Trump BTFO
I'm a Cruz missile
Yeah, well you're just a libtard cuck lord!
Hah, got em!
>jobs are good regardless if they're actually necessary or useful
Obvious that a leftists made this.
Oh no. Whatever will we do without useless government paid jobs. How dare they be forced to go out and get a real job.
BBB-ut I'm a Cruz missile.
Sage goes in all fields
This is how leftists think. They have no idea of the actual value of a job or any good. They think if someone is working, it's valuable, even if it adds nothing to the economy
>Making America great again.......priceless
>Institute for Peace
>Infrastructure up
>Waste down
That's exactly what he said and exactly what we wanted.
This is actually how Republicans think weirdly enough
>Reducing countries debt by ending useless tax payer funded institutions
>improves private economy by making a path for more employers to do business.
Not even mad. Public sector workers are parasites
Lol so much this. Libfags btfo
almost all of those jobs are basically gibsmedat welfaire sit-on-your-fatass-allday goverment jobs
reminds me of this
Why the fuck does #3 have 8000 plus employees? Are every one of those assholes being paid for by my taxes?
>35 people will build keystone
Jesus Christ Mexicans aren't that hard of workers
>middle management is a good job for an economy to have an abundance of
Literally kill yourself retarded commie scum
They have to cause the school system teaches the same shit economics. If they even teach it at all.
>Corporations getting government bailouts and fossil fuels getting all the protectionism is not.
Remind me which group is whining for equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunity again?
Remind which group thinks they deserve a good paying job because they have a gender studies degree again?
Less government jobs is a good thing, because they enable single mothers, which leads to the degenerate population we have now.
founder of the largest fucking corporation in human history was a longhaired barefoot potsmoking hippie libtard
>infrastructure: up
>public 'thinktanks' and taxpayer funded shitheaps: scrapped
feels good
It took 8500 people to make Sesame Street and Antiques Roadshow...?
Donald Trump, "Wasteful spending eliminator"
Wtf i hate Trump now
All the Keystone pipeline does is allow private companies to drill without getting arrested by butthurt liberals. No bailouts or support to be found.
My wife is one of the 35 working at keystone? No dip shit keystone opened thousands of jobs up, I've seen it first hand
This. Fuck government bureaucrats. Hope they all go totally bankrupt.
>Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Oh no! What will the poor, non-contributing, Marxist propagandists do!
>public sector jobs count as jobs
Kys parasite don't tread on me
What about the automobile plants that Ford decided to build in the US instead of Mexico? Don't wanna add those numbers to your little BS pic because it will make Trump look better than you want him to right?
Fuck off shill
>government jobs are jobs
Haha ok goy
It's from an estimate of how many jobs it will create after construction is completed. Most leftists don't understand that construction, and most other blue collar work, is contractual.