What does Sup Forums think of Martin Shkreli?

What does Sup Forums think of Martin Shkreli?

peter pan

I think he's fucking hilarious

i agree


I kek'd

attention whore, motivated by profits, not by helping other

Mein nigger

If you actually listen to him speak, he makes some great points on why he raised the price of his medicine.

>No one wanted the drug
>In order to keep it on the market he had to raise prices
>Actual patients grateful to him
>Drug companies raise prices on drugs for no reason all the time (above inflation).

This desu. He's a great troll too.

>look, everyone else is foing fucked up shit, so why am i a bad guy for doing fucked up shit also?
This logic is truly beyond me.

Id blow his dick, and any one who wouldnt is a fucking cuck from reddit

Sociopathic kike and a disgusting human being. Everything wrong with neoliberal capitalism. That said

This is also undeniable.

It isn't 'logical' at all, he's trying to fool edgy teenagers into thinking he's a decent person.

I genuinely don't know

Cool guy trying to save American medicine by pointing out how flawed it is

I think the point was that people thought that because the price of the drug increased that the end user had to pay more when it's the insurance company that pays

Jesus Christ, stop shilling this hard, fucking Pfizer shill


Montel Shakrally

He's a genius. I tune into his live streams for his coding classes.

That's not the point and you know it.


I kind of like him. On the court he didn't want to answer anything, which looked like he is an asshole, but in reality if anything you say can be used against you, it is logical thing to do. Overall, a fair guy, not easily tricked.

It wasn't fucked up at all. The disease the drug was for, was a rare disease, so only a small number of people have it. Which made it that no one was going into further research to improve the drug, which he is doing. When it comes to the price raise it has alot to do with making insurance companies and places like Walmart pay more because they can afford it. He also gives the drug to anyone who can't afford the drug or doesn't have healthcare, for free.

I was actually a mod in his livestream back on HitBox... I always enjoy watching someone new get involved in coding.. Excited to see what he does with Throw A Boomerang... I have a feeling it's essentially going to be a cross-referencing API used to compare stocks and other objects.

>What does Sup Forums think of Martin Shkreli?

Some people can train themselves to think like Jews.

He's hilarious and the scheme with the drug medication wad only extremely unethical, he gave the medicine for free to those who couldn't afford it.

Attention whore. The personification of the worthless Sup Forumstard who doesn't actually care about improving their country, but pretending that know le danke mey-meys makes them some bastion of the new age.

You are fucking retarded. Ignore his last line of greentext and respond. All you have is a moral argument, but there is no morality in medicine. If this guy is going to blow millions producing and licencing a drug that serves less than a thousand people, if he doesn't raise the price, he won't be producing the drug very long before investors pull out and everyone who needs the drug fucking dies. You clearly have no understanding of how biopharmaceutical investment and development works or how much human labor and capital goes into the production of a single pill. In short, you are a stupid fuck who is probably responsible, in part, for the cuckoldry of the entire European continent as we see it today.

To expand on the point of patients being grateful, it's mostly because he puts the extra funds into R&D to improve the effects of the drugs: stronger potency, fewer complications, and even lower production costs in the long run. He buys the patents to treatments for rare conditions which have been sorely lacking in devopment. He has claimed his company is actually one of the most research oriented by percentage of profits directed towards that purpose. Aditionally, he gives the drugs to patients for free if they don't have insurance and contact him. I personally haven't really corroborated all this, just putting it out there.

>Plays chess and uses long words like a kid who just got a thesaurus for christmas in his explanation on why he raised his prices

I dont care how your explanation on doing it might almost make sense, that fucking put me off him for good

Did nothing wrong
BTFO everyone who read news about him but didn't come prepared knowing anything about reality
BTFO the court and senators trying to catch him playing their own game
Good taste in music



goddamn, germanistan on suicide watch after this one

Hi Martin. Is this what you do in your office all day?

initially hated him, realised i was lied to by the media again

some of his advice to small investors is a little too black pilled imo, but he knows what he's talking about and he shares it for free

Ugly gargoyle lookin' Armenian.

Yeah, but you get rock hard when the NHS yanks your chain for a broken wrist while citing 'cost and practicality', and "prioritizing more eminent health issues" like OTCs for refugee children and shit. As long as they say it like a stereotypical Tommy while politely sipping a cup of tea, they can fuck everything up all they want. Meanwhile, you are put off by a man who is genuinely advancing the industry because he is sick of pandering to morons...

Hoo boy

Huge asshole but I respect his amazing penchant for inciting luls

Fucking slob.

based god / cool livestreams

Total asshole.

So yeah, he's awesome.

.>waahhhh he is a a sociopath because fags and niggers can't get their drug

the drug shouldn't need to exist in the first place.

So...if you get toxoplasmosis...fuck you?

hi martin!

followed his twitter, he's funny and has enough money to fuck girls his own age. that is quite an accomplishment,

No digits for faygo sucking juggulos


I think he should be killed for sport.

He's a douchebag. Why go in front of congress voluntarily only to repeatedly plead the fifth, even to casual friendly questions from Trey Gowdy? Gowdy is /ourguy/

This so hard.
And people call themself redpilled around here.

Smug af

Modern hero, which is impressive for a wigga nerd burger.

i thought he died or something

He got banned on twitter which is basically the same thing these days desu

faggot feminist who is a good example of why healthcare costs so much in the US

also he has a pretty punchable face

but the main problem is that he's a feminist and he's trying to fight against the feminist backlash we've been experiencing

i'd be fine if he died

You're pretty cool. Shame about your twitter.

reddit, let me tell you a story
there was a drug that people would die without
that drig stopped being made because only a few people needed it
so they're all gonna die
>enter martin shkireli
martin takes the actual cost of producing the drug
and divides by the number of people who need it
voila! thats the price to both keep the drug AND the people, alive

>costs him little to nothing to make
>sells it for thousands of dollars that no one but the rich can afford
>"He's a hero!!!"
how stupid do you have to be to try and rationalize this shit?

did he ever release that music he said he was going to release?

