Other urls found in this thread:
>Trump making millennial losers get jobs, so they disapprove
>Obama ridicules Trump for being so hated
>Obama looks at his own approval rating after 8 years
trump has had war declared on him by the people who own the media. its pretty impressive actually that 38% of people are woke enough to realize the media is fucking bullshit. id say that is something to be proud of
obama was at 39% with the media praising his every nigger move
Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Called a racist, a traitor. Most people are rational and goodhearted, and they know a man like that has no business in the highest office. To say nothing of the marginalized and persecuted minorities who will flock to support to the woman who promises them a brighter future. Go to your neighbor and tell them you support Trump. Then watch as they slam the door in your face.
I'm serious. Go out in public and see what happens when you make your political views public to your social circles. Your family, your friends and your co-workers.
You will be an outcast in days while liberal views are accepted as the norm.
bump for truth!
and now that Trump will make it legal for internet providers to sell your internet search history, how worried are you POL?
range ban when?
>obama was at 39% with the media praising his every nigger move
Fuck, looking at it that way that's fucking shameful on Obama's part, you had the mass media sucking your dick and you managed to fall below 50?!
JESUS CHRIST, looks like Tim Horton's is running a nice P.C. commercial up in Canada. Makes me sick.
Thumbs down
are you that serb that was a hillshill during the election?
I swear you're the same guy
Lol obamas went down to 39 with the media sucking his cock all day every day
you won't be able to stop the anti-SJW wave
the next generation will destroy all the millennial starbucks cucks that you wish you were
they couldn't stop him being elected despite giving him negative coverage 24/7 for the entire cycle. you didn't see the writing on the wall then, and that's why he won. and you still don't.
right now people are just waiting until they are safe from autistic SJW screeching when they voice their views. the moment people know they are the vast majority, your ideology will be destroyed
better change it because you're going to have to be accepted eventually. libcuckery will not live to 2025
FTFY, Trump is actually Dumbledore.
The thing is those kind of numbers usually take a couple years to get to.
It took Trump two months.
Unless a miracle happens his approval rating is only going to keep going down until only the die-hard trump supporters, who will never abandon him, are left.
Yeah and they said he had no chance of winning either. Polls are memes
This article says Obama is leaving with a 44% disapproval rate while Trump has a 47% disapproval rate. A 3% difference.
Be honest, are you one of those people that listens to the general 'feel' of the article without actually reading anything?
didn't you learn your lesson from the election?
I love how barely winning an election has you faggots thinking that this is your world now. Him winning was a fluke of liberals getting too comfy and letting their guard down.
The right is going to get fucking annihilated next election because all the liberals, which greatly outnumber conservatives by the way, are all fucking PISSED and getting organized.
For the past couple decades, the only thing beating liberals was their own apathy, and that blocker is now gone.
>Polls show Trump has no chance of winning the general election
>Polls show Obama has 50+% Approval
>Despite this the candidate Obama endorsed didn't win.
REALLY makes me think.
What's the third option in this poll?
Can you not approve and at the same time not disapprove?
>Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Called a racist, a traitor.
didnt know serbia was a city in the US
I am so tired of explaining this to retards. Very few polls said it was impossible for him to win, and the ones that did were shit. Most said his chances of victory were about 5% or less.
I still hold to it, that really was his chance to win, he simply hit that sweet spot and flipped exactly what he needed to flip.
Remember that the polls weren't far off at all when it comes to final vote counts, just that nobody thought a near 3 million lead would lead to a defeat for Hillary.
you just can't see the writing on the wall
you think there's some kind of anti-anti-SJW wave as strong as what I'm talking about?
no. everyone on the internet laughs at you. you are relegated only to reddit and neogaf echo chambers where everyone who disagrees is banned. anywhere with open expression has the anti-SJW view dominating. SJW views cannot tolerate criticism because the entire philosophy is weak and built on nothing but feelings and shame tactics
leftists are done. the left will be completely transformed until it resembles nothing like it is today. it will completely separate itself from sjwery and communism, so you can either change your views or you can look forward to being a relic of a past age
just wait until the next time you try to run a candidate on the diversity platform. this time you barely lost, with the entire media on your site. this time you will lose in a landslide
Yea guys talk to real people like Genius city dwellers or serbians not rural and suburban retards. Drumpf is getting impeached and this time we mean it
pretty much.
Also this is such a copout train of thought. Vote prediction and approval rating are not the same thing. Just because major outlets were off once doesn't mean you can live in a safe little bitch bubble ignoring all polls in the future.
Actually go ahead, nothing is wrong and God emperor is on the up swing and all love his golden cock! Next time an election comes don't worry about voting because daddy trump obviously has the american people on his side! MAGA!
>>Only polled people wearing "I'm with Hillary" shirts in California metro
>>Forgot about 95% of the country who isn't in California
What the fuck bro, we were doin' so good. drumf is hitler guys, like on TV.
>the polls weren't far off at all when
t. Nate Aluminium
My name is Donald Trump... I approve this message
The polls weren't wrong. The voter turnout analysis was.
Trump is hated. Change the subject all you want, but nationwide approval polls are still accurate.
