"A future of peace and diversity"
Google once again pushing white genocide
Other urls found in this thread:
>no nazis
it's almost as if they were homogenously degenerate
Yes hitherto all the different clans and peoples of the world were united in peace and prosperity. Certainly peoples of different races and creeds never quarreled with one another in all of human history.
Is the black kid fondling the black guy, or?
Do street shitters take kindly to being made into gay tranny caricatures?
(((They))) always end up tossing everyone and everything under the bus don't they?
>Islam still exists
Diversity is laughable. They want a bunch of ideologies, religions, and races, some of which are naturally conflictive, to coexist in the same place? The cognitive dissonance is unreal in these people who think that this would ever work.
A future where America is 12.5% Christian. What could go wrong?
I'm surprised they included one
>wake up
>see this on google's home page
>lmao my ass off
>immediately come to Sup Forums for the shit storm threads
I love you guys no homo
i just found it a canadian drew this.
>the cripple white cuck eyeing the BBC alpha with the petite Christian white girl
>they included a white christian
Honestly they might be improving.
god fucking damn why is always us
No she's from Connecticut
Really? To me she looks like an Asian with hair dye.
Damn i love being a white male. I will be an attraction in 30 years and make easy money
Filthy jews making the muslim a manlet chink and the jew blue eyed qt
Can't wait to gas them along with the mentally deranged homos and genderfags
shutup faggot you know this is some bullshit
sticking things up your ass, taking estrogen pills and SCIENCE! are on the same level of religion
The only white male has his arms cut off.
Exactly, I was lmaoing at Jewgle's blatant cultural Marxism and the fact that I have a place where I can go immediately to see people noticing and discussing it
Same thing
I see 4/8 kids being white which represents the demographics of America in that age group.
>jew and tranny get the front/center
>handicapped off to the side
>pretending muslims/jews/christians will ever get along in their projected dystopian utopia
muslims and christians have some fragrance of hope between them in the Armageddon
but pretty sure they would EVER allow a jew to get near them is just silly.
peace is war.
What do you expect of Jewgle?
Falling this low for a bunch of snowflakes
God damn it and then I go on Spotify and see pic related too
LOL the only white guy there is a faggot...
If I was an alien race and that was the only thing I have seen from the earth, I would annihilate the fuck out of that shit planet.
Notice the devil horns they make in the background.
Tthey know exactly whom they are serving.
She spelled GOOGLE with all the religions!
We should all do what google says!
Look at the devil horns in the background.
Fuck niggers tho
>nothing new guys..
>white male is a rainbow FAG
>white female surrounded by nigger males
>three apparently "white" guys
>either gay or crippled
>science is a religion
>science is represented by a black guy
>token wheelchair guy like a 90s social studies textbook
>random guy with a cane for some reason
Google doing comedy gold yet again.
Came looking for this thread.
I guess in the "peaceful and diverse" future there are no blonde people. I
So which one is oriental? The sitting guy with the anime eyes?
>must be challenging to draw racial stereotypes without using racial stereotypes
>muslim hoverhanding the fag to the left of her
>white Christian female paired with only heterosexual, able-bodied male, who is black
There isn't even a straight white male.
Why the fuck is being a tranny/fag the same as religion to libtards?
nice catch
If it were white genocide, wouldn't there be no whites in the picture? Why are you guys so sensitive? Everything is a fucking Holocaust with you people.
> in the future, the only living white men are crippled who survived a terror attack and the pleasure boys who are replacing goats in the islamic culture
Really makes you think.
Us Irish suffered too, why do people think all whites have never seen any adversity?
Because deep down they recognize that even if you're predisposed to being a fag/tranny/muslim, it's ultimately your choice whether you really want to be one or not.
nice catch
This is why you don't use Jewgle
>no east asian representation
once again the liberals show how much they don't care about east asians
B-but there's minorities on m-m-m-my jewggle
Where is the Satanist? Does Google not want to unite all religions?
when will the shills learn degenerates are not peaceful
>Niggers still exist
>Islam still exists
Really roasted my onions
Pluralism is heresy
Is that the mass-energy equation (e=mc^2)? Don't understand that one. Guess the rainbow G is for homsexuality, while the male/female symbol is for transgender?
>muslim and gay together
nope.. see
theres a future
From left to right.
Steven. Was beaten up by a bunch of niggers and ended up paralyzed.
Frank. Adopted by two husbands. His fathers, Ken and Bob made Frank realize at the age of 2 that he was gay as well.
Fatima. Finally managed to get in between the faggot and the Jew. Now all that's left is to press the button.
Ester, Located in the middle, so she can keep a close eye on things. It's good te be in control.
Juan/Juanita. Born a girl, became a boy and now self-identifies as a hamster,
Mary. Wishes she was with other normal white people instead of this freak show.
Tyrone. Just got admitted to the Bloods.Can't wait to kill other niggers and blame whitey. Thinks he's smart 'cause he remembers part of Einsteins formula of Relativity.
Ed. Teacher. Has given up on the whole bunch. Will soon emigrate to Uruguay.
(That isn't a cripple)
I've made an improved version of the doodle
>Those crippled small white males at the back needing support
add jew's shadow in their behind?
>A picture with five white people in it
>White genocide
Pick one
3 disabled white, 1 jew, 1 chink
Aww man you beat me to it.
>muslim and a jew next to each other
I suddenly noticed that several of the people in the background are holding up the devil's horns.
>want to be super progressive
>actually be extremely antisemitic and sexist by giving the Jewish woman a huge nose
Note the horns between white Christian girl and le science black kid.
Hey I made a post of this first
Moot works for google, we have a man on the inside.
all according to keikaku.
The AI has taken note of you...
The jewish right in the center.
Watcha doing rabbi?
>one is in a wheelchair
>the other has a cane
>none of them have a letter attached to them meaning they're irrelevant
>the only one who does is gay and effeminate
It's almost like a joke. Jewgle is at it again. It's sad that some people still can't see the agenda, even on Sup Forums.
why do libs always draw blacks with thin lips and narrow noses?
>tfw no christian qt lewds
I'm not a radical Muslim. I just believe in flying horses.
>only white guy is always a ditzy gay
>only white woman is always located between two blacks/browns
>now we get an old white man/lady looking concerned about it, or grinning in pleasure, not sure
>Google once again pushing white genocide
Fuck off retard.
The smallest looking one is a little white girl that also happens to be the only one wearing a skirt and is sandwiched by two nigs.
>Really makes you think
Pic related - the teen who drew this shit