Check out googles new homepage art

What did (((google))) mean by this?

Is google now a religion?

Other urls found in this thread:

No it means religion is for children.

First white male is handicapped
Second white male is with a rainbow G on shirt which stands for gay
Third white male is also handicapped

What did (((Google))) mean by this?

Clearly they meant Gcopte=

Christian coalburner with her handicapped cuck bf.


Is transgenderism a religion?

So many questions.

>Both white males are literal cripples
>Scientist is a nigger
>Devil's horns hands in the shadowy background
>One of the horned hands literally comes from the top of faggot Google's head
>Kike hugging a Muslim
>Only white blue eyed one is a Jew
>Christian girl is dressed more whorishly than the other two girls
>Cross bar of crucifix is disappearing
>The thing on the right with the cane looks like a paedophile and is wearing paedo beads
>The subtle shadow hand love heart between the kids and the paedo

third white male is wearing a skirt

>tfw surrounded by degeneracy

>paedo beads


In reality, that Muslim chick would have blown up everyone else.

>My wife's son

what will they put up tomorrow?

>Not being an anti-theist

>The Muslim girl
>Not clubbing the gay person to death

>The Jew
>Not trying to avoid contact with the filthy goyim

>The Protestant
>Not burning a science textbook


>no Hindu representation
>no Buddhist representation
>no Sikh representation
>no Aboriginal animism representation

Um, sweetie, there are more religions out there. It's not like Google's mostly Indians.

No idea. Just saying shit.

And the Christian is a soulless ginger.

The beads are the only accessory in the pic. The women have no necklaces or earrings. Also, the cane denotes he is older and the heart seems to be the only one in the photo.

The paedo beads cropped up during pizzagate. Apparently it's a thing in their weird pizza subculture.

Came here to make this thread kek

>One white guy
>is fag

Where is the other half of the Googlefag's arm??

This is just so unrealistic.

>black scientist

>Only whites are effeminate gay men and women
Typical jewry. Time to start flooding the airwaves with redpills again.


>that fucking artsyle
literally fucking tumblrinas doing this garbage. Liberalism is a mental illness.

>The white christian girl in the middle of two blacks.

All according to plan.

This was the first thing I noticed also. Every white male is debilitated, and the black male is a
>t. intellectual black man

rainbow G is missing his right hand so that's three crippled whites

>Nine years in, the U.S. Doodle 4 Google Contest draws thousands of creative submissions from talented young artists across the country. Roughly 140,000 participants answered this year's prompt, "What I see for the future." Some imagined a future with modernized homes, others dreamed of a planet without endangered animals, while some saw a compassionate world built around communal harmony.
>Five incredibly talented national finalists spent the day at Google HQ in Mountain View, California. Of those five masterpieces, Connecticut 10th grader Sarah Harrison's Doodle, "A Peaceful Future" was chosen as the national winner! Today, millions in the U.S. can enjoy her masterpeice on the Google homepage.
>Sarah says, “My future is a world where we can all learn to love each other despite our religion, gender, race, ethnicity, or sexuality. I dream of a future where everyone is safe and accepted wherever they go, whoever they are.”
>Thank you to all those who submitted and to our finalists for sharing your creativity and imagination with us. And a heartfelt congratulations to our national winner, Sarah Harrison!
>What did (((google))) mean by this?

Ask Sarah Harrison.


What really differentiates it from one other than the lack of a holy book?

I only see this


Who is behind this ?

Needs to be behind the jewess

>US gets the superliberal rainbow vomit shitshow for their google doodle
>Canada and Sweden get based Russian ballet man
uhhhhh guys?????

>not being a spiritual agnostic nihilist

it should go in the center, between the bunny ears and the hang loose

no internet explorer representative.... really makes you think

The drawing in OP's was done for a US doodle contest. I don't know about Sweden, but Canada's contest is ending in May. Don't worry we'll get a culturally enriched soon enough.

Christ-chan is qt

Good catch.

>one white male
>he's gay
this is the future they want for you, white man.


>white christian girl next to a fucking nigger
>all white males are crippled or faggots
>jewish girl next to muslim girl

This is certainly some propaganda

However if Sup Forums actually wants to fuck with them it would be easy to make a huge shitstorm about how gay men and transmen are represented but LGBT+ women aren't represented- CLEARLY google is sexist against women of alternate sexualities.

