Pence is going to jail

It's 2017, you HAVE to dine alone with women it's the LAW.

Other urls found in this thread:!bIQgiDaA!kcRdspDGGLAbVSikMEqGYQ

I'm ready for Civil War 2 now


Every time I see this on one of (((these))) articles it always means "it isn't illegal, but I wish it was". When the fuck did (((news))) site turn into blogs anyway?

You know you'd lose, right?

There's nothing tougher than a progressive.

how is this not fake news?

its not news, its fake, its fake news.

>Vox not knowing the difference between business dinners and casual dinners

Sounds like a smart man to me maybe pence is the real mastermind behind everything

>vice president decides to minimise tension and possible sexual harassment suits by never being alone with other women (which is a smart move for a married man)
>liberals flip their shit

Liberals hating on the poor guy because of his religious views and practices. Hypocritical no?

>American flag

Nice proxy.

you can't be racist against whites
you can't be sexist against men
you can't be bigoted against christians

Really activates my Kafka trap card.

>nitpicking THAT hard

>nice autism, Ahmed.

Tougher to masturbate to perhaps.

dont libs realize that muslims are extremely sexist and anti-gay? do they just ignore this? i dont understand

>Vox ever publishing a worthwhile editorial
And then these people wonder why Trump calls the media "fake news"


You never let yourself be alone in a room with them. Or alone out and about with them. Never ever be alone with any woman who isnt your immediate family if you ever get any amount of power


>do they just ignore this?
Yes. It's cognitive dissonance. Don't worry, as Yuri said, they'll realize where they went wrong when the boot crushes their face.

I thought that this was more or less a common rule and not something Pence made famous. Working for a big (US) company and let me assure you, you can get in a lot of troubles if you dine alone with a female co-worker as soon as you reach "higher management"

>and that's a good thing

This. It's cheap insurance against a lawsuit.

There was a story once about a British Lord that was hiring a chauffeur ~1910.
He lined up the prospects in a row, showed them his Rolls Royce Silver Ghost, and asked them how fast and how close to a cliff edge they can drive on it.
Many various boastful claims later a small Irish fella stepped forward and sheepishly said; "Sir, on a vehicle like that, I would stay as far away from that cliff edge as possible".

Needless to say, we can all guess who got the job.

The best way to deal with temptation is to remain as far away from it as possible.
Mr. Pence is a smart man.

>and it's beautiful


In corporate america, the "never be alone with a woman" rule was developed to safe guard you (and thus the corporation) from false accusations of rape and sexual harassment and their subsequent civil lawsuits.

you can't be racist against white men
you can't be sexist against white men
you can't be bigoted against christians
white men and christianity are open game for anybody. white women are protected so don't include them in this shit.

is a muslim doesn't want to dine with a woman then it's okay but since pence is a christian white male it's terrible. if pence was a woman then she'd be a powerful and brave one

Should be illegal.

i mean its probably ok if you record it and both parties consent to the recording

top kek

it has always been this way user

Remember the Maine

liberal The Daily Beast disagrees
>Let Mike Pence Live by the Rules He’s Comfortable With

Psh fucking amateur. Go spend some more time on Sup Forums and come back when desperation makes everything seem fapable to


>DESTROYED with class and wit

You assume they have principles. The only thing they want is the complete destruction of traditional white societies.

Given enough authority the left would make straight men refusing to suck a tranny's dick a hate crime.

>faping to this instead of your imagination
I'm tired of winning, i want off this ride

>linking directly to vox
OP is a faggot.

That's because they think like niggers, muslims and jews. Use whatever/whoever necessary to complete short term goals, neglecting the longterm fact that they're next.

mmm. those sweet, sweet digits


Remember that excluding women from private events outside of work do indeed hurt their career opportunities.

Who gives a shit about cocksucking fags. It's great that muslims are anti-gay

If a leftist woman politician said she avoids 1-on-1 dinners with males, libtards would be talking about how amazing she is and how it's men's fault that she doesn't feel comfortable dining with men 1-on-1.

I'm so sick and tired of the media and their hypocrisy, lies and double standards.

Could you imagine the headlines if either Obama or Joe Biden did the same thing?

"President Obama Doesn't Done with Other Women Without Michelle and It's Beautiful!"

"Good Guy Biden Refuses Dinner Without Wife!"

They would be sucking their dicks for days.

Fuck Flence and fuck white women

Muslims aren't white
Being non white means you're oppressed.
White skin = oppressors


>They'll realise they were weong when the boot hits them in the face
Yeah, and then they are dead, along with us. Instead of letting your kid touch the hot stove, tell him "That stove is hot, don't touch it."

>being a uk shill that hard
Nice try paki

a-a-an-and the jews?

What's wrong with these people?
Sure, it's kind of corny, but it's not bad. Pence is just one of those super-conservative people who thinks things like that should be kept between a married couple.

Allah would approve.

Where doees Brock dig up these retards???

Jews are white

No archive
No bump
Faggot 2post OP

It's common sense if you're in any position of power as a man.

It's common management teaching that you should never be alone in a room with a member of the opposite sex if you work together. It's also a good idea in general, even if you don't work together.

I am sure the same liberals are against Muslim women who won't dine alone with men other than their husbands?


that image scared me



>tfw CtR is now shilling on leftist rag cites as well

lmao this is kekking Ace,

>Instead of letting your kid touch the hot stove, tell him "That stove is hot, don't touch it."
Yeah, except the kid doesn't know any better and is willing to learn about his self-preservation.
These people are so lost, they're in a psychological prison, it's extremely hard for them to get out of that mind frame. There's a greentext out there about someone who had joined BAM and quit, explained how it all worked, how cult-like it is.
The thing is that with these people educating them can only go so far. Relate it to the Matrix, where he says "not everyone is ready to be unplugged", and that's it: some people are happy living in a false reality because if they knew the truth they'd breakdown. Which is why the boot is the only thing that'll wake them up, and that only in the last moment of their lives. Although it's never said who's boot it is, the only certainty is that those people are cattle being led to slaughter no matter who comes out on top.

Really gets the old neurons firing.


I love this interview. It should be required viewing in schools.

What's wrong with minimise? Do Germans not have this word?

Its an easy mistake, Kraut. Id find it hard to believe that you'd remember the gender of every single one of your nouns.

>probably illegal

What are these morons smoking.

Liberals defend Muslims because they're brown. That's all it takes.

According to the US EEOC data (

>82-84% of sexual harassment claims are made by women.
>half are found to have "no reasonable cause".
>The remainder have given money to the claimants to the tune of $40 million every year
>Individually that equates to a ballpark of $200,000 each.

This begs the question, would a woman who accuses people of "sexism" by not wanting to be with them also play a lottery where you had 50% chance of winning and it didn't cost you anything to buy a ticket?

Is that his wife?

My fucking god.


They're complaining they can't easily honey trap him.

One article was complaining how a woman looking for Pence to be her mentor, wouldn't be able to have him mentor (sugar daddy) her.

Dude is avoiding the pussy traps.

Image still incredibly relevant.

There is a reason that Bosses will request HR to sit in on performance reviews of females.

It is so HR is a court witness if the female tries to say the Boss did anything sexual.

What did they mean by this? No, seriously, what do they mean?

It happens more than you realise!bIQgiDaA!kcRdspDGGLAbVSikMEqGYQ


All blacks are racists.
All women are sexists.
All other religions are persecuting Christians.
GTFO, S-Jew!


no thats my wife and Pence's daughter.

at least my future wife.
I will have her and get to cuddle with Marlon Bundo.

he used a s instead of a z

Is he ded?

>Not knowing about Totalitarianism 3.0 in which personal, private, and public life are treated as one and the same by the opinion-making class

>1 post by this author

obvious vox troll is obvious

Is there really a feminist law school named "Dedman"?


>Implying that Communists don't worship the economy

cucked up brittish thinking they know how to spell words in english.

if i was a powerful man i wouldnt want to be alone with women either, all it takes it one rape accusation and your career is pretty much over

They must think he lives in Canada.

>Fuck God and fuck Trump!
Well that was redundant

no he isnt.

you do realize that interview is 100% CIA propaganda, right? Yuri is an actor. He never worked for the USSR.

>100% CIA propaganda, right? Yuri is an actor. He never worked for the USSR.
Whatever it is, it brings up good points. Even if it was propaganda, it would still be interesting for the ideas; but that's also ignoring that everything he said is spot on in today's society. Everything has an angle, everyone has an agenda, there is no neutrality; so yeah, I don't delude myself into thinking he did it out of the goodness of his heart, but whether it's because he's an actor, or an ex-KGB agent who saw where it was leading and preferred another world, I couldn't care less.


why would you diner alone witha woman if its not for sex, she is going to claim sexual harasment after the diner anyways


I've noticed over the years an inherent bias within the headlines of articles, where they're basically telling you what to think before you even read the fucking thing.
>X gets DESTROYED by Y
>X is going to be made illegal, and that's a good thing
>X says something, and it's horrible

Journalism has gotten incredibly lazy and it's now reduced to retards shitting out opinion pieces disguised as news.

Vox is a news source now?