Can someone nuke us please ?
Belgium is literally turning into a third world country
I'd say you should be annexed by Netherlands, France and Germany but that wouldn't help much on that end.
You'd have to be a country to have 3rd world status.
It's punishment for giving the world Aids
do something about to
You are not alone
my 3 step plan
1: Flanders joins Netherlands
2: Nuke Brussel
3: Wall of Wallonia and intern all shitskins
7 months ago when i was working as a cashier in a grocery store, there are these nigger women that let their kids literally piss in the entrance of the store. Niggers and sandniggers are out of control here, i even saw a 50 years old sandnigger woman shit beside a trash can in fucking daylight with at least 200 people around. We are literally a third world country right now.
join the party
Meh, sounds like Vegas -prostitutes
For people who don't know this is pretty underrated.
Belgium was a weird experience when I went there. It was like everyone wanted to have sex with me. So many brown people tho.
>everyone wanted to have sex with me
the brown people maybe
We will nuke y'all once all the whites are dead.
Holy fuck!
That sounds hellish.
You are in the French part of Belgium, right? I don't want to anschluss such a rotten place.
Cool story time:
>walk along main road in my town
>4 lanes
>Bus stops like there is no tomorrow
>Black woman is running towards it
>Bus driver opens door for her
>she gets in
>buys ticket
>Bus goes like nothing happened
>behind him 20 cars in a traffic jam he created
>look at a driver as he passes me
>Driver is black
>Bored at work and just looking at cities on Google Maps
>Streetview walking through major cities like Brussels and Paris
>Decide to go look at Buenos Aires and Montevideo
>They're legitimately whiter than Brussels
Memes truly are becoming reality.
I mean, the actual white people in European cities are Whiter than the average person in the Southern Cone but the aggregate of the populations is disturbing to say the least. 25% of Brussels is Muslim according to Wikipedia.
Why are progressives so suicidal Sup Forums? I'm still trying to learn how to ride this tiger. Post-modernism is insanity.
Just nuke the south part.
The north is decent.
There were a total of 182 murders in Belgium in 2012 on a population of 11 million.
Belgium's second largest city, Antwerp, saw crime rates about 20% below those of Brussels. Liège and Charleroi, industrial cities with high unemployment rates, saw more elevated crime rates than the less industrialized cities of Ghent and Bruges. The rural areas are generally extremely safe.
All those crime holes are in the south/French speaking part.
Why don't you fags actually form groups to save your countries? Your grandparents fought and died for less than this. Your way of life and people WONT EXIST if this continues.
>destroy your country
>make niggers leave
>the country will be in such a bad shape no one will want to come live there
It's bulletproof trust me
Arguably the same here.
It's madness really. No one wants to do anything because it would compromise their cushy way of life and yet we all know deep down that if nothing is done our comfortably way of life is going to be destroyed. It all happens so slowly that I think most people have given up without even realizing it.
Also, I've said it here on Sup Forums numerous times but I honestly genuinely believe that our lowered testosterone levels have contributed. Lots of guys are depressed numales these days. I'm not saying it's causal but it's probably a contributing factor to the lack of action and timidity we see.
that's kind of what niggers do. at least they aren't robbing you.
niggers have absolutely no shame, I don't know what it is but they seriously lack the ability to feel shamed by anything.
There are white niggers too.
I hate them even more.
Pscht, we call that a friday afternoon here.
t. NRW
>implying it isn't 3rd world already
Islamabad looks better than Brussels