Evolutionists BTFO
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evolution is not a straight line
They're our cousins you fuckin shithead.
It's not a straight line.
We didn't come from monkeys, we have a common ancestor with them.
>british education
can you name people that don't accept evolution theory other than USA protestants?
slide thread
>millions of humans
they all are in rotherham raping your little cousin
>British education
Entire human bloodlines are unaccounted for solely because of wars, and species go extinct because of pollution and intensive fishing.
Shit happens.
>atheists falling for slide thread bait again
EU Education at its finest
Hint: That first primate/ape is not what you think it is.
what is it then???
A common ancestor
oh :3
Be praised our common ancestor!
don't /thread yourself
but yes you're correct.
Also the reasons why the notion that Africans are our ancestors is false. We share a common ancestor with africans, one that may not even have had that dark skin.
LoL, Denisovan.
This is a neanderthal thread dude, that subspecies doesn't even rate.
You know Evolution is proven right? As in there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever. We don't have every detail of every part of Evolution but that doesn't mean it's not true.
If you don't believe in Evolution you are a massive radical idiot and you should be ashamed for being so stupid.
>evolution is not a strait line
>the famous ape to human pic is used everywhere by evolutionists
>Tarzan was created thanks to evolutionists
Just watch a 15 min video on evolution on Youtube dumbfuck
Protestantism was a mistake.
>if you dont believe what I believe blindly you are an idiot!
>what is the middle east
What are niggers?
De-evolved apes
>the famous ape to human pic is used everywhere by evolutionists
Just like the Bohr model of atom is not entirely correct but it gives a good entry-level understanding of the issue.
There is no such thing as truth. All of science is a theory. We truly know if our theory of evolution is just a coincidence.
>my science isn't correct but look how easily it brainwashes these kids!
I don't believe in evolution "blindly" you magnificent dolt.
There is an absolutely huge amount of empirical evidence. I believe in evolution because of evidence. It's literally proven BEYOND doubt. If you can't look at the evidence and comprehend it then you are a massively stupid, plain and simple.
let me ask you one thing
have you seen these so called fossil records with your own eyes?
>Yuge amount of evidence, believe me!
>posts no proof
Awww did the Russians hack you as well?
Humans are superior in every way to the other bipedal hominids seen there, they out competed them in every field until their numbers were far greater than the rest, unable to compete the rest of the bipedal apes died off.
Not that Humans came from Chimps like the pic is suggested anyway, but the Chimps on the other hand occupy an arboreal environmental niche which Humans never occupied due to their bipedal nature (lack of balance, top heavy, etc.)
Shouldn't have flunked your science lessons you absolute spastic.
ffs get out of your basements and visit a museum
The word theory in science means something totally different than the normal usage of the word in American English.
Theory in science is essentially an explanation of facts and it's more important than facts and observations. For example... gravity... you can gather facts on it such as the rate at which objects fall, gravity is stronger the more massive an object is, the further away you get from an object the less gravity is exerted on you etc etc and once you want to explain those facts you get the Theory of Gravity.
Oh I don't believe in gravity because it's just a theory! And then I suddenly start floating off into the sky!!!!
Evolution is proven. Deal with it.
>have you seen these so called fossil records with your own eyes?
Not ALL of it given how much of that bastards are out there but i did seen a little bit. I even own quite a few fossils.
Had you seen God? Or a Mirracle? Or an angel? Or original manuscripts of the Bible? Or ones older than 200 years with your own eyes? How do you know that Christianity wasn't made up 300 years ago? How do you know that world outside of Australia exists?
wtf are you even taking about
you cannot say there is no truth, that in itself is a statement of truth.
also do you know what a theory is?
I've looked at fossil records plenty of times. I've looked at DNA evidence, geographical distribution evidence and all kinds of other evidence. Evolution is proven, deal with it.
>implying museums have proof of anything
>implying meseums don't just put fake shot in there to attract people
What... you can't do a simple google search or find youtube videos yourself? I suppose you're retarded then.
Evolution is proven beyond any doubt. Deal with it faggot.
You're just another retarded le science fedorafag.
All science is theory. How can you reasonably say that evolution is true. For all you know its just a coincidence that we created an entire theory over it. Like a liberal saying institutional racism is real because not enough blacks are rocket scientists. You set out with an idea to prove and come up with a theory that connects the data.
All i'm trying to say is not an argument.
Oh god, this meme again.
