What did they do to make everyone hate them?
What did they do to make everyone hate them?
what DIDN'T they do.
They basically want to enslave the entire world to their desires.
Be filthy hook nosed scum.
They're a fucking plague.
Were born jewish
Here's a quick enchilada on the jews:
1) Exiled out of 109 different nations. 56 of the times for "blood libel" a practice which involves rape, murder, and cannibalism of non jewish children. A practice they carried to our (((elites))) today see podesta emails.
2) They suck off white infrastructure and scientific marvels and infrastructure inventions, their function is to be parasites. They barely contribute to infrastructure and society building, but they wish to rent seek and interest seek on what is already built.
3) Debt Slavery scams. The Federal reserve and the IMF are the primary perpetrators. The basic gist of the scam is to lobby corrupt pedophile US politicians to create meaningless wars through neocon and democrat involvement. The aspect of them being pedophiles is key, because this is the only way they motivate whites to betray their own families. Even sadistic pedophiles care about their children being well off, only blackmailed peoples would bend to this system so readily.
As for the financial scams, in the 1930's the jews lobbied the already corrupted US congress to make holding physical gold illegal, and swapped the people's gold for gold backed US dollars. Since then the US dollar has been inflated like crazy, and gold has went up from $33 to ~$1250 right now. In the 1970's central banking policies have made inflation based policies the mandate. In fact the current fed goal is I believe a steady inflation rate of ~1.75%-2%. The neocons warmongering is key, as the trillions in debt justify the inflation policies, which are designed to pretend that they are for the purpose of paying back debt at a lower relative cost. Since the debt is nearly 21 trillion it will effectively NEVER be paid. And the function of the fed is to weaken whites, and enrich the jews.
Now the Rothschilds own most of the world's debt, and the IMF can create infinitely inflatable loans for 3rd world countries in the form of IMF notes...cont.
>Karl Marx
Das Juden!
>Federal Reserve Act of 1913
Das Juden!
>Russian Revolution 1917
Das Juden!
>German Revolution of 1919
Das Juden!
>Great Purges
Das Juden!
>Immigration Act of 1965
Das Juden!
Brainwashed our children.
They kill and steal while expecting their MSM propaganda to work.
cont.. part 2)
IMF notes are can be printed infinitely without inflation, and this is how the jews like Rothschild control 3rd world foreign policy, and through that indirectly controlling 1st world foreign policy, as a reaction to the 3rd world policies taken.
4) Multicultural white genocide agenda:
Here is where the jewish hollywood machine comes into work, which has recently been severely weakened. This is the race mixing propaganda and "refugees welcome" propaganda comes. The pedophile politicians push for this because they are owned by cia and mossad, and the jews own the cia and mossad indirectly through Rothschild and other council 200 funding.
The most respected people amongst them cut babies penises and suck the blood that comes from it.
pic related
Karl Marx was a staunch atheist, he was only Jewish by blood.
Then they give herpes to babies and fucking kill them.
Dude, the Jews are...different...
Here's a fun fact, Christianity did not come from Jews. Even this is a Jewish lie. The people who taught what became Christianity wanted fucking nothing to do with the Jews. Nothing.
Christ was not a Jew. It is either a bastardization or misconception or intentional mistranslation of Josephus.
The Jews are completely different and separate from Christianity.
Basically the debt scams are designed for enriching the private bank system.
A loan that a private bank gives is actually an asset on their books. And your deposit in a bank is actually not a deposit at all, but an agreement of creating a promissory note legal document with the bank, which they can then trade on the market. This is why private banks can use your money to leverage billions in purchasing power to buy stocks and derivatives with.
Since the jews own the government, they can simply bailout their banks if their investments go bad, and they did just that with king nigger.
So you see the government, intelligence agencies, and banks are all enemies of the free peoples of western civilization. All of these organizations have to be destroyed. Government is the enemy inherently, and any form of centralized authority and capitalism/communism is a jewish plot to control the world.
Our only refuge is Erisianism.
He comes from a line of Rabbi's.
basically a canada tier post
off yourself leaf
They were born genetically smarter than everybody else.
In terms of intelligence: jews > east asians > whites >>> sand niggers >>>>>>>>> niggers
Killed 35 million in the Bolshevik revolution that overthrew the tzars in Russia, Established communism, faked the murder of 6 million to enslave Germany and invade Palestine, Use innocents to fight their Khazarian wars, Not even semetic people yet use the term anti-semetic to silence opposition. Ran the triangle trade that brought negroes to America and then blame white Europeans... You pick.
It usually comes from a stipulation from the medieval times because they were the ones that controlled most of the banks in Europe due to the sin of the Catholic church of usury. This caused some contention to some people who defaulted on their debts to these large banks, that or, some kings such as Richard the Lionheart funded his entire war of the 3rd crusade with their money. Though then he banished all of them, seized their money and property, and basically liquidated them. Though before that he labeled them quite harshly (More harshly than what the catholic church was doing). There you go a brief history of why many people associate money+Jews and their sorta hatred.
Rule the Western world.
Satan's little workers
They always are, user.
Being a plague to every host country they inhabit.
This is an actual Jew.
Kike your days are numbered.
Our people are waking up, even the full force of your propaganda isn't enough.
>hating on Canadians who expose jewish filth
Fuck you nigger, #notallleafs
absolutely not true.
Ashkenazi jews have high IQs, not Sephardim or Mizrahim who are more Jewish/Levantine in origin while Ashk. are matrilineally European (google it, Joshua) - meanwhile Koreans and Japanese score higher in math and science than jews, but while they are only slightly overrepped at top schools, Jews are massively overrepped and perpetuate their privilege via ethnonepotism.
Think Hollywood has been kept jewish 'naturally' shithead?