What will likely happen?
Who trusts polls anymore?
Merkel must be stopped.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Merkel must be stopped.
Shulz will

shes going to start her own party, a ..... 4th party
almost like a reich

Made up bullocks by the (((german media)))

She already said, that she wont step down.

Isn't Schulz just as bad?

Hail Frauke!
(Why is it that Europe's so obsessed with female leaders, ffs?)

I'm pretty sure we were too optimistic in thinking europe could save itself democratically. We are in for a very very rough ride folks. God help our children.

Needs a man.

schulz is propably even worse

First off
She didn't say she is going to step down but only that leaving olitical life and the party theoretically wouldn't be a no go because things change or whatever she said.

Second: she is in 9th month of pregnancy and a hormonal mess right now. She broke down crying the other day. She should give interviews and you shouldn't give too much about what she says right now

She spoke about stepping down because she is bullied by her party who is infighting about Nazi larping Richard Spencer type autists who singlehandedly brought the party down 10%.
Nazi autists and the party itself are to blame not anyone else.

Schulz is a media meme and already cost his party in the first regionals they had.
They expected to win 7% but lost 1%.
Schulzeffect/Schulztrain etc. only exist on reddit (the sun there is paid for and operated bytheJuSo, the SPD youth organisation, a d still only has 10 or so posts day.) but not in the mind of the voters.

She is not she talked about theoratically leaving politics behind altogether.

>What will likely happen?
Civil war in the land of chocolate

>Merkel must be stopped.
Hope that bitch gets hanged

>Isn't Schulz just as bad?
Shulz is many times worse.

Schulz is worden every way imaginable.

If left wing socialism riddled with nepotism and corruption is your idea of good policy then he is for you

He's worse. It'll ne the final nail, i think, if he gets elected. Goodbye white Germany.

She finally tasted that black dick

She probably found a beatiful and ripe BBC and just CANNOT go back to pathetic white bois

He's a Jew isn't he ?

aren't there rumors that her 4 children and family got threatened by TOTALLYNOTSTASI some while back in not at all similar how Stasi used to silence people with wrong ideas in DDR

*worse in

Schulz is the only one who's worse than Merkel, I really hope the krauts aren't that stupid. If he will win he will cuck hard all Europe.

Be honest with me Germanbro, is there a chance she can win and unfuck your nation's policies?

She will be replaced by Höcke who is more 1488 than every other possible leader.
He wants to get rid of people getting thwon into jail for holocaust denial. Björn Höcke as chancellor would make this country finally great again. I don't know why we haven't memed this guy yet.

the only sad thing is that retards like you exist.

surprisingly no.

at least none of his parents are, but i am 100% certain one branch of his family tree is rotten.

What's the point anymore. Germany is cucked beyond repair.


no matter what, AFD has no chance in hell to be part of the next government. The brainwashed cucked germans will vote for an even worse government with Greens and Communists.Expect more floods of shitskins and muslims into europe.
Its really hopeless.

Not winning but getting enough percent to prevent to pose a serious threat for the commies and cuckservatives who make up our current parliament.

she would need 51%
the afd is between 7% and 11%
so no

Wouldn't AFD possibly do better with new leadership? Nothing against Frau Petry, she's done a good job, but she's probably a bit too soft spoken for the role.who could replace her?


They don't let the shit stains vote do they ?

Greens and SPD are actually planning exactly that.

>Its really hopeless

Even Sweden Democrats is leading now, so don't give up hope. Germany does however need to suffer more cultural enrichment before normie Germans wake up.

This horrible merkels monster

Well then I suggest grab a motorcycle helmet and a baseball bat and get ready for the inevitable day when the didnus and germanbros go at it in the streets.

It's a political move.
Make me sole candidate or I'll walk.

No way. She's having her fifth child. Her partner has 4 more. They need the money ;)

It's about control because the right wing within the party is getting stronger.

This is a good thing. The EU needs a solid foundation through Germany.

You KNOW she's been BLACKED

There is absolutely NO way a woman can resist the urge of the BBC when there's so much of it in your country


Nice try now fuck off SHILL


He is only candidate WORSE than herself merkel.

AfD just needs to take hold in the Bundestag with a good percentage for now. At the moment we have not a single anit migrant party in the government or opposition. If we can destroy the normies' view of the other parties while getting them to support AfD more over the years next election is going to be an AfD victory.

The fatherland was lost after WWII. The German people at the time likely knew if they lost their country would be fucked forever because they named the eternal, international Jew

It's a rumor the media is spreading, her party already denied it.

Would be a good thing to happen though. Sup Forums only knows the memes, but that woman is seriously holding back the party. She's a power hungry cunt who, rather than focusing on policies and how to save the country, instead goes for constant infighting to try and remove all opposition.

She's end up just being another Merkel eventually if she ever got that far.

It doesn't have to be to change policies.

first they flushed the party and removed the original monarchist wing because muh tyranny. then they flushed out the right wing fraction of the party because muh nazis. now if she steps down then this party can pretty much disband.

Don't want to give a (YOU) to the polish twat. That pic looks as real as the Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton pic. I see it posted all the time. Any source?

given that the average age of the muslim and 3rd world shits is much younger than of the natives, its probably a bad idea.
To make matters worse, police and military are getting more and more muslim members every year. And everyone knows their loyalty won't be with germany. And i cant even blame them to be honest, Germany is pathetic now.

The left is already pushing for this scenario in Germany. Most (((Youtubers))) and (((commedians))) blame the AfD for being nazis (They are actually just a 90s CDU with focus and tradional values) and directly or indirectly call for violence and paint the AfD as some kind of dark evil army which has to be fight with no other way than violence.

No. He is kikier than the kikiest kike, yet surprisingly, he's not a Jew.
He certainly wishes he was though.

Schulz already turned out to not be a bonus. First state election since he took over lost the SPD 1%

Leave it to the niggers to post the picture where you can see her eyes are blue and the hair roots are completely different.


>Implying the police and military would be allies with the commies who try to attack them on public events.

Absolutely not, no.

The best Germany can hope for is
>strong AfD
>Greens fail to enter the parliament
>CDU/SPD continue with their larga coalition but shift to the right to stop themselves from bleeding voters to the AfD

Most important thing right now would be to kick the Greens out of as many state level governments as possible. Due to the way the Bundesrat works, they are heavily overrepresented there and vetoing everything that tries to fix Germany.

not only that but i honestly feel that the time is not ripe yet. too many old people in afd and they make bad optics. they sound like retards, make grave strategic blunders, look like neanderthals - everything. terrible infighting and not enough unity. not enough charisma and strength to deliver vague campaigns, not enough intelligence and skill to deliver precise and consistent party programs. such problems always stem from a weak leadership and indeed having a woman as the head doesnt help that much. i will still vote them. if they manage to remain an intact party until elections that is.

german police is thouroughly cucked and infiltrated by left wing ideolgies.I bet a majority is against AFD and right wingers,In Hamburg they getting their ass kicked by Antifa setting their cars on fire.

No, don't blame the media and their smear campaign against them. I like Petry, but she brought that upon herself, she should not started war against Höcke!

Greens are actually close to drop below 5%. With some redpilling and camapaign faliures this is likely but the points mentioned are what is important this election.

>not enough intelligence and skill to deliver precise and consistent party programs.

Did you read it? I went through the preliminary one they released last weekend and it seemed pretty consistent to me. Only 67 pages so it takes only a bit above an hour to read it.

Hamburg is the state where AfD is polling worst. Would not put too much trust in there. I know members of police and military who are definetly going to vote AfD and have already been engaged win fights with antifas.

>german police is thouroughly cucked and infiltrated by left wing ideolgies.
Of course there is absoluety no doubt :^)

Can some kraut explain to me why most of your country votes leftist?

Half of Germany suffered from communism under the Soviets and whole of Germany seems to have been brainwashed to hate Nazis and Hitler with fervor, whose policies were very left leaning or flat out socialist. Yet most Germans still vote left? How?

> msm

Yeah, R2G is a pipe dream. Neither will Schulz pull the votes they were hoping for, nor will the Greens make it into the parliament (or if they do than in pityful numbers).

But the Greens aren't really a problem on the federal level anyway, they hold no power there.
They are a problem on the state level, because there are so many SPD/Greens coalitions that they have a massive over representation.
And the SPD just goes along with whatever their junior partner wants because they are still hoping for that chancellorship and don't want to piss of the Greens when they might need them

CDU is not leftist. They are cuckservatives and SPD acts like the workers party but they have truned into identity politics like the Greens and Die Linke.

>Be german
Typical germcucks

So what if you have no choice but to fight one day what then are you going to cry in a corner ?

TFW I live in BW.

Things are going to well economically, that's why.

>Can some kraut explain to me why most of your country votes leftist?

They don't. CDU and SPD are not seen as lefties and in large parts of Germany, you can still live your life comfortably and never experience anything of what is going on (apart from higher taxes) so there is nothing that robs them of their illusion.
The majority is voting for conservatives (or what they assume to be conservatives) and liberals (the economic kind, not the American one)

t. increasingly nervous AfD voter

so how is a self defense video a refutation of that ?

Thank God! I hope Meuthen takes over.

Poor Germany, you once had such a rich culture and proud people. Shame. :-\

t. I know nothing about Europe and especially German politicians, but I am just gonna shit out a comment anyway and play superior

If they would be cucked by leftists ideologies woudln't they just accept ther calim ten? They are mocking her and will also not side with the parties promoting and supporting the protestors who are attacking the police. They accuse them of muuuh racial profiling and want to strip them of their capabilities. Almost no police officer in their right mind would support them.

God i hope that greens drop below 5%.
That and that Hofreiter being hit by an assault truck of peace so that i will never have to hear his shit opinion again.

CDU used to be decent.
Merkel declared in 2010 that:
>"the multicultural model in Germany had totally failed"
>"immigration shouldn't be a burden for our social system"

And there were numerous other declaration about immigration from her government members.
Merkel really betrayed everyone in 2014.

He'd definitely be their best leadership option.
I don't think he really is what Germany needs, but he definitely is what Germany would accept.
The guy is a fast thinker and doesn't fall into the obvious traps the rest of them keep stepping into.

Until Germans realize that those traps shouldn't be traps to begin with because there is nothing wrong about being proud of your country and culture, he'd be their best option.

Also it is not a self defense video. They fooled the green party politician who said that it wasn't neccessary to kill the axe attacker.

The CDU used to be what the AfD is nowadays. Around the time Merkel took over they were still in favor of abolishing the right to asylum and instead making asylum something that can be granted by the state if it feels like it, but cannot be demanded.

Stop interfering on other countries' elections and instead try to have a real one in your shithole country.

Good night Germany

Putin is hacking Muslim rapefugees again?

What is the best possible outcome this election? Not necessarily for AfD but for Germany. Let's say some scandals take place. Corruption or leaks. Sand nigger happenings. BREXIT economy boom and Le Pen win. Etc.

I see what Jew did there.

>TFW American ex pat with beautiful slav gf.

Schultz because he's so fucking retarded, he'll ironically cause Germany to shit itself to the point they can only go uphill from there on

Im convinced people who shill for him want this to happen considering how much of a fucking dumbass he is.

Merkels strategy is only caring about public image while never actually doing anything.

So she only says what it is "hip" now and her attempt at virtue signaling after having pissed of some leftist massively backfired as the nafris and arabs actually took her for her words and went to europe, something she probably didnt expect.

Well, we'll see when the day ever comes. I surely won't place my hopes on police or military being on 'our' side. They are shills and servants of a corrupt and treacherous system.

The best possible outcome would be Merkel somehow disappearing from the political stage.
She's who is ensuring that the CDU goes along with whatever lefty shit is being promoted in Germany. Without her we'd probably see the CDU being willing to form a coalition with the AfD in just a couple years (2017 is probably too early though).

Only idiots or people who'd want Germany to swing to the right would advocate for Schulz.

It's not even about him being a retard and driving the Germans over the edge. It's also that if Merkel loses, her career is over. The CDU cares primarily about the chancellorship, if she cannot win it anymore they'll look for someone else who can.

And Germany only has a lefty majority as long as Merkel stays in control of the CDU. The moment she's gone, the left loses ~30-35% of the seats in the parliament.

You can be a soldier and hate the system. Same for a police officer. They are going to support us more than most other professions.

>something she probably didnt expect.

Some WELT journalist published a book a couple weeks ago with insight into how this shit happened.

Basically, the police was ready to lock down the borders when they saw the consequences of Merkel's virtue signalling, waiting for the 'okay' from the higher ups - then the pic of the drowned boy started circulating and all politicians shat their pants about what they might do to their image so no one was willing to tell the police to get going.

>people who'd want Germany to swing to the right would advocate for Schulz.
Thats the point, Germany is fucked with the political climate and how utterly delusional the public is right now.

The guy is the equivalent of a retard throwing a molotov cocktail in his own kerosene soaked house.

Trying to bump AfD is admirable but there's gonna have be a major fucking 9/11 tier event to cause it or wait for decades, which is something Germany DOES NOT have

He isn't retarded, he is straight up evil.
EU bureaucrat are pretty much all creepy weirdos, I dislike 95% of my politicians but only the ones at Bruxelles generate such discomfort in me.

Computer, uncrop image.

>Merkel somehow disappearing

I understand my orders, sir.

>or wait for decades
You are underestimating how quickly the overtone window is shifting. Within about a year it went from

>Refugees welcome! They are worth more than gold, they'll enrich our society, this is the best thing that could ever happen!

to a constant stream of negative reporting about them.

Basically, the public and partly even the media is already supporting everything the AfD wants, they just end every sentence with "... but fuck the AfD and fuck Nazis" because they have positioned themselves so strongly against them that they cannot back out of it.

It's like when you know you lost an argument, but you keep going anyway because you went into the discussion way too aggressively