Theory doesnt have a special meaning just because muh science. "Theory" is always used for something that is not fully understood or proven yet.
Fuck off Bill Nye fag
I found a fossil of a fish in a shale cliff beach, so yes.
Ya just like its proven race is a social construct. There are tons of videos on it.
Hahaha, you seriously just proved you don't even understand what Theory means in regards to science. You are a moron and you have no understanding of the scientific method. It's not a meme.
>Millions of Pierolapithecus (most recent common ancestors humans share with the great apes) still alive?
>"millions" of humans
>British education
>evolution is proven, but I'm too lazy to back up my claims!
>You didn't google it therefore I'm right hehe!
Not very scientific if you ask me.
>we didn't come from monkeys just a common ancestor with monkeys
>most science books says monkeys
>keeps changing argument premises whenever evolushit is mentioned
atheists, jews, burger catholics and most of us pagans. Which is unfortunate
Yes. Gravity is just a theory. You existing is just a theory as well. You can't be truly sure of anything in science. What you can is be sure beyond any reasonable doubt. If it's good enough to give a man a chair, it's good enough for me.
>Muh scientific theory is better than your plain old theory because muh science is my one true religion
Christ Unmighty faggot, you really are stupid aren't you. Go get a biology book or look at any number of websites, or watch youtube videos on the subject. There is such a massive amount of evidence for Evolution that it takes a huge amount of time to study it all.
Seriously, any college Biology textbook will work. Download one illegally or something.
Slide thread, sage
a theory is a description of something in objective reality. a theory is "valid" if it is logical and consistent. it needs to have predictive value, so that it can be cortelated to empirical evidence. only when a theory is "valid" AND has empirical evidence to back it up, and is reproducible and can withtand rigurous attempts to disprove it, then it is considered "true".
evolution is "true".
There are not millions of the guy on the extreme left. He's an early hominid, and there are zero of them left.
Maker of the image probably confused him with a chimp. There are about 300,000 of them left in the wild.
If the image maker thought that was a monkey, then he is stupider than I thought -- but there are millions of monkeys. Even though that is not a monkey.
Wrong. You know nothing. Its a theory and always will be a theory because for all you know a new discovery will prove gravity isn't real today.
All science is just theory about the observable univers and it will always be a theory until the day you can say that humans know absolutely everything about the entire universe.
Pro tip; humans are all going to be dead by then.
>I found a fossil of a fish in a shale cliff beach
The debate is over. Evolution is real.
Can you prove what causes gravity to happen? Oh, you cant? Its just an invisible force you know little about? You are just speculating. So you don't know all the facts? Ok then that is a theory.
They're called niggers.
>hurr durr read an outdated book or watch some faggots on youtube explain stuff that doesnt exist like Christfags do.
The first ape on the left is not the same as modern apes. Both humans and modern apes evolved from that first ape on the left.
thust "just a theory" meme is tiring. take your sophistry and leave us alone.
Slide thread
We've already proven that gravity is real. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory has proven it beyond doubt. We've recently detected gravitational waves from a black hole merger and the observations further proved that Einstein's theories are true.
There will never be a day when we will have a new revelation that gravity isn't real. Well... that is unless God is real and he uses his all-powerful abilities to suddenly change the universe and gets rid of gravity.
You are an idiot who can't comprehend what Theory means in science vs. standard American English.
Please tell me you're a virgin.
You are a complete moron. You don't know what theory means. Its part of the scientific process to understand that everything is a theory.
Scientist used to theorize the earth was the center of the universe. The most important part of the scientific revolution was the realization that science is all theory and must be tested 100s of times and even then new evidence may prove it wrong.
For all you know we are living in a matrix or the entire universe was created 3 seconds ago.
Science is just the transfer of the real world to the paper.
Plants are green = natural fact we all know.
why plants are green = theory of fact we all know.
You are the reason science means nothing today. You are the reason dumb asses talk about global warming and its science to claim black people are not genetically different from white people.
>I cant argue so I'll attack your sex life just like every other dumb ass liberal
so what do you believe happened?
god created everything in an instant?
Detroit,Chicago, and Los Angeles .
Evolution and creationism are compatible.
I'm impressed you faggots have actually gone this long without providing any proof whatsoever.
fuck off bong we didnt evolve from Chimps, Chimps and Human evolve from a common ancestor
>We've already proven that gravity is real.