Makes sense.

US actually has diversity quotas. We canadians, despite being subhuman trash, don't.

Editing it was too hard so I made this instead

>devil worshippers in the background

jewgle has a ton of doodles like these

Leave it to a fucking leaf to not get the multicult context of that pic.

Got to love the disability of being black, and the disability of being an old white lady pedo with a penchant for cocobutter and shit smelling black kids.

>Both disabilities true.

His arm was chopped off by a Muslim.

It's like a Burger King kids club of degeneracy

>crippled spic
>amputated white male next to a sand coon
>kike with blue eyes and no hook nose
>genderfluid poo in the loo
>white girl next to a nigger
>nigger leaning so close to the white girl
>weird as fuck looking Native American

>Arrow pointing to penis
>White girl with arms all over nigger and poo
>Dude is gay and missing in arm, what a life
>Muslim and Jew friends
>Can't read the words, you had to point out it was joogle
>Handicapped person is left out

that subtle 'goat hand' hand sign around Christian girl.

>tfw the goyim don't know

I remember looking at the Google doodles, as you went farther up the grades more and more PC jew shit started appearing. Makes sense they'd pick the craziest one

You'll see big corporation suddenly become tolerant to theological fundamentalism

I'm by no means racist or anything of that sort. But does anyone else find this picture and mentality sort of unsettling? I'm thinking that obviously coexisting like this is good, but at the same time...

>no blue eyes blonde hair character.

Thanks Google, glad to know i don't exist.

>a planet without endangered animals
this guy gets it
> no animal no problem


better switch to yahoo and use firefox

>nothing new??

I saw something like this the instant it popped up

>Sarah Harrison.

Here is the creator of this "masterpiece"

Firefox at home. Opera at work. Opera on phone (bad tho).

DuckDuckGo just became my main search everywhere.

Chrome dropped forever.

not in the least surprising

looks like a dumb tumblrina
to be expected

interestingly enough, this 15 year old has been awarded a 30k scholarship for this

>Hey Steve, maybe we should pick this one, I mean it's pretty nice looking!
>Don't be retarded, the contest theme is the future, not your fantasies. Just pick something realistic like this one here, where we're stuck on Earth virtue signaling forever.

Why are they so against people and cultures being different

Why does everyone have to be the same

Why even pointing it out? She's a libtard and a artist.

I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't draw gay pornography in her earlier years.

wtf i love diversity now

So, she doesn't like fats and blondes?

Are you blind? The only White guy is the autist second from the left. The other two are shitskin spics.

>Is transgenderism a religion?

A belief with no factual basis? It fits perfectly!

nice trips

I hate this.

It's bland, it's insulting.

>the two straight white guys are handicapped and on the periphery





>Devil's horns hands in the shadowy background

The Sign of the Horns has the thumb folded over the two fingers in the center. That hand-sign with the thumb extended is ASL for "I love you".

I voted for that one too
Fuck jewel I knew they were going to pic the tumblr one as soon as I saw it as a choice

underrated also nice trips

yeah i noticed this and the shadows throwing up devil horns in the back

i think what is meant by this image is that all these sub groups within our species is the work of the devil and you know what they say about divide and conquer

Keep looking, chief.

It means they want to cripple you. DUH.

You see this, Sup Forums? This is the future we are going to GET, not the future you bigots WANT.


Okay, I didn't notice that one. Still looks like they don't understand what it really means anyway.

I am genuinely confused now
Shouldn't they all be fighting to kill each other?
Hell the muslim should rape the girl and behead everyone else

Real talk, why is a 15 year olds vision of all races and religions getting along instead of killing each other like they do now such a bad thing?
For real.


Being a faggot is a religion now?

The two dudes on the right and left don't even look white. The only white guy is the fag.

There is more artistic talent in this one than the retard SJW winner. Hell, look through all the entries, there are even a few kindergarten-3 rd that are better.

Because it's no more likely to happen than unicorns flying out of your ass. There will never be the love and harmony that they think they'll get. At some point the Muslims will feel they have the numbers to start forcing conversions.

is she a jew i cant tell

i dont have a good jewdar

>Otherwise normal (not crippled) white guy is gay

Does anybody have a compilation of this sort of thing? I swear this happens every single time.