How does it feel?
Divided Kingdom
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feels good desu, also only england would survive solo
We've had boundaries and seperate cultures for millenia so um, it feels no different than last week or last year or last decade. The only tension I sense is coming from a few worthless people who gloat over every single piece of negative spin in the Guardian. Britain would thrive better if they all fucked off anyway, given how little they contribute to society and the economy. Ageing cat ladies, nu males and the lowest tier of immigrants aren't exactly the backbone of Britain.
wales also voted for brexit.
>only england would survive solo
>implying the city of London wouldn't leave England and join Scotland in the EU
>implying England isn't completely dependent upon the duty raised on Scotch exports, the largest single contributing export in terms of duty to the UK economy
Nothing against the Nigels all the same, I just wish they would fix their own country and stop coming to mine.
What about Scotland taking independence?
oh, hello nicola
they'll never take our sheep.
>What about Scotland taking independence?
Never happening mate.
alri butt
>Implying Wales wants to leave
>Implying anybody south of Hadrian's Wall gives a shit about Scotland
Fake. News.
The lowlands is rightful English clay
Shwmae, fy brodyr.
The EU will probably bail them out if it can butthurt you
They should let the English vote next time, porridge wogs will get their independence sharpish.
Digits confirm we should vote the Scots out of the UK.
prynhawn da sut wyt ti heddiw lads?
United Kingdom of England and Wales.
Why is the modern day Welshman a Nigel-sympathising spineless poofter?
Not so long ago they were burning them out of holiday homes, now it seems like every Leekmuncher wants to cuddle up with the revolting Anglo menace.
There's more likely to be gay bumsex in the valleys these days, not harmonious song.
I feel bad for Scots desu. Best universities and intellectuals in the UK for a century, aiding in world conquest with hardly a complaint, biggest shipbuilders in Europe, only to get completely fucked over by globalization and deindustrialization.
finally a reunited Ireland, Ireland for the Irish.
The English living in Scotland did vote.
They voted against independence.
In fact, if it wasn't for the English, Scotland would already be independent.
you have to be easy on the ponces see otherwise they throw an autistic tantrum on why they are the best.
Mae'n ffantasteg, fy cariad.
>t. C in GCSE Welsh
When was this. I don't remember
haha mate I heard all students have to do full course welsh in GCSE now.
t. little england
Obviously people who have moved to scotland want to be able to go back and forth easily. The rest of england wishes you'd just fuck off at this point
>annex WAL
>annex SCT
>annex NEG
>nuke tag GER
Prynhawn da, boyo. Shwmae?
Scotland will vote against it once more.
Consider this.
We've been down this road before. Scotland votes to remain a part of the UK in 2014.
In 2016 the UK as a whole voted to leave the EU.
It's really not that complicated. I'm just waiting for indyref2 so I can vote no again and with it kill of the SNP.
>Full course
RIP them.
Holy shit, Scotland how?
With what money? At this point the E.U. resources are pretty strained as it is. Throwing the UK contribution out is going to make things even worse.
Also fuck off, that's never happening. ever.
not a question lad, someone failed GCSE welsh
>Holy shit, Scotland how?
Oil went down hill at that time and SNP took a spaz. Usually we do good, like the most average out of Britain but we have mongs running shit now.
>Scotland how?
All of our money goes into that column marked 'UK'.
ikr, they have to do the welsh bacc as a real subject now and all.
>Shorthand version of "Sut mae"?
>Sut mae = how is it?
got a D kek
Sut mae = sup mate
>Sut mae = how is it?
sut mae means how is there m80
Mae ef yn blydi proper mint, aye! Well done, y diolch yn fawr, Cymru!
t. Saes yn ecsail
>Scotland how?
Highland Midges. It rains all year bar a few weeks in summer and then the whole country is assaulted by them, and they bite!
Rwy'n casau byrgyrs.
Fuck. Well, still a question, boyo.