Fuck off snowflake
Change your proxy next time you try to post in your own thread Judas. Christ they aren't sending their best shills anymore.
Polls are not intended to measure public opinion.
They are meant to influence it.
Still clinging to those pills I see.
kek I never even liked him. He was a better pick than Hillary though.
Also, he recently cut off funding to sanctuary cities and the poorest nations on earth.. gaining my approval!
Oh yeah the left is done. I'm sure those massive protests which completely dwarf the trump demonstrations are just fake news.
And I do see the writing on the wall, it says "Oops I wasn't paying attention and now a retard is president, can't let that happen next time!"
Lel, this is propaganda
Ur mad
lol serbs are pretty much a step below snow niggers. I love how all these (((Polls))) don't show the demographics of their sample. Media poll shows that they feel trump doesn't treat them fairly
new poll shows this
new poll shows that
I would say 40% of pol hates him too
That flag
Ahahahaha holy shit mate. You are still posing anti Trump threads even after all the posts you made leading up to the election.
I really hope you are at least paid for your effort otherwise, it is very very sad.
I'm not going to defend all of them because it became a shit show near the end, but most of the polls were legit and damnit especially Gallup.
A bit, yeah.
>Vote prediction and approval rating are not the same thing
>He SERIOUSLY believes the same methodology isn't used for just about any poll
>Go to supermarket
>Who are you voting for, woman with an "I'm with her" shirt?!"
>"Do you approve of Trump's presidency with that #Resist bumper sticker?!?!"
You're a fucking moron dude, you lost, suck it the fuck up.
Nope. Liberal cumdrinkers got annihilated because they completely lost the message and now represent nobody. We also didn't "barely" win shit, it was a landslide. The fact that millions of dead people and spics in California voted for Hillary doesn't mean dick.
We will continue to win and humiliate criminal leftists, which is good. They deserve humiliation and they are doubling down on their creationist-tier politics.
Of course polls are bullshit when you make up the most retarded stories for how they functioned. That is so damn lazy, I can make up stories too but I'm not some retard who can't handle the world around me and have to invent a new reality with my autism friends to be happy.
I voted Hillary because I thought she low-key hates niggers more than Donald desu
So user, why should I trust polls again?
Millions of dead people voted? Millions? If was really was millions you think we would have found evidence of that?
I think millions of aliens came down from planet cuck and voted for trump. Prove me wrong kek
Oh hey there's one now!
Remember when (((polls))) said that Hillary had a 98% chance to win?
>and have to invent a new reality
I don't have to, Donald won.
You on the other hand have to defend any transgression and embarrassment that the left generates because you're retarded and can't live without your brown people.
America will be great again, America will be for Americans again.
Move to Sweden you fucking cuck.
>Criminal Leftists riot
>This means the left has power huu huu huu
lol, nope. Libshits can riot and scream all they want, the reality is on election day, they have no strategy to retake PA. We've got them on the ropes and now they're bashing their teeth out on the table corner like it's a real strategy.
Newsflash: It doesn't matter how many coastal liberal retards vote, those states are already blue. If you can't appeal to the rural states you will never win another election. Doubling down on anti-white rhetoric is the kiss of death for the criminal DNC.
Millions of Mexicans AND Dead people. And since we have Democrat agents on camera boasting about rigging the election... It's actually you who have to prove me wrong.
Now go pick up all those teeth I just slapped out, and get ready to lose again in 2018, and then again in 2020.
Is this the same poll that said Trump had a 2% chance of winning?
obama's poll numbers were likely lower than that, people just didn't want to look racist to pollsters
>polls say Hillary will win in a landslide
>still believing MSM polls
Do the human genome a favor and kys.
It would be cool to own slaves tbqh don't be gay
>no one
Pick one retard
Libtard wynne the premier of ontario has had approval ratings under 10% and it's hovering at around 10% right now so 38% isn't too bad - that sounds about the size of his loyal base
The entire thread is about inventing a new reality because you don't believe the polls saying that Trump is hated.
I'm not sitting here saying he isn't my president, I'm not the delusional snowflake in this situation.
Also winning the presidency doesn't mean America automatically adheres to your worldview. The liberals didn't all magically disappear, all of us are still here and we aren't going anywhere.
It jumped up 3%, that's interesting, Why? The only thing that has happened last few days is Michael Flynn offering his story for immunity and the Republican party fucking up internet privacy.
There's plenty of evidence outside of Sup Forums to suggest that there's been a real rise in nationalism and right-wing populism across the west.
>Democrats losing the Senate
>SD polling first in Sweden
>PVV gaining seats in the Netherlands
Now the question is, will the Left learn from their mistakes and actually do something about the fact that they're losing popular support? Or will they double down on the things that made people dislike them in the first place? I mean, only someone who's been completely out of touch with politics in the last few years would think that the SJW crap hasn't driven people away from the left. But, astonishingly, you and others like you seem to think there's nothing wrong with your current trajectory and that there's still some kind of growing support for leftism and multiculturalism. What reality are YOU living in to think that?
