>rolls 4th blunt of the day
>fails algebra
>forgets how to speak properly
>gets fired from target
>lowers IQ
Whats the worst effect of marijuana use?
>rolls 4th blunt of the day
>fails algebra
>forgets how to speak properly
>gets fired from target
>lowers IQ
Whats the worst effect of marijuana use?
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When used in moderation it's safer than alcohol and cigarettes. Moderation is no more than 1-2 joints a day. Alcoholics are dumber than stoners.
Heavy users get locked at the maturity level they started heavy use. There are 40 year olds who have the maturity of a 12 year old.
America will be great again.
>Whats the worst effect of marijuana use?
The part where you smoke it.
So how is this big loser affording so much pot anyways?
I think it's more so that retards smoke pot, rather then pot making you a retard.
>Alcoholics are dumber than stoners.
as a former marijuana smoker till I was 24, I'm not gonna lie this made me lol
its all true
>What is the worst effect?
Setting up an engi nest and then hitting the wrong keybind.
Selling weed
>Whats the worst effect of marijuana use?
Getting caught with it.
Do they give you guys lots of cash gibs there? That's not a thing here in America.
That's the only realistic answer, haha.
tfw daily smoker but still intelligent and holding up a job doing 50+ hours weekly
what you sayin
They give island monkeys enough monkey to buy a bucket of kfc and weed everyday, while still having enough money for rent.
>Moderation is no more than 1-2 joints a day
>smoking weed every day
Exactly, this has been said to death a million times already so there really isn't a point to this conversation but exactly. I work 40 hours a week at prestigious community bank and literally go into work high every day. They really like me there too.
>what you sayin
You could do better if you were sober.
Well, i was going to play EVE, but...
That is moderate. Its like drinking 1-2 beers a day.
drinking beer everyday is degenerate also
It's understandable that people who don't smoke or don't have much experience with smoking would have a bias. People who use drugs do tend to be really fucking stupid. But the plant itself isn't harmful and is good for treating autism, PTSD, pain, and insomnia. It's safer than a lot of legal drugs, alcohol, and not addictive like nicotine.
>the singer is telling you how getting high fucked up his life
>stonerfags still like the song
What did they mean by this?
Does that work or something? I smoke so frequently (probably a bowl or two every few hours) and it's been almost a year of this very frequent smoking, and naturally I'm having huge issues with my tolerance and with feeling sick after too much.
Does 1-2 joints actually feel a little better?
Confirming here.
And who drink 2 beers every day?
also compare effect of 1 joint / 1 beer
Your grammar is impeccable.
>Not addictive like nicotine
It makes you less motivated.
>Inb4 b-b-but muh strains!
Motivation is the fundamental driving force behind effictively learning.
Youre litrially retarding yourself but you dont recognise it, becuase you think your still learning at a normal pace. Youre not, your a special needs students.
Liberalism. Thankfully I avoided this tragic disaster.
>drinking 1-2 beers a day
Kill yourself peasant
1 or 2 beers after work isnt
It hits you harder and lasts longer. You might experience some paranoia though because your tolerance will decrease.
drinking or smoking more than once a week is not moderate
if you work monday through friday, and have two beers/two joints through the weekend, that is moderate
having a beer every day or smoking is not moderate
>calms you down
You've never had pot anxiety I take it?
inb4 the flood of pot industry "drugs only bring out your own problems" shills
>Whats the worst effect of marijuana use?
Effectively and quickly treats depression/anxiety.
I live for beer-o-clock
>correlation vs causation
I'm a complete and utter failure and I've never touched drugs. I don't even drink alcohol, at all.
a joint is not a uniform metric. I've rolled joints anywhere between .2 grams and 4 grams and then you have your 6 paper joints when you want to get fucked up and party all day
Dry mouth and eyes.
Not in my city:^) Decriminalized here.
>Whats the worst effect of marijuana use?
Spending to much time listening to people's idiotic views on how they should love there life's.
Different strokes for different folks.
i can tell by your bait content that you are indeed a fagget nigger
Smoking it every day is not moderation.
>except for the case when you eat too many edibles and puke your fucking brains out
I-I swear I didn't do that
There are 40 year olds with with the maturity of a 12 year old who don't smoke pot too.
>1 or 2 beers after work isnt
If you have to have a beer or two after work to unwind everyday you are literally by definition an alcoholic.
The only anxiety I've ever had was getting caught by cops. Now cops don't give 2 shits about a small amount of weed and just usually take it or make you go home.
I miss that feeling haha, I already feel tons of paranoia anyhow.
So you smoke the joints in one go (respectively), or do you use them for multiple smoking sessions?
