Why do you still pretend to be a cuckservitive around your friends and family?
Why not show your true self?
Why do you still pretend to be a cuckservitive around your friends and family?
Why not show your true self?
do it and tells us how it goes nigger
Waiting for shit to hit the fan, decent group to form, and I'll go all out.
For now, I'll lurk.
My family is too cucked. They think black crime is just due to culture.
>tfw can't argue for shit.
>thinking sneks are cuckservatives
Libertarians are quite redpilled. They see libertarianism as the only route to argue in public against liberal encroachments on civil liberties.
I am a radical centrist, like any other person with a brain.
>Holding a private opinion and a public opinion
Hillary Clinton?
I don't.
Nearly half my family is redpilled about Islam already, now they just need to take the chinkpill
Libertarian =/= Cuckservitive.
My family are pretty libertarian anyway.
It's the other way around for me. I'm not as edgy as present myself to be.
I'd say libertarians and Nazis hold very similar social positions (social conservatives), they just go about enforcing those positions in very different manners.
There is no such thing.
I do not pretend to be a what i'm not when i'm with friends or close family members. I only hide my power-level with strangers or co-workers (i don't want to be fired)
I'll go to fuckin jail fäm
parents already agreeing that turkroaches should be deported and that integration failed. Asked them what made them say that. They say they're done with nationalist turks here
Mine as well, they fucking despise muslims.
Aussies get called racists a lot, but by fuck, I'll wear it as a badge of honour.
Aussies call a spade a spade.
Literally this
>show power level
Lol, r u a fucking sperg?
>hide power level
Wuts rong with you? Scared feg?
Please leave, your scaring the children.
Our money is taken in taxes to pay for all your social benefits.
Nazi government would still have us pay for your inferiority. The only difference is they prefer white people and you prefer everybody except white males.
Get a clue: Internet Nazis are fakers, as a rule. If the man can't quote you Nazi economics, he is being edgy and nothing else.
Why would you be afraid to show your true self? I have surrounded myself with people who have similar viewpoints. Gas the kikes race war now