Who's Reddit? I don't dislike what he did with the company/drug, it seemed like a literally comically evil move, so he's either a complete unrepentant sociopath, or he had an ulterior motive that seems to have paid off with increased attention to the practice by others. Like most companies slowly turned the heat up so nobody notices and he turned it up to full blast all at once.
That doesn't change my view of his behavior to Gowdy.

Doing fucked up shit is inescapable. Existence is inherently fucked up.

The guy bought all copies of some recently released music album so just that the singer's fans could not have it. Ofc hes a sadist lol. He literally "burns" himself so that other people suffer.

>muh reddit
>muh exuse nr.50334 that pops up and totaly aint an exuse (C)
He is an asshole, who thinks is mightier than anybody and can get away with anything, but this backfired, so he tricked people in thinking he was just misunderstood and also hired a fucking PR team to shill for him and now he got his personal army of cucks who defend him like the retardest SJW defends rapefugees. He is playing you like a fiddle.


He did nothing wrong, anyone who says otherwise is ignorant, or a paid shill.

>pre-trial PR

Never gets old. Reminds me of the creator of silk road. He was such a "nice guy" lol.

>bravado, arrogance and extravagance are not compatible with a life of crime

People never learn.

you can try and make up all these reasons why it's a good idea or how he's actually not making that much profit or that someone else is paying for it not the people who need it

but none of that matters at all you little shit because of the simple fact that his product costs him nothing to make and it costs the buyer a ton of money to make
and no matter how you slice it that means the people who actually need the medicine are gonna have to pay more than they normally would have to

so really if you're even REMOTELY intelligent you have no logical means of defending his jewish tactics

unless you're a jew ofc

The only reason I like him is because of how much he upsets people like you.

ton of money to buy*

So? Music isn't drugs.


You know what would upset me? If you would kill yourself.
You can now beg for more (you)s if you want.

>he is either good or a psychopath
>he did something intentionally so it would piss a lot of people off for nothing
>gee i still cant decide what he is

70% of the board

love him and he is a genius.

also..he slid into my dm's and I have never felt cooler

I'll take that as a compliment, but sadly no.

He's awesome. Owns an exclusive wutang album, sticks it to the conglomerates that buy and shelf the drug he owns by the huge price jump and you can just contact him and get it for free. He knows that the US pharma system is a total fucking joke and he doesn't pander. The pill is strong with this one.

and where do the insurance companies get the money from?

On advice of counsel I will enact my fifth amendment right against self incrimination and respectfully decline to answer your question.


>Not having even the most cursory conceptualization of the vast costs of laying out consistent drug production and synthesis to last the course of treatment and the number of people involved in that process (biochemists aren't cheap), let alone the number of regulators and lawyers (most inefficient bastards on the planet) involved in the regulatory process of both drug approval and production procedures (including subsequent changes to the drug and means of production that may be necessary) as well as the legal costs of protecting your company lawsuits from the very people you are trying to save.

I don't think you know this, but the vast majority of pharmaceutical companies get smoked because of these things and their drugs end up orphan drugs with nobody to produce them. The patients for these drugs see increased risk of deadness during these periods. Its best for everybody if the companies that produce them either A. survive on profit or B. get money from the government. I didn't see the government jumping to fund Shkreli's research during the same period of time they were giving billions to Bank of America and shit because "muh too big to fail". I'm open to either, but there is only one way right now to help people and you are trying to shit on a guy for taking it while you sit at home and masturbate to anime.


Nice wall of single digit IQ text. Now address the part where he gives away the cure for free and explain how he is a Jew.

>he did something intentionally so it would piss a lot of people off for nothing
Psychopaths act selfishly because they lack empathy and don't recognize that it hurts other people. They don't do what they to piss other people off.
Psychopathy is different from trolling.

>he only wants to help
>he trolls people over nothing
You knew what i ment, dont act all assburger now.

Really cool guy

He released unreleased Nirvana.
so there's that

Martin Shekeli

>costs him little to nothing to make
In a dream world maybe, pharma products cost several millions in R&D

Last company I invested in needed $100,000,000 just to get one drug through P2 and P3 of FDA, let alone the millions needed to get a sales team together to even begin taking orders, let alone the cost of actual production and infrastructure necessary to produce. This process takes at least 3 years, which is a long time for investors to hold on to a stock that might maybe possible at some point produce profits and eventually maybe ROI. More than likely, these companies will be completely lost and without value. Its high risk deciding whether a drug will work or not at P1 and you can't expect people to invest based on the possibility that they will get their money back in 5 years without the promise of generating them some kind of profit. After all, it is private investors like these that provide the vast majority of funding for drug R&D at huge risk to themselves.

>Called the worst human being for an overprice AIDS pill

What the fuck? Just don't have sex with every cumdripped whore you find.

obviously a shitstain, but at least entertaining

Actually he says that he's charging companies more to buy the pill and people who are properly insured by no more in the long run. There wasn't many people taking it to begin with. With the extra revenue he's making they can spend more money on research to develop new drugs.

Chopped up that kraut good, fellow burger

Do you know of any person with toxoplasmosis who has had to pay $750 a pill?

I'll be waiting.

Based as fuck. Literally the only Albanian Jew that is not a theif.

He's literally Loki impersonated as a human.

I think he got his shit pushed in by destiny.

dont trust CNN fags. Go to his youtube and you will find him debating with people on the Internet. Sup Forums is to divided with shills and truthniggers to be able to find out.
Go to youtube and find out yourself.