Diolch yn fawr, fy ffrind Eingl.
>Go out backpacking.
>During tea I get swarmed.
>Woke up with brown sludge in the bottom of my hoody pockets.
>Literally a thick midge sludge.
Never go out while it's warm.
>Welsh for burger is "byrger"
Why do we have so many loanwords? We've been slacking a bit since the 15th Century.
well it's not like we sat around eating burgers 800 years ago
I dont know mate, we need to make our own
also representing the best place in wales
We could at least call it a transliteration of "compacted cow" or something like that.
>Not checking the midge report before going out.
Why does it have one column for the UK and a separate one for Scotland?
Feels fine.
This country, when you go out onto the street, is no different than before Brexit. It's the exact same.
I used to want Scottish independence because I felt every country deserved a chance at being a sovereign and free nation. Now? I want Scottish independence so they can fuck off. Yes, let Nicola have what she so desperately craves, because an independent Scotland would be so immeasurably fucked it's almost comical. They have no currency to use, wouldn't be allowed in the EU by Spain's veto powers over fears of Catalonia, and their oil prices were unbelievably far off the mark in 2014, meaning if they had gone independent they would have been a fucking third world nation.
I'm honestly sick of the English bashing, as an Englishman. We're scapegoated as everything being wrong with the U.K. as NI, Wales, and Scotland enjoy their low populations and devolved assemblies, whilst our Parliament is full of berating cretinous nationalists. Fuck them.
>I'm honestly sick of the English bashing
What the fucka re you talking about?
>We're scapegoated as everything being wrong with the U.K
By who? When?
Are you a mental patient or something?
This whole thing is really fucking stupid and is literally just Sturgeon being a fucking retard.
Yes, Scotland wanted the UK to stay in the EU. But only in the mind of Nicola Sturgeon does that become synonymous with "Scotland wants to leave the UK!!!"
This despite them having a referendum on UK membership less than 3 years ago, when a EU referendum was on the cards. It's fucking stupid. Sure it could happen that Scotland leaves, but it's unlikely. Scotland just wanted to have their UK bennies and also be in the EU. They aren't about to throw all of their UK bennies out of the window for some vague and fruitless hope of getting a similarly good deal in the EU.
Pro-EU Scots are pissed off, some are also dumb enough to actually think the EU is worth dumping the UK. But most of them are going to face reality and realise the UK is much more important to Scotland than the EU ever was.
Based Taffies
Nice digits
Do you have datas about imports and exports?
Sup Forums is all for sovereignty until it happens to one of their "redpilled" countries. I hope scotland goes independent just as a huge fuck you to England.
mae Sup Forums bellach yn gymraeg dudalen
thx homie
>tfw Welsh but don't speak Welsh
Shall I top myself? How should I do it?
Move to a Welsh only speaking village, if those even exist anymore.
>Diolch yn fawr, fy ffrind Eingl.
Scratch a Lancastrian, ffeind y Hen Gogledd. ;o)
We don't care about Scotlel though. England is the fucking UK and the rest of the UK knows it.
I would personally love to see Scotland try and jump through the fifty flaming hoops it would take to land themselves a deal in the EU that compares to their current UK one.
They'd join up assuming they'd have the status of the UK and be shocked to learn they are less relevant than Hungary or some other back seat nation.
No matter which way you slice it Scotland isn't getting what it wants.
Is cariad friend? In Irish its cara
>liking being in the EU
End yourself.
Contract sheep AIDS.
Dead on gluebags, think the ra was bad? We'd murder children by the bus loads if you think this land will ever be anything but British.
is uk too far gone now???
worse than Greece
Thanks son yer a good lad, tell yer uncle Donald we need some gunz and freedom, them English are getting uppity again
>we need some gunz and freedom
Why? You'll just trade them away the next time you need bailing out.
Two things
Who the fuck are you?
What size boot does yer bollocks take?
Awh, slav just discovered banter?