Why we need to pay the £150bn Brexit fee

It's not fair that the UK can just decide to leave and screw over the 27 other friendly EU countries who did nothing wrong.

We are in the wrong. They deserve compensation.

British politicians would be wise to not try to wiggle out of this the Brexit fee is FAIR

Pay debnts, you filthy Kraut.

shut the fuck up you euroepan scumbag and get out! we dont have to pay shit

>we dont have to pay shit

False, you English bastards need to pay for my free NHS methadone subscription and council tax.

Cute proxy Angela

1. I'm as British as they come
2. You think you can do shit and not pay for the consequences? You have to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums

Compensation for what? Maybe we should just call in their war debt so they can thank us for not going down the compensation route.

yes goyim the continent needs your £200 billion!

Did you agree to a potential exit fee when you joined? No? Then tell the EU to fuck off with their shitty made-up rules.

>It's not fair that the UK can just decide to leave
How is it unfair to be able to choose what to do with our own country?
>and screw over the 27 other friendly EU countries who did nothing wrong.
How does us leaving screw anyone over? We're not taking anything of theirs away from them.

>We are in the wrong. They deserve compensation.
Compensation for what? How do we owe them something simply by existing?

>British politicians would be wise to not try to wiggle out of this the Brexit fee is FAIR
Quit shitposting, Van Rompuy. You're drunk.

we arent gonna pay diddly squat
weve been one of the largest contributors to this shitty union, they can get bent

>muh war debt

that was a hundred years ago. We're in the 21st century now. Next you'll be asking the French for compensation for 1066

The UK is the last country on earth in position to call in historical debts.

except its the EU thats in the wrong for being such huge faggots about almost everything they have done so far

You better pay the £600 Billion that we obviously deserve. Remember Dresden!

For what reason?

So that swiss bankers forcing austerity on greece can earn money in intrest?

t. EU

b-but how is germany supposed to pay for all the extra police and security now its engulfed in pisslamic apes??

Top kek jolly well done

This post int funnay at all. Now I can't have a good morning. I'm not laughing now.

stop shilling Hans

Who cares?

International courts


Hans, pay $845 billion war reparation to Poland and then ask UK for money.

Yeah whatever it's unfair, you signed it, your fault. Now shut the fuck up and sink like Atlantis you inbred retarded fucks.

The only international court that matters is the court of AngloAmerican public perception.

And we're all about winning big league.

Fuck off sandnigger

>And we're all about winning big league


>They deserve compensation.
Britain is a net contributor to the EU.
