Should Christian Identity be the official religion of our White ethnostate?
Should Christian Identity be the official religion of our White ethnostate?
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as much as European civilisation owes a lot to christian philosophy, we cannot forget (((who))) brought it
>white ethnostate
never going to happen
You choose to be a Christian. You cannot be born as a Christian.
>we cannot forget who brought it
The Caesar? Surely not (((the people))) that killed Jesus and tried to cover up His story.
Are you familiar with CI? It says the White race is the only people capable of going to heaven and that the Jews are the spawn of Satan or something along those lines.
It needs that Protestant work ethic.
People forget until Vatican 2, this was a core tenant of the Catholic church: the Jew betrayed and called for Jesus' crucifixion, in spite of Pontius Pilot's pleas.
Christianity is a personal choice. The state cannot mandate it.
Is this loss?
Christianity is an effect of an ideological conflict between kikes.
Oh, I'm sure Jesus, Peter, Paul and the rest of the Kikesquad went to hell
like burning the library of Alexandria kek
I feel the people will easily get behind it's message.
Christianity is a religion that all nations should adopt,
You can be baptized at birth
that's our end goal brother
Christianity isn't white
Although Christianity might be a little different between nations i.e. Italian, Irish, and Mexicans all are Roman Catholic and accept the same doctrines, but you can tell a difference between them
kys jews
And what happened after Vatican 2?
Although you can not be born with a certain ideology you can be raised by parents who do not give you the freedom to choose your own religion. there are plenty of people who will try to force their children to be what their parents want them to be. it is in this way that you can be "born christian" by being brainwashed to believe that it is the one truth and believing in anything else is wrong.
But it had a major influence on European thought and philosophy for 1700 years
>the first Christians were polytheist converts
You're a fool.
Look where this influence leaded them.
Jews are not that favored in early Christianity
The parable of the tenants makes it clear the Jews are cut off from Gods grace
That picture is triggering me because the shadows cast by the stones don't reflect the shadow that is being cast by the cross.
I know it's another (((cartoon))) but the artist must've not put enough thought into this.
no because Christianity has already shown itself to be susceptible to huge cucking
Acceptance that religion is pointless is the real way forward
True morality comes from belief that everything you do should be to honor the nation-state
Preach something better, my friend.
Otherwise, you are no better than the Jew, who makes an obsession about finding fault.
To the moon
no it should be salafist islam
what do you mean exactly?
it looks correct to me
Romans were the first Christians. Jesus was crucified by Roman law. You need to read the bible.
No, we should worship nature, and our morals should be founded on rationalism and solidified by a state generated civil code.
Only because of the reformation
When cucks interpreted the bible to suit them
>astronauts put a cross on the moon
Try hatred of authoritarian governments
Only by demand of the Jews
religion is for weak people
>honoring God, what a cuck
>let's honor a violent corrupt man-made cabal of power-hungry thieves and liars instead
Christian Identity is a highly autistic worldview.
They used the physics and math of scientists who many were strong in there faith i.e. Newton
>violent corrupt man-made cabal of power-hungry thieves and liars instead
You mean the Church?
Don't worship anything as it can lead to a lack of independence.
>our morals should be founded on rationalism and solidified by a state generated civil code.
this sounds like a genuinely good idea.
Only Catholic and Orthadox should be acceptable.
Protestantism is degenerate.
>gay marriage
>gay priests
>women priests
>niggers singing and clapping
>paid "oh lawdy i can walk now" shills
>"""Christian""" self help books
>denying all science because bible is taken literally
>believe in Jesus and fuck all else = gateway to Heaven
You can say that about a lot of things, John. Care to elaborate?
Newton's faith is irreverent to his career and achievements. If he was so religious he would've been a monk.
>God = the church
nope. In fact, the whole story of Jesus is about what happens when the spirit of God goes up against the powers of church and state
By your logic all Christians should be monks
Gregor Mendel the father of genetics was a priest
No such thing as separation of church and state
Yes. Just neglect the cucked parts of the religion because they never really resonated with the people.
?? how is this relevant to my post
>mommy why did daddy die?
it was gods plan user
>what happens when we die?
once we die we go ta a happy place where we can see everyone we loved.
this is why religion exists, to help weaklings cope with death and anything they can't understand/don't want to accept.
t. Zachary Hale Comstock
fuck me
> catholic
Christianity is a semitic religion alien to the values and character of people of European descent, it masquerades weakness as virtue. Hitler was right about Christianity.
Fuck that guy.
And there is more.
It's a semetic religion but the best form of it. It's not like we will suddenly become odinists again too, so I don't see why not.