I'm sure all the rural states will keep voting red once Trump gets rid of their healthcare and lets the coal companies poison their water.
2018 and 2020 is going to be a bloodbath, I agree, but it isn't going to be the liberals bleeding.
>The liberals didn't all magically disappear, all of us are still here and we aren't going anywhere.
If you seriously don't believe that the "Antifa" shit and the rioting won over and of the moderates (50% of people didn't bother to vote if I'm remembering correctly), you're an idiot, liberals are doing for more damage to their image than good, if you seriously believe most people you convince to vote aren't going to be people voting to stop the lunacy I'll be seeing your impotent "REEEEEEEEEE" here in 4 more years.
It's definitely a proxy. Serbs hate the Clintons.
Oh there is absolutely a current rise in Nationalism worldwide, I won't deny that and shit if it isn't fascinating to watch it happen in my lifetime.
I really have no idea how it'll go down in those countries. Over here though? We didn't elect some mastermind nationalist hero, so far Trump's administration barely functions and is already mired in scandal after scandal, and is completely chained by our vast bureaucracy strangling it to death. I don't see how getting a taste of this disfunction is going to spur even more people to vote for Trump and the right.
It needed to actually work, so far it isn't working. Trump was a cool concept that people bought into, but if the reality doesn't match then what?
Thank you for changing your ip, miss serbian.
Antifa doesn't represent all liberals, and I don't agree with what they do.
Yeah, and Clinton had a 99% chance of being POTUS. Do you still believe these polls, user? How gullible can you be?
What a credible analysis you managed to cobble together after 4 months.
Dem niggers gave Obama 8 years of a do nothing presidency and still make excuses for him.
Trump is smarter than the elected Dems trying to stop him, all he needs is one opening, hope you're prepared for "Hope and change" nigger to get humiliated.
Yeah, I'll give Trump credit once he actually accomplishes something big, even if I don't agree with it you have to give kudos to getting anything of consequence through this government.
But as of today, it's just a shitfest of constant failures. They didn't even get Healthcare reform to a vote. They don't even have a real plan B aside from giving up. That is fucking insane.
The polls didn't say that, the analysts did.
You realize the democrats fucked themselves by not replacing the ACA right?
Given enough time it's going to burst, big league, and it isn't going to be on Trump's hands. Trump's just going to say "I told you so" and it will drive Liberals up the fucking wall.
Reminder they changed ip after people pointed it out. He's not even American.
He's serbian.
He also has no idea what he's talking about. "polls impossible he will win and 5%"
He thinks 5% isn't basically impossible.
Trump won. It was rigged against him. Us normal people wanted him.
He has done things for us already. Bernie would have never done one thing yet because he never worked until 50 or so.
Clinton is a warmongerer.
Trump is helping economy.
Whyou would we not choose him?
Polls showed clinton would win and she won the popular vote and was within the margin of error for the states she lost in the electoral college. Polls aren't perfect but they're all we got.
It's risky to let something fail, which you control, which will get people killed. If poor old trump votes get stuck without insurance and are in dire trouble, Trump saying "sorry couldnt fix it blame the powerless democrats" it probably won't help him.
If Republicans poll at 75-80% and Democrats drop from 25% to 15% because they live in a hysterical echo chamber, this is how you get polls like this. It's also why Obama ended up at 38%; Republicans approval was in single digits, Democratic approval was mostly stable
I'm not the serb fuck.
At the same rate as Obama
You aren't being honest. On election night, Clinton was projected to have 98% chance to win. You are a sap. The media thinks it's still 1992, and that they can shape public opinion with phony polls. Saps like you still fall for it.
Trump underperforming doesn't mean that independents will suddenly run into the arms of Democrats. You guys tried this strategy last time. Hillary wanted people to vote for her solely on the basis of not being Trump. Hillary's campaign was more anti-Trump than pro-Hillary. You pointed at Trump's vision for the future and said, "we're not that!" without putting forth your own vision for the future that people could be inspired by. You counted on people being so disgusted by Trump that they would have no choice but to vote for you.
And, so far, it doesn't look like Democrats are learning from this at all, and are instead doubling down on the SJWisms, blaming the election results on racism and xenophobia and 'whitelashes' and what have you, and think that if they just pay John Oliver to tell a few more snarky jokes then everything will go back to being like 2012 with Trump being a minor roadblock on the way to perpetual Democrat rule. Keep trying that if you wish, but I'm not convinced it will work out for you.
where did it say that?
>i'm an american
>i've never been asked my opinion ever
Yeah, totally trust that these are accurate.
It said that everywhere. It was a running theme.
Chance to win does not equal actual vote counts. The vote counts were always within a few million of each other.
It was just the people looking at the numbers and saying, wow Trump has almost no chance to win with those numbers, and THAT is what was wrong, not the polls themselves.
Everywhere, moron. The times tracking was at 90% well into the night. Clinton lost, moron. And she lost because people hate her crooked ass.
Calm down faggot
The reason it didn't work for Hillary is because Trump had no actual record, so saying "look how shit he is" didn't work, there were no actual examples aside from momentary fuck-ups.
Now he has a record, and it is shit.