ITT: We post parts of Canadian culture.
Canadian Culture
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Is this real?
I'm not autistic, but this really can be true knowing who Canadians are
Look it up to see for yourself
>not watching your wife fuck a bear
Americans are uncultured plebs.
I think Canadians will discover mateship long before the burgers.
We use bud the same way you use mate. Lot's of good buds up here
American culture is basically worshipping blacks through Tv, movies, sports, your country voted for obama cus he was black. Young whites in your country basically adopted thug culture and all of them pretty much listen to rap music. Must suck to be 54% white when you were 90% in 1965. The only "culture" America has is degeneracy.
whats canada culture
bud, buddy, buddyboy
Watching the syrupcoon DESPERATELY scrabble to defend his disgusting, culture-dead retarded nation by denigrating a global superpower is hilarious.
Watch him huu huu huu and panic and try to shift the blame. Well BEAR with me Canuck, Poutine is shit, and so is your "culture" which is actually just French but less effective at everything--especially music, art, and culinary works.
Please do tell me of the Canadian people's superior tastes in music NickelBieberLeaf
Okay, lets be honest, what is cooler than getting fucked by a fucking bear?? Im not even mad. Bears are majestic, its the equivalent of having sex with a mermaid or a raccoon or something
Canada culture is basically worshiping America through their TV, movie theaters, restaurants, internet, clothing, media.
They are such jealous and shit people, they hate on the people they watch 24/7 and have given them everything.
Go watch NFL with your wife so she can drool over the strong big black players while you sit there and guzzle beer/chips like every other fat useless circumcised goy pig american.
>meanwhile usa has more niggers living inside it's borders than canada has people.
That's apropos of nothing since we also have the most white people of any nation on earth.
Electing a gay muslim nigger twice :^)
That's not that surprising considering Leafs aren't people.
Go watch NHL while you boyfriend slobbers on your 2 inch cock as you down molsons and smoke the crack pipe in your ghetto trailer like all canadians, you fat useless white trash drug addict fuck boi
>tfw you realize you use bud unironically when responding to people
Not sure how I really feel about this
Don't forget, the most fags too.
Culture in Canada is like America, based and varying depending on the region or area, Canadian culture is and was always more shallow and superficial because it is was about uniting us with our shared values, unfortunately Trudeau senior decided to destroy it and the empire has faded away so it seems rather hollow today
That's canada. Canada is full of faggots. Guys let other guys suck them, just for a BJ
NOT GAY if you pretend it's a girl, right faggot?
There's plenty of good canadian music that never makes it down to the States. Biebs and Nickelback wouldn't be nearly as popular as they are if it weren't for you southern faggots, with your huge consumer market, constantly buying their shitty records
Amerifat education right here folks
Colorado has the best buds
Meanwhile, canada has no one in it, cause it's a run down shit hole, populated by lazy, ugly,mean white trash criminals.
trudeu says canada has no culture but desu it does have a good one
the height of british and french culture combined into one
how the fuck you guys aint killed each other i dont know? thank god for the channel tunnel lol
you mad proxy fag? go chug some more muslim cock and block some more muslim bans.
change your proxy what are you doing
I think I figured out why it's a fucking leaf
Canada, like the maple leaf, is becoming increasingly brown and crumbly
Thank you for this reference. I wish you many a happy bearshaking and good marksmanship.
Looks just as if not more cancerous than the American charts.
>54% white
>90% white in 1965
Who's becoming more brown again?
Canada is completely cucked, hates white people and 100% politically correct. not Sup Forums
Mainstays of Canadian cultue
- Plaid
- Hockey
- Hand wringing introspection about our relevence to the world
- self-deprecating humour and satire
- Huge cities that hate each other surrounded by literally fucking nothing
- fervent alcoholism masked as national identity
- a complete disregard of historical atrocities, and a focus on "lol we burned the white house"
"canadians" dont exist. they are just americans in denial.
Whats with canadians and cuck fantasies? The whitest team won the last superbowl btw
Meanwhile in canada, most teachers can't do simple math
Canadian education everyone
this is from 2016
this is from 2011
STOP talking you fucking mongoloid leaf.
You people are clinically retarded from your education system
Not even close to BC bud, bud.
Canada is 74% white.
such a racist country. Sad!
take your abba and maple syrup and go to stormfront, bunch of nazis
Wish I had a proxy to change. I hate you fucking retards.
I hate having to live in your shit hole country with America right next door.
I'm considering running for PM just so I can sell all of canada to China, be a trillionaire and have you all die in work camps
>no dog blowing
weak thread
Blowing you the fuck out? Yes, our universities are clearly superior, and yes, the only "culturally relevant" part of Canada is Quebec, which is garbage.