>we've already proven the earth is the center of the universe
>we've already proven disease is spread by miasma
You are stupid. Science is ever evolving. Again all it takes is a single finding to completly disporve the theory of gravity. For example there is no evidence that dark matter exists and its just an excuse so that we can claim we understand gravity.
You are changing the subject though. You have no arguments
Your appeal to authority is not an argument. Come up with an argument fedorafag.
Just visit paleontological museum. I've heard you have a good one in London.
It's more than enough to stop believing in all the bullshit about 5k years old Earth.
(((Darwinism))) is bullshit
They can't find missing link because there are no any
Where are the missing links.
Actually, the same type of evidence used to prove Evolution also demonstrates genetic differences of black people vs white people.
You should really spend some time going over the evidence for evolution as well as getting used to the scientific method. You obviously need to gain a better understanding of what Theory is in science.
Theory isn't just some random idea someone claiming to be a scientist has.
Sure, the universe could have been created 3 seconds ago however all the massive amount of evidence in regards to evolution is available and I go with evidence every time. There is a lot of evidence to show that the universe wasn't created 3 seconds ago. There is no evidence that indicates the universe was created 3 seconds ago. I gotta go with the evidence. Either the universe was just created 3 seconds in such a state that there is massive amounts of evidence to show otherwise or the universe wasn't just created 3 seconds. Hmm... really gets my noggin juices flowing there buddy.
kys... find the nearest tall structure and jump off of it as it would do humanity good.
Let's say you disprove evilution
ok but since you did not postulate any other idea guess what?
they're still gonna use evilution.
because there is literally nothing else to go by.
(hint disproving evilution doesn't make creationism right by default)
who would you rather get your proof from
autists on a mongolian archery enthusiast forum
or a college textbook, actual scientists
I believe in evolution but that's kind of a weak argument there burgie. Believing in science is great, blindly believing in science is dumb. Many theories have been proven to be false after having been considered "proven".
>there is no evidence that dark matter exists
there are quite strong theories.
Why haven't you accepteed Ra and the law of one?
>who would you rather get your proof from? autists on a mongolian archery enthusiast forum or a college textbook, actual scientists?
>implying autists and scientists aren't the same thing
Yes, a certain aspect of the Theory of Gravity could be wrong or we could find totally new evidence about gravity... that doesn't mean that gravity doesn't exist. It's the same thing with evolution as well you stunning dullard.
Just because we don't know everything there is to know about Evolution doesn't mean Evolution isn't real. Certain aspects of the theory of evolution may change sure, we might find evidence showing something we didn't know before etc etc... none of that means evolution doesn't occur.
You obviously have no clue what you're talking about and are regurgitating bullshit talking points from idiots for idiots. Good job in showing how stupid you are though, at least you're good at that!
It's all a conspiracy to destroy Christianity.
god damn how did no one else notice this
14 posts of the same nonsense
All you retarded Evolution deniers need to pick up a high school Science textbook and read it.
Yes, theories can change over time. Some theories might be totally proven wrong. However, when it comes to say the theory of gravity or the germ theory of disease and of course the theory of evolution, we know absolutely that those theories as a whole will never be proven wrong because of the current evidence for those theories. Some aspects of those theories may change or be revised etc, but that doesn't mean gravity isn't real or bacteria and viruses don't cause disease or that evolution doesn't happen.
We didn't evolve from chimps, we share a common ancestor that's not around anymore because the ones that started the paths towards chimps, humans, and other apes were selected for instead of it.
>/threading your own post
Not a single evolutionist has even bothered to post proof in this thread.
they are called niggers
>Actually, the same type of evidence used to prove Evolution also demonstrates genetic differences of black people vs white people.
I never claimed I didn't believe in evolution. I'm merely claiming you are a retard with no arguments. You really need to stop posting newfag.
>You obviously need to gain a better understanding of what Theory is in science.
You need to follow your own advice. Theory has always been the same. You are just another fedorafag that thinks because a man in a lab coat told you something its true.
>Theory isn't just some random idea someone claiming to be a scientist has.
You are right. Its a tested idea that a scientist comes up with after observing the universe. This does not mean its not a theory. It is still just a theory.
>There is a lot of evidence to show that the universe wasn't created 3 seconds ago.
Please entertain me. Provide this evidence.
You have yet to produce a single argument newfag. Just stop posting your retarded damage control posts full of snark over things you don't understand.