Is sex something that could be described as "hopelessly unattainable" for the majority of Sup Forums's userbase?
Is sex something that could be described as "hopelessly unattainable" for the majority of Sup Forums's userbase?
ive never had sex have you?
can we take a pol poll?
No, but gross generalizations about anonymous posters are something definitely in reach.
Yes, I used to have a bf but we broke up a few months ago.
gay sex doesnt count, faggot.
Uh, enjoy humping your fleshlight, uggo.
I've had sex lots of times. But apparently gay sex doesn't count so... *shrugs*
Oh sure, taking advice from a virgin Canadian on what does and doesn't count as sex.
Wife is in prison. Cucked by the state.
Daily reminder that faggot is a compliment on Sup Forums
Btw are you cute? You had better be.
I'm kinda cute. Not saying I'm a model, but I'd say I'm cuteish.
Pic related. Thats my fiance we have 6 kids
Oh no, what happened?
Those stretchmarks are almost as gross as her lack of a penis.
My based eastern european gf is coming to visit me tomorrow. She loves deepthroating me. Im not sure how to make her change her name to Melania though.
This is Sup Forums. This isn't /lgbtqqainskdkdk/. You're making an already shitty thread worse by going on about your disgusting lifestyle. This is why people hate fags.
I'm a 20 year old KHV and I honestly don't see the appeal in sex. I hate being touched, and after jerking the ol' weiner I have exactly zero interest in any woman on the planet. It just seems so much more efficient to me to jerk off and be done with it.
Why is everyone so obsessed with sex?
Not at all, flights to Thailand has become cheap af.
Getting a South east asian wife is the ultimate redpill