Now that you've embarrassed yourself further, you should go have sex with a dog. Imagine being so inept that you humiliate yourself with your comeback to an argument. That's what being a Canadian is--self humiliation.
Did (you) block Bill M-103 ??
Cuck bitch. Shut your mouth faggot
>Canadian Hot 100
All pop music is garbage. Canada has a lot of good alt bands that tour smaller pubs and bars. I'd rather sit in a cozy pub and watch an alt blues rock band than sit in a stadium and watch some pop faggots prance about.
That's hot
BC bud is shit. Seriously.
All the high quality strains are from Amsterdam coffee shops. DOOFUS
Oh I get it, a butt-hurt baby dicked chink. It's all so clear now.
Post some then.
ITT: we trash mouthy leaf faggots for their imagined accomplishments with real FACTS
Do you hate canada enough to commit a terrorist attack on it?
OH IT'S LEAF MOD!! It's clear now!! HANG FAGGOT
Would you kill a Canadian?
Shit b8 m8
fuck ya bud Larry is the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just gonna send it
Lol I was about to report you to csis, did you hear about that mouthy faggot on Sup Forums that went to jail?
That's you if you don't watch it fucking retard.
Only after the laws of the land no longer exist and it's in self defense
post proofs lol
If metal is your taste then you probably won't like any of this but in any case it's bretty decent.
Wtf I love bears now
How big are bear dicks?
Asking for a friend.
>canadian culture
Is this hypothetical Canadian an Indian (feathers not dots)?
OC us education and culture is more progressed than canada, all you need to do is look at the population and gdp difference to see why.
Fuck... there is a outdoors culture here, not unlike Montana mind you, that breeds some farm boy strong guys. We are americans allies and white neighbors plain and simple, the second you turn your back on us is the second that you have lost. Don't turn potential friends into enemy's.
All western culture is effectively dead. Your status as a global superpower is in no small part the cause of that.
Report me for what exactly as well?
Get better b8 you fat shit loser.
This desu
Mouthy chink kind.
Used to play hockey with the lead guitarist from this band.
Don't we have fresh off the boat killers for that? Or is that only in Van?
I guess you are right, aren't they dumping all the niggers and muslims there?
You're fucking delusional.
>typed from suburbs of some canadian town
(You) typing something on the internet, doesn't make it true, you fat shit loser leaf.
Got any PROOF???
You're confused again. An American from /k was arrested and went to jail for open carry.
You think that's a leaf, because everyone on TV from America is in (your) home in canada, making them canadian in your mind
Don't encourage the leafposters.
The nogs and muzzies all want to live in Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver. Which is fine by me, they'll eventually end up killing each other while I comfortably shitpost from Eastern rural Saskatchewan in my comfy cabin.
Funny story though, I went to university in Lethbridge when they sent a bunch of refugees there and the refugees all refused to stay in Lethbridge because the city wasn't big enough for them. They're attracted to big cities, i'm repelled by big cities. fine by me.
>making them canadian in your mind
I know so many fucking people that believe that we have the exact same laws as the States because they watch so much fucking american TV
>99.9% of canadian towns being 25m away from large expansions of forests and Queensland which can be used for free camping, shooting, hunting, fishing, generally being a man.
It's ok buddy, I know your wound up pretty tight so it's hard to not see enemys everywhere. But that's sort of been canadas job in the past pre-Obama. You guys would do you and make all the money, but in doing so would piss some people off, Canada would roll in after and then people would be like "north America is OK" but somewhere along the line that stopped working.
lol what the fuck. Yes I think most real canadians don't like the big city.
People get arrested all the time on Sup Forums for saying the wrong thing. I was talking about the guy from jersey who said he wanted to kill obama, and then he got ass-raped in prison and never posted again.
Google it, there has been hundreds. Also since you are clearly a chink, that means your probably 1st or 2nd generation canadian, which means you can be deported for violating canadian law.
Better watch it chang.
Just cause there is lots of open land, doesn't make ALL canadians "Survivor Man"
Fucking dipstick Leaf Mod.
>canada would roll in
This guys smokes a ton of crack
opinion discarded
Again, you think American laws and canadian laws are the same.
Leafs please
Jersey is in europe dumbfuck.
Usa buds btfo canadacucknugs. Have you ever even been to a rec dispensary bro?
Leafs are mind fucked losers.
You think Europe and canada have the same laws!!!
Ya, I thought you meant Jersey in America
Trying to scare me, with laws from different countries and NO PROOF
Fried potatoes with what appears to be vomit on them.