What the hell is autism? Somebody school me
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something made up to make parents of retarded children feel better.
Teach us your ways.
It's a neuropsychological disorder wherein your senses don't filter enough information to your brain. Basically there are parts of the autistic brain that are over-developed and other parts that are under-developed (often social skills).
>something made up to make parents of retarded children feel better.
Autism has nothing to do with IQ.
it's a superpower
A person who is conditioned to believe that they're somehow weird or something is wrong with them because they don't submit to society
>Nothing to do with IQ
Autism waries a lot, you can be so brain damaged all you do is scream and nobody can communicate with you. Or you can have Sup Forums autism, you may not be able to socialize but at least you can control yourself.
It's the way to be user.
>Autism has nothing to do with IQ.
Autism can have a lot to do with development.
Sure your x year old child may have the same IQ as another child the same age, but if you have any mental disorder. Eventually your full range IQ will suffer.
Since IQ test differ from test to test.
I love Julia.
first of all, pretty much what this guy said
but to elaborate on that, the reason that autism is so debilitating is that the brain of an autist simply cannot appropriately prioritize stimuli, which means that if you were autistic, it would be impossible for you to tell which was more important: your mother's voice, or the bug outside the window, or the way your chair feels, or the color of one of your toys in the corner, or the sound of the wind in the windowscreen. Because of this inability to tell which stimuli are important, autistic children have extreme difficulty learning how to be human from other humans, because their words and actions simply do not stick out as being more important than all of the millions of other things to pay attention to. This is why they come out seeming retarded and detached from other people -- they can't feel any human connection because that feeling of connection is something you build by interacting with others, which they never learn to do.
it's the day to day mental condition of the average Sup Forums poster.
Isn't this basically like shutting down your feelings?
autism detected
Autism doesn't correlate to IQ is my point. Yes, it can hamper personal development and potential but it doesn't dictate how smart you are.
>This is why they come out seeming retarded and detached from other people -- they can't feel any human connection because that feeling of connection is something you build by interacting with others, which they never learn to do.
They can feel human connection, sometimes too much. That's why their brains sort of shut down emotionally, especially in emotional situations with lots of other people around them. It's sort of like not having a firewall for how other people's emotions can affect you.
That generally only occurs when the person is taught how to pay attention to emotions in a person though.
Autism is a fucking plague and it sucks to have it.
Not really, not at all. Autistic people have feelings, but their feelings are really just another stimulus coming from inside of them, which has to compete for attention wit everything else. Do you know how sometimes you have a bug crawling on you and you don't realize it? or how you can be so focused on a game that you don't hear what someone's saying to you? Autists simply cannot do those things. ALL of the stimuli available to them are equally 'loud' and demanding of attention. They still have emotions, but the emotions don't get expressed in functional ways because there is no way for them to understand where the emotion is coming from and what it is related to. Whereas a normal kid learns to say "I'm hungry" to his mother, an autist might continue to scream into empty space when hungry until his teens or even into adult life because he can never learn "which thing is it that I'm doing that makes the food come? Is it the person here, or is it when I stand a certain way, or is it when the TV is on, or...."
autism is code word for retard
I should actually issue a correction here: Autists sometimes DO show intense focus on a particular stimuli like a game simply because it feels good to finally have everything else tuned out, but they also cannot simply choose for that stimulus to be a useful one. Games and other unnerving repetitive behaviors, like opening and closing doors can help calm them down by "quieting" the stimulus noise their brains get.
Autism is the new way of saying retarded.
But autism comes from some traits that also make the IQ higher, such as the ability to concentrate on a particular thing, to think abstractly, to be very unsure of your thoughts, to always perceive threats from anything.