Does Sup Forums dislike Sup Forums?
it's dead
Guess so.. seems they are just posting child porn and shitty gore pics
it's the essence of this website, like it or not
Good to see some things never change. Hopefully it still keeps the normies and redditors away.
no, Sup Forums is dead content-wise
Sup Forums has become Sup Forums.
Most of Sup Forums is old Sup Forums. Hence why furfags and trannies are allowed to post threads now. We used to nuke those out of existence.
No, but it is pretty degenerate.
THIS. Sup Forums is beyond help and should be nuked. It is beyond degeneracy at this point. I would almost call it chaotic degenercy. Sup Forums is just sliding into chaos with the shills and all the shareblue and CTRs here.. Sup Forums is dying
let me correct that:
> it WAS the essence of this website
Sup Forums today is just some trap-threads, racemixing and furry threads.
Sup Forums died when it suddenly was the "cool board" and it got flooded with under age normies.
Exactly the same is happening to Sup Forums right now.
>implying oldafg Sup Forumstards didn't hate furries and transformers
Don't confuse Sup Forumstards with Sup Forumsananas
We all started on b but dgaf about them anymore. They are a good distraction to keep edgelord homeland generation summerfags away.
Sup Forums is the tutorial board of Sup Forums.
No one talks about Sup Forums anymore. It's all about Sup Forums. Sup Forums hasn't done anything significant in forever, meanshile Sup Forums is playing capture the flag, directing artillery strikes, and memeing the election. The only thing Sup Forums is known for is a few greentext stories floating around the internet.
I stopped browsing years ago because it was just a nonstop stream of traps, furry, and other shite
I'm not 13, so yes I hate it.
They're degenerate af.
Sometimes they spam their shit here.
Yes I hate them
Define "Under age"..
Are we talking 7-10, 10-13, 13-16, 16-20?
Or all of them?
it was. i imagine most people come to Sup Forums first now
You sound like one.
Sup Forums is no longer interesting.
Sup Forums is going to be Sup Forums in 2 years
Most of Sup Forums moved to Sup Forums a long time ago. Sup Forums right now is pure cancer (rate my dick, trap threads, loli and you laugh you lose threads.
FFS the morons there don't even understand what the "you lose" part means. It means if you laugh at something fucked up you lose because you are a shitty human being.
It's a giant moat that protects the other boards from middle schoolers , normies, and albanians
Sup Forums and Sup Forums have always been gay as fuck
What the fuck is there to define you underage shit?
"You have to be atleast 25 to post here" is the first thing you see when you click on Sup Forums.org
The rules of Sup Forums are literally no posters under 18 years old.
Sup Forums hasn't been relevant in close to 10 years
So you mean everyone under the age of 18 then yea?
News to me. Poast proofs