists to both prevent conflict within Europe and to promote co-operation among western countries. Meanwhile a large chunk of Spain's already fragile economy comes from tourism, which many tourists come from the UK.
Is Germany really so butthurt over Brexit that they're going to ruin the peace we've maintained since World War II?
>sticks thumb in dyke
into the trash it goes
solution to this cancer would to be a independant gibraltar xdddddddddddddddd devolved parlement
stick me thumb up yer nan you cheeky bugger
stay mad britbongs :^)
there will be no solution
we will keep them and no one will do anything
if 1 nato ally attacks another its 1 v 1 and we will not be nice about it
ask the argies
so we had a mishap big whoop!!!
the us battleship broke down you dont go "haha americas navy is shit!"
stfu hans,you have no nukes...we have like over 200 of the bastards and that is more than enough to flatten europe
aw man we are so mad, Don't even know how we run as a country, please invade us Germany. You are such a greatly run country.
you couldnt make us bend the knee with force then and cannot now
you will try and do it with money next.......do your worst hans
You want a fucking scrap, amigo?
you're asking for the third time, aren't you
the previous two weren'e enough for you soulless autistic braindead retards
i admire your nation succes and perseverance
goodspeed Nigel
When you get up there, right at the top, it is easy to see how the Marines held it. Any attack is single file up a steep path covered in rubble.
It would be like shooting fish in a barrel.
The UK retook both Burma and Singapore.
Also it was a victory in Suez until the UN decided to bitch about it.
Your nation is a cancer on earth, it must be cut.
>spain photoshopped their flag onto our rock
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