Oh....oh shit.
Oh....oh shit
>born too late to explore the world
>born too early to explore the galaxy
>born JUST in time to watch Zionist Drumpf's empire fall apart in just a few short months
why are drumpftards quiet now?
>there are people that died before witnessing Trumpster fires demise
Umm, you do realize he's just going to plead the fifth and not testify at all?
This is good for Trump. Just means Flynn won't spill the beans on our Russian brothers.
Yeah... they missed their chance.
its pretty obvious that it was a feint, he is still completely loyal to trump, or at least, to America, and his testimony would only harm the clinton foundation or some of the other traitors
the 'investigators' knew that and turned him down
but this creates a situation where the stupid public think that flynn is ready to flip on trump and reveal 'the russian connection' so the pressure for the accusers to generate something concrete is bigger
Will you kill yourself when Trump gets reelected in 2020?
Reminder that the headline is misleading. Look at the text in OPs pic. It wasn't asked for, and now NBC is admitting that, saying that congressmen say it's too early to be talking about immunity.
Wasn't asked for, wasn't given, could be offered in the future.
More desperation from deep state media.
>very fake news
It's going too be so funny when this is literally nothing. Why do the liberals always set themselves up for disappointment?
>non-existent request is claimed by anonymous sources to have been turned down
Jesus Christ, the Judenpresse are really digging their own graves. Half the country will never believe anything they say ever again. They do a livestream of themselves being put into cattle cars by the Trumpengruppen and half of America would laugh and roll their eyes.
I've been listening to CNN all day saying that if you get granted immunity it probably means you've committed a crime.
Aren't you getting sleepy? I'm so tired.
Did you know doctors recommend 7-8 hours of sleep? You can take .25 mg of melatonin to aid in falling asleep. They are readily available through sites like Amazon.
Did you know sleep cycles last about 90 minutes? It is best to wake up at the end of a sleep cycle to wake up feeling refreshed.
Sleep is great for memory consolidation. Memory consolidation is the process of turning short term memories to long term memories.
There is anecdotal evidence that a glass of warm milk helps in falling asleep. Maybe you can try it out while you wait for your delivery of melatonin.
Oh boy, I'm sleepy now. Time to take some melatonin, knock out, and wake up feeling refreshed. No need to waste your time reading this.
Flynn is a retard. Trump is smart so he fired him.
>our Russian brothers
Wow, so you're actually worried more about Russia than your own fucking country?
Shills wont recognize the get, that's 2 doubles, that 2 times more than 1 doubles.
It just means they figured out that an immunized Flynn would help trump.
That's a nice pasta.
Fake news, he never requested immunity you illiterate fucks. Sage goes in all fields.
>Why do the liberals always set themselves up for disappointment?