This. People paint Christianity as unfit because of the virtues of kindness, but lack the understanding that the core of christianity is crucial for the inner workings of the society. The defense we need to enact is protecting Christendom. There is nothing wrong with defending this belief system when its under attack, but we should use its virtues within the society we seek
>And what happened after Vatican 2?
Jew/Communists took over with their relativism.
The Church became modern, and ecumenical.
Hence, Pope Francis.
>Ascribing every Protestant denomination to a uniform set of values.
Gays are sinners and we don't marry them in my church, not do they become clergy. The Protestant Reformation happened entirely because of the inherent evil of men combined with the concentration of power into a closed off hierarchy.
>B-b-but m-muh Pope...
How's that working out right now? How many Muslim migrants is he shilling for in Christian Europe while disregarding the spiritual health of the church? If you want to stop Europe from becoming a Caliphate, then you're gonna need to set aside your grievances with Protestants for the time being until Islam is eliminated. Bigger fish to fry.
Anything less is just divide and conquer shit being pushed on Christendom from outside forces.
Explicit CI would never work on a mass scale but some sort of völkisch Christianity is the West's most functional religious option.
Moon was 50+ years ago. How about being overrun by muslims and chinks?
I think that is too divisive. Having Christianity as the official religion would then beg the question of which denomination is the proper one for a white person to follow.
Keep religion out of the government.
When did I claim to be Catholic? I could very well be Orthodox. Most true Catholics don't consider him a valid Pope, anyway.
That's the problem with Protestantism. You can take any interpretation you want and follow it because "well I like this one best". At least Catholics and Orthodox have rules to prevent this shit from happening. Even though Catholics follow the Papacy, at least they're following someone versed in the scripture instead of Jimmy's down-syndrome cousin who created his own branch of Protestantism because he didn't like how Jesus's life was wrongly interpreted by the other 500 branches.
Oh nvm
we fought for 80 years to not be spanish-catholic so I say it's worth it to not enforce religious laws.
I find it much better to respect someone who is Christian because they know Jesus.
A very Richard Dawkins way of viewing how Christians view the afterlife.
It's like we are back in Sunday school again
As soon as pope confesses that RCC collaborated with Nazis and Fascists.
Christianity understands that society can't function i.e. "Slaves be obedient to your masters, and give to the poor" without class cooperation. If you read your Old Testament, you would see that most of the main characters were of a warrior class or atleast fought in battles
Modern Christianity is different than the old way, due to infiltration of liberals and dispensationalist
> something-something-different, not real [insert christianity, communism, whatever failed ideology]
Christianity is weak and based on stupid populace.
The new testament has been written and influenced so much by greeks that it's pretty much western at this point.
>Western Europe abandons Christianity (the one where Jesus publicly whips people for desecrating his temples).
>Goes to shit and gets trampled underfoot by everyone else.
>Most of Eastern Europe doesn't.
That gives maximum activation of the almonds there.
No, everyone should be agnostic
>*Most of Eastern Europe doesn't and doesn't suffer the same problems.
There are many conservative Christians. It's the liberal ones that get the press attention
The Catholic catechism is still the same before Francis took his position
Protip: Rome
Than were doth thee derive our morals
USA will always be satanic.
Christianity is incompatible with ethninationslism. You can't subscribe to a religion that says all the foreign hordes are your brothers and you need to help them while wanting keep the foreugn hordes out and leave them to their own devices, that promotes weakness and poverty while striving for the strength and prosperity of your people.
Great. Sort this shit out in your Christianity.
I want to see proper religious butthurt and clarification about who is who there.
Yep it should. You cant build thriving society without moral code keeping everybody in check and without some kind of spirituality.
The effect of secularization and abandonment of our fathers faith is the degeneracy that surrounds us.
Christianity is jewish trick meme is only spouted by kike himself.
There is no white culture without Jesus, despite you like it or not, we all are children of his teachings.
Well I can't speak for Protestants they have to deal with their own heresys
It already did happen and kikes fucked it all up.
It is a tool kike use to control goys. Paganism is the religion of Whites
But the negroes who spill over from Africa are Christians. Will you accept them as your brothers?
Protestantism is for liars and thieves.
no, it should be paganism
If they are Christians, than they would understand that nations have borders
Romans 13 role of government
Christ only founded one church
Worshipping creation and not the creator
>There is no white culture without Jesus
Let's play "spot the retard"
Yeah. And sacked Roman empire with it.
Protestantism (i.e. Lutheranism) along with Anglicanism were political ploys to decentralize the power of the Pope/Church