>You've never had pot anxiety I take it?
The "weed is just for smoking" propaganda is a psyop.
One hit from marajuana is enough to incapacitate your cognitive abilities, there is no such thing as "weed in moderation"
Smoking marijuana makes your auditory skills worse. It's harder to speak and listen well when you are stoned. It makes programming, math, and other not speech related skills seem a bit sharper, imo. Alcohol gives me the opposite effect. Thats why it is good to mix them to even you out
>all these pudgy ass perma virgins who can't handle weed
Moderation is more like one or two joints a week.
Marijuana has pharmacological effects on your mind for up to nine dies after you've smoked it.
Most people who smoke feel a calming effect rather than anxiety, not to downplay the existence of weed anxiety though, just explaining that most people who get weed anxiety stop smoking because it's unpleasant. People who smoke a lot don't get weed anxiety
not really? my jobs physical and its hard graft, a bottle of ale or two hits the spot proper
>fixed for you
Its almost like people can abuse anything.
Smoke everyday 1-3 bongs, dumb as fuck, virgin, my dad hates me
>tfw i dont care
>pot anxiety
Only when I'm worried about getting caught or out in public desu.
These D.A.R.E. faggs don't even realize they're blue pilled on the subject
They reall are drinking the kool-aid at this point
you faggots probably don't even inject marijuanas like me
>Whats the worst effect of marijuana use?
it triggers faggots like you
it turns frogs gay
You fuckin pussies. I have three-six drinks every day and I could still pound your little boipussies and there is nothing you could do to stop me.
Probably chromothripsis
Mhm, maybe you should smoke more. I smoke many bog hits a day. Not a virgin, very close with my dad who also smoke, high paying job, above average intelligence with a hint of autism
They're really black and white and like to fit nicely into either a leftist or a conservative box, rather than just shaping their opinions individually- they decide "I'm a conservative" and all they know is that conservative don't like weed.
At least their whining can never ruin the experience for the rest of us.
Smoking more than 50 joints before you turn 18 increases your risk to develop schizophrenia by a factor of more than 6.
Yeah it's just a tolerance thing, I think you just get more paranoid when your mind gets so baked the way it does when you've just started out- I remember smoking used to feel like an acid trip and now I can hardly tell if it worked.
I used to study for my exams smoking weed while I was doing a course of medicine in a small town in Germany.
Und alles ist perfekt gelaufen. Got good enough grades to study there in any university.
I would say it affects each person differently. Needless to say I dont take it to another level
>1-2 joints a day
Fucks up your sperm too.
>it's perfectly safe drug dealer meme
>tfw stoned in public while shopping the other day
>walked by D.A.R.E. demo table
>waved and said hi to the rep
Okay well shit because this actually happened to me, according to (((their definition of a paranoid schizophrenic))).
Tbh I was much happier and social when I was a pothead. I want to go back.
Marijuana is addictive. It just has a low addiction rate like Alcohol.
Worst effect is it gives you a backlog of phlem in your throat that won't go away til you quit.
I've never gotten shakes from weed lol
Tell that to my brother. He'd probably start smoking more. Only 23 and already 2 kids and another on the way.
point of being high all day long?
It's addictive the same way masturbating is user...
It's different shit you retard. You instead turn into an irritating twat.
>Whats the worst effect of marijuana use?
Amotivational Syndrome. It's hard, almost impossible to get out of.
I can literally tell you why people have such a negative opinion of weed:
It's because they smoked too much.
Imagine that, rather than having a beer or two with your supper, that "typical" alcohol consumption was to try to drink a 26er in one night. That nearly every single person that drank alcohol ever tried to drink that much, that it was normal for people to sit at a bar and drink a 26er straight, and that when you went a friends house for a shindigger they handed you a fuckin 2-6.
That's how stoners are with weed, seriously. A person who doesn't smoke weed should not be taking a bong rip. That completely fucks you up. A couple really, really small puffs is enough to have enough of an effect to feel very under the influence, and yet the concept of only consuming that much is actually frowned upon by people that smoke weed regularly.
It's exactly like a guy going "hey come grab a drink with us" and then he hands you a 26er of rye.
If you smoke everyday for years and stop it will make you anxious and you wont sleep right for a while.
What if I was an irritating twat before I started smoking weed.
this is so retarded. french companies used to make hemp rope with centuries of experience. then came the americans with nylon. the french didn't want to adapt. they sunk
yeah that's true. Just don't go around being some Bob Marley fucktard about it lol
I've never been able to sleep right lol
You've never, but there are people who are addicted.
It's also addictive chemically to some people.
Then you're a faggot.
>there are people who are addicted
I want to see these people.