/r/the_donald is becoming a liability

/r/the_donald is becoming a liability.

I'm seeing a lot of shit like " Look at these based sikhs ENRICHING our culture."

and then there's mouth-breathers with their IRL pepe bullshit.

>visiting reddit

gonna have to put you down

Who cares about Reddit?
>a leaf

But seriously, it's more like YouTube and other places normalising kek.
I see shitty "YLYL Sup Forums dank meme collection" made by people called Kek or Kekistan, even paying Tyrone to promote this shit.

Kek is being normalised and nobody here knows it

Fuck off leafposter, stop trying to divide our community nigger

Also saged

to be honest this board and theirs are indistinguishable at this point. Sup Forums died after dorner went up in flames.

Agreed, I am fucking sick of all this Reddit tier shia and kekistan shit clogging up the board.

Wtf I'm with her now.

They've always been a liability. I have no problem with the ones who keep their holes wide open for redpill suppositories, but the eternal cuckservatives need to gtfo my fucking board reee.

This is the single most cancerous meme I've ever seen here and I'm not surprised that it's coming from r/TheDonald.
What a bunch of faggots, holy shit.

>Reddit is garbage
What news!

They eternally butthurt the uberleftists on reddit which is good enough I reckon.

The problem is their perceived relationship to Sup Forums and constant reference.

>be you
>dedicated Sup Forumsack
>used to have fringe edgy views
>now its mainstream and reddit is copying your memes
>go on Sup Forums and bitch about how youre not as edgy anymore thanks to reddit
>fellow Sup Forumsacks give you hugs and support


Sup Forums died after /new/ died

>Kek is being normalised and nobody here knows it

I haven't ventured much to the rest of the internet but I think people like Milo are responsible for spreading our memes.

Is it possible that we are witnessing the birth of a new religion?

Man, just look at the image I posted.

Some idiot is homeschooling their children and pushing PEPE right wing shit down their throats. This is not something that should be praised, in fact it undermines everything that the alt-right should be.

here's an idea for you

Is that where all of these fedoras are coming from as well? Sup Forums is a Christian board. I get tired of seeing all of these fedoras spreading their degeneracy like promiscuity and shaming virginity before marriage. Never seen more pussy-whipped cucks.

get off of reddit faggot

The "sihks are brotier" meme is so cringy. You can tell 90% of people who parrot it have no reason to believe that, they've just heard it a million times

We're winning the culture war, there's no reason to complain. Also, Sihks fucking hate Muslims and are required to carry weapons in their person if they're ever attacked by a Muslim or see someone being attacked. As far as shitskins go, Sihks are pretty based.

Sup Forums is dead and le_donald killed it.

It's the whole 'enrichment' propaganda thing that is troublesome, not necessarily liking Sikhs.

Sup Forums only has itself to blame for its current status.
>welcome and let in third world subhumans (redditors)
>become third world board

It might be from them but it's a bastardization of two memes Sup Forums initially came up with: kek/meme magic and the Sup Forumsony threads that have been on here for years before that. I find it disturbing that they tacked the -stan at the end since that is the islamic term for land, I hope they are being ironic with that name.

t. Pro-Trump Sihk neighbors.

Oh look more C&D shills

bye shill


they are the same wherever they go, truly

God that doujin is so hot.

The image is cute, fucker. They're normalizing the idea of humor and fun: the two foundations of a free society.

TC, monitoring that will induce death by solicitude.

I do not give a fuck about reddit and never have.


Kek has always been a faggy reddit meme

>attempting to sage with an image
Fuck off newfag and lurk moar.


this really. You can go back to the days of the 2015 primaries and see fucking Milo beginning his speeches with PRAISE KEK and having students in Trump hats carry him into the auditorium. Shit was cringe but no really cared as we needed to raise power levels to support the God-Emperor. Now that the election is over it seems stupid BUT the left still wants to continue the 2016 election and continue dividing us so it looks like the cringe is here to stay.

twitter is even worse with thatmike CERRRNOOVICHH faggot and the Sup Forums news network

Kek forgives your transgression of faith.

t. /r/ the Donald

they are still useful idiots. reddit is like the 4th largest online community in america. there are bound to be some normies.

here is the cancer killing Sup Forums:

>PRAISE KEK faggotry
>roleplaying in general
>shit that belongs on Sup Forums
>flags in general 2bh since it encourages Sup Forums threads
>risk threads
>the_donald immigrants
>paranoid retards that think everyone is a CTR shill
>autists that are super easily trolled by obvious bait like "um no sweetie Drumpf is finished" (same category as above) since they just attract more shitposters fishing for replies

there's more but this is the big stuff that needs to go if we're going to make Sup Forums great again

Fucking this
>Baaah all the conservative views i espoused are now taking over the internet as the new counter culture wah wah bloo bloo
jesus christ get laid nerds
Saging this shit thread


I fucken hate how normie it is

fuck off



What I wouldn't give to be a Mod for a day and implement permabans across the board for all that shit.

Who to blame:
>50% mods for deleting "racist" threads and keeping irrelevant kek ones.
>10% Youtube for making pol a meme.
>20% Reddit for being a gateway redpill.
>10% 2016 elections for making normies have opinions.
>10% yourselves for giving them (you)'s

Completely agree with this. And bring back the old choosable flags.

redditors will always be redditfags no matter what board they come from. Why people on here didn't realise this last year I'll never know. We're sure as shit paying for it now.

are people that wear meme clothing and make meme placards for marches etc unironically the worst people on earth?

You can add flat earth, religious zealots and anti-science garbage to the lot
It'd be nice if this place could produce some quality conversation once in a while.. maybe I'm asking for too much


People who let their political opinions alter their behaviour are the worst people on earth.


Are you telling me that the sub that was run by a foreign (danish) faggot with a fetich for middle eastern men is not something that should be in pol's interest?

Well golly geez I wonder why.

Hi shariablue

To what extent?
Say I believe abortion is murder as a political opinion and so it influences my behaviour to have a child instead of ordering my gf to suck it out with a vacuum cleaner it would make me the worst person on earth?

the_donald is becoming a liability to what? Sup Forums, Sup Forums dont care. To trump? Sup Forums dont care. sounds like shareblue is trying a low level fighting between websites cause they are too shit at their payed job to to it themselves. sage

I thinks its not so much your decisions but how you act in general, I am a retard when it comes to explaining things so just imagine the Hillary supporter who drives a prius to her job in a media firm.

to be fair I think flat earth theads are just trolls roleplaying

R/the_Donald was started by Sup Forums. Blame yourself. Anyway its the first step for normied to be redpilled like how Sup Forums used to be the introduction into chan culture.

/new/sman here
These Trump supporters are basiclaly cultists amd easy to troll which is the exact reason for the anti Trump backlash. I honestly dont care who os om office but make it my mission to derail and shit up every thread of their I can because that is the only way to get rid of them
Everyone should just fuck everything they try the hell up and mock them. The trumpers cannot tolerate criticism of their orange Messiah

They were only tolerated because we needed the manpower online and memetic energy throughout the election, they have now grown out of control and outlived their usefulness, they're going to be a nuisance for the next 3 years until we need them again for the 2020 primaries and general election.

I wish mods would gas "muh sekret clurb" whiners

go to the reddit place thing and go to 180,798. It's like the old paintball thing

I also think the genuine flat-earth believers are too far gone to even be able to interact with people. Could be those threads are some kind of meta-raid used to demoralize people frequenting the board (worked for me)
How those threads manage to survive for several hundreds of replies does speak about mods' priorities nonetheless

> Until we need them
Gonna open a kickstarter to make Trumps bail?

It's trump who's the fucking liability in the first place retard, not his fucking subreddit

Sikh are based, Sikh bros are best bros.

Do they enrich our culture, do they bring new ideas?

The best form of flattery is imitation desu

You never should have tolerated them in the first place. redditors gonna reddit. This will never not be true.

Sup Forums didnt create the kek meme or meme magik meme. Those were stolen from other boards when they were dead horses and beaten by Sup Forums. The only Sup Forums original is calling people cuck

>8 years
fixed it for you shill cuck ;)

its the bed you made

now lay in it with us

Plus you can add on that all they did was checking repeating numbers. Not to mention flogging a dead may may. Way to be original guys. Not to mention the cuck shit has gotten way out of hand and is just plain cr!ngeworthy now.

You better keep your ass in Brampton pajeet

checking doubles is also old. Sup Forums is reddit. They steal memes, beat them to death, beat them some more, and then gloat about being part of something epic on the internet. Literally rebbit

you guys are idiots falling for these shariablue tactics, the_donald while cringe at times is extremely useful in annoying liberals and redpilling centrists, they play their role for now

This is a mix of concern trolling and D&C. Subtle, but useless. Whathever you throw to divide us will just strengthen the movement.

Reminder that Purityfags are 90% shills. Rest is people who believe shills. We have given a massive blow to (((globalists))) and neogaf faggots are gasping for air.

Reminder there is no alt right.

We want globalism though, just not migration.

They are two entirely different concepts.

Tbh the more polarized the politics become, the further right all these normalfags are gonna go.
In the Spanish civil war the "moderates" were the first to be liquidated.

Then were did the whole egyptian frog god kek thing come from? It was floating around here for a long time before ever hitting the mainstream.

the_donald has turned into FB. My neighbor's like 60 years old and tells me he's a centipede and and how he and his friends memed him into POTUS. Fucking normies ruin everything.

>those colors
thanks doc

you have to go back

>We want globalism though
No, never.

> we want globalism

They were a tool for electing Trump. Now they are useless. You should not care about them anymore.

this is actually a good thing, stop falling for shariablue tactics

Answer the fucking question. I've never been on reddit, retard, they were later adopters if anything.

Yeah, i'd rather Kek becomes a thing that only a few shitposters on pol ever know about.

Kekistani will become a recognized nationality once the next census comes around.
Pol has a part in that. Be proud.

Pretty much.

So I should pay twice as much for a refrigerator built in Canada because trading with China or Korea is wrong?


Kill your self for this blasphemy.

>he doesn't buy local artesinal refrigerators built by outdoorsmen

such a limited view on economics... you will learn eventually

A yes, plebbit.

THe land where NBC-COMCAST was able to force a meme to the front page for weeks to make an irrelevant wrestling guy popular then suddenly hire him to be on their morning show once stupid redditors ate the meme it up.

Really activated my neuronal circuitry, OP.

Of course you would buy the refrigerator made in China over the one made in Canada, Huang.

I hold a MSc in finance

Again, you're probably confusing mass migration with globalism.

fuck off with the divisive talk

we have to embrace the useful idiots no matter how spergey - or the "hijabs make cute memes" brigade will get them