>be (((Aryan))) supremacist
>say pic related are subhumans because they are slavic
Be (((Aryan))) supremacist
>Don't realize Persians are the actual Aryans
We don't want to mix with them, why do you want to force that if you're not subhumans?
Where did I say anything about mixing?
>persians are aryans
Russia was founded by Vikings, doofus.
Why else bring this up?
White is an umbrella term.
Spaniards, Italians and Greeks are not aryan, but they are white.
Same goes for Slavs.
That's just the (((white))) nationalists and their assorted american and hohol mongrel mutts. Everyone knows Russians are white, based and redpilled. They are virtually the only thing stopping anglozionist imperialism from taking over the entire world. Ganbare Russia!
people who think slavs aren't white are the same people who's bests interests are to separate whites entirely.
I live in Burgerland. These are white enough for me.
Get the fuck out third worldist National (((Socialist))) Cuck
>zionist libcuck monkey calls me a cuck
lmao, back to Tel Aviv with you shlomo
It's bad when it's not your imperialism lol
the thing is, women always look good even if they are racially reduced cromagnoids aka infantilized
it just makes them look cuter and younger
pic related is f.e. an socially dominant aurignacoid nordid for comparison
the real problem is that they lack a lot of traits that unreduced races have (high rooted leptorrhine nose, relief rich face, mesocephaly)
pic related a nordid woman , who is fully unreduced aurignacoid
for comparison look at this woman from ukraine, she's not ugly but you can clearly see that she looks much more childish in her facial features
women learn early on from which angle they look the best so they will always slightly tilt their head or try to make themselves look the best possible (aka more socially dominant)
shes from lithuania* , but shes baltid nevertheless , you can clearly see she doesn't look like a full "adult"
here is a pic where she tilts her head and its less noticeable
the problem with slavs is that the predominating racial type in all of them is gorid, which is basically a reduced cromagnoid with local influences
this leads to all (male and females) having baby faces , tendency toflat faces, concave noses, rounded foreheads, short faces and short extremities
pic related what this looks like on a man
Have you ever been around a slav?
They are worse than the worst German.
I knew lots of Russians back at school, all of them were completely bro tier. Not sure about other slavs tho.
have you ever met a slav? They're very warm people if you get to know them. They're also not very condescending unlike the Germans I've met
Not because they are slavs, but because they are women.
Poles are the worst of them. Hooked nose Ukranians are dumb as bricks as well.
Christian Russians are okay and mostly keep to themselves.
I live in Eastern Germany of course I've met plenty of slavs.
can anyone tell me about 'ethnic germans' that were living in russia?
apparently some of my ancestors were that.
>not mentioning greatest neighbour
i am kill myself now
>be a subhuman Russian shill with proxy
>pretend to be white in the internet
You are half-german mongrels anyway. And that's why I don't really mind some immigration from east of us. You have turned out great.
Oh wow, a Wikipedia article! It must be true then, because it's not like anyone can just edit a Wikipedia page to make it say whatever they want it to say!