A typical /sg/ thread consists of:

100 comments on how they'd like to suck Assad's dick

100 comments on how they'd like to get fucked in the ass by Suheil

and 100 comments on how Shias are superior to Sunnis and how much they love sucking Iranian cock.

There is 0 discussion about Syria, only about how brave Russia are and how gay and lonely they all are.

It is a complete waste of space and bandwidth on Sup Forums's servers.

It clutters Sup Forums too and they contribute nothing valuable (their shitty memes don't count).

It should be deleted for good or be moved to /polg/ with all the /HWND/ and /PTG/ shit generals.

See and

this thread is a waste of space

I like /sg/ but I agree /ptg/ is getting cancerous

Literally the worst "people"/shills camp in those threads. And there's like only 40 unique posters in all of their threads but half of them are 1 post by this ID bots used to bump threads when it hits page 10. Annoying rat bastards.

Why are you so butthurt tho?

All generals are cancerous reddit-tier circlejerks.

/sg/ is absolutely the lowest class of Sup Forums threads I've ever seen, and I've been here before they were even a thing.

Just the worst, shittiest posters, half of which are just very blatant Russia/Assad shills, confined in a single thread spamming the shittiest memes I've ever seen, almost reddit tier. In fact probably below Reddit tier.

But you're easy to spot, so that helps. Anyone with enough experience on this board can tell a clearly pro-Assad/Russian cocksucker from a normal poster.

Why don't you just start your own IRC group or something? You are the worst type of cancer on this board.

I can taste the salt from here

wew lad grow up

Love that you don't even point out the extremely butthurt shitposters that consistently worship the (((moderate rebels))). Excellently shilled.

>he's just copying things from the last thread

Sunni fuccbois getting routed angers brits

>they are literally containment threads
>he wants to get rid of them

worst general on Sup Forums is undeniably brit/pol/. Infested with NEETs, autists and tripfags. It's basically an /r9k/ thread. Too much edgy LARPing as well.

Fuck you. Ive learned alot from /sg/ . Enough to impress a literal CIA recruter.

OP is a crypto kike and a faggot.
Also sage.

butthurt jihadi supporter.

war is coming, they are scared

The people of Sup Forums have spoken.

Hey there Abdul. Cry more seeing how your terrorist friends getting BTFO by everyone.

Fuck off, /sg/ got islamists killed.

fuck off anonymong

t. butthurt Wahhabi

stay salty roach

also sage/hide

a butthurt s*nni sandpotato i see


If you don't like it don't join it. Simple! It's a waste of space as much as this thread is.

>/sg/ wants to get assfucked by Based Suheil
>OP gets assfucked by Based Suheil against his will
is that what's behind this thread?

it takes precious bandwidth

Why don't we focus on getting rid of all the cuck spam first, thanks.