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The fuck is e=

Who the fuck is that old nigga on the right

>putting races in stereotypical roles

the ironing

I think it's atheism, but I have never ever met a black atheist.

mc^2 is on the back of his shirt cause black people are smart and educated, get over it you racist white cuck

Le black science persyn?

Anyone else notice those hand signs in the back?

>Tumblr noses
Every time

>TWO (2) cripples

Fucking jews, I swear..

>using google in 2017

kys desu

that can't be real

Look up Alphabet Inc. and shit your pants, Google is just a small tentacle of a larger organization and the paper trail leads fucking through EVERYTHING even well past the Bilderberg group.

What did they mean by this?

>jew and muslim hugging
I've never seen a jew and a muslim be able to interact with each other without it ending as two hairy people angrily bickering in foreign languages.

How do I block this?

Niggers, the mentally ill and a fucking terrorist bomber but no hispanics or asians what did (((((((THEY))))))) mean by this

how do you get your studies done?


They couldn't even spell it right.

What else is there to use

Every other search engine is complete and utter garbage especially when it comes to open

Give me a search engine that doesn't return 2 results I search tits and ill switch in a heartbeat


fuck is this


>"This world is yours now."

RIP Whitey

>putting jew at the center

this will never happen, utopia is impossible

>they make sure to keep the white christian lady in the arms of a black man.

> implying cuckians are employable


i think its just the murican google

google.com/ncr if you wanna see this shit

>*teleports behind le science poc*
>heh...... nothin personnel kid


Is this real?

Fucking kill me. I was about to start a thread on this. If you look at the other contest entrees they are all much better than this one but they aren't about loving fags niggers and mudslimes



>depicting the cross fading away to announce their intention to eradicate Christianity

e ≈ 2.718

Top kek,

Literally just saw that.

>Accept that you are old news and being replaced whitey!

>what the fuck is e=


why can't my search engine fuck off with their political agenda

I have no choice: My mom insisted on me getting a fucking chromebook for college; she made me leave my old laptop at home.


OBEY GOY, the poo in loos at google know whats best for your stupid white brain!

Came here specifically because I saw this while using Google today. At least there's a white person in this one.

The juden right in the middle

Spoon feed me, pls.

Is the g missing an arm?

wow so progressive

all those people so different yet all together in love and tolerance

and its beautiful

wow can we just let google run the government so we can all be equal and love each other every day like wow

Yes. Not very subtle, is it?

Holy shit thanks I had no idea yandex had a search engine

Here's to hoping it works out!

Oh so subtle you (((Jews)))!

Google had a 'doodle for google' contest in which the winner would be portrayed on the front page as so.

Of course what that really means is be as political as you possibly can rather than appreciate skilled art incorporating the Google name.

Case in point, Last year's winner.

duckduckgo in the thing you're looking for

Okay, everyone here's noticing the obvious PC pandering and anti-white sentiment of the photo, on top of putting the kike in the center to show who's running things.

Look in the backgroud and everything becomes clear. Those are the devil horn hand signs. Satanism.

I use duck duck go

They meant that you should charge your fucking phone.

why didn't you listen user?

>three white guys
>one is gay with the rainbow
>two are cripples with one possibly being latino because of his complexion
>only white girl is between two black guys
>other (((white))) girl is Jewish

Fuck this shit.

Wow, they excluded quite a few billion different categories there.

The old got on the end with the heart over his head is priming us for pedophilia.

Lol also came for that reason

Well, whoever green-lighted this diversity disaster needs to take their life.

Pic very much related.

Every time

>Jew is front and center


>the jew is in the middle of all of this

>Jew at the center of it all

He is missing both of his arms. Blown off by the muslim girl next to him no doubt.

It's actually pretty good, not gonna lie.

Does no one else on Sup Forums agree...? >.>

Are you kidding me... I don't remember this one, was it a banner for more than a day?

>no Buddhism

Why is google so anti-Buddhism?!




you daft cunt

they are anti muslim

bing you faggot

I only see ducks in my search engine.



It hurts to look at

Yep, Google is evil.

quick rundown?

>white women take center stage
Really says a lot. In the new world women must be kept in check, as well as anyone with the ability to "corrupt" them.

all I see is pic related

I should have won the doodle contest.

Or Hindu for that matter. Collectively that's about 20% of the population. Whereas Judaism is like what? 0.12%??

I find this offensive that google would exclude these major groups and prioritize abrahamic religion.

>A FUCKING LEAF...doesn't get the (((progressive))) doodle

why the faggots never show nigger girls?
there's always nigger boys, but when it comes to little nigger girls, nobody loves them. they have less value than nigger-chewed-nuggets.

Can we get a supreme artfag to hide some spatstikas in the background of a submission?


>Now let me go write another article about how anytime a white male is in a movie, it's a sign that the director is a white supremacist.

No use for them. White men can get nigger girls and have a family (despite what Sup Forums says about race mixing), no point in pushing them. They'll just lead to a nation of families.

Push nigger boys though, and you keep the single mother train going strong, keeps everyone dependent on the state.

Hahaha! They only put it on the US site, they are literally just trying to push this shit in the US only.


I guess that being a disabled wizard is a valid identity now, judging by the bloke on the left.


>not choosing the breeding doodle

>devil worship hand signals in the background

yes but you would think .ca .se .de would all have this gay shit on it

> babby is white

>the only gay guy is a white